Chapter 5300 First time

When the vehicles stopped, the female soldiers subconsciously slammed the rifle that was originally in their hands to the front. The ten female soldiers were divided into four directions. The peacekeepers who had received the notice in the car had jumped down. They have entered combat preparation.

The female soldiers from the first women’s special forces in China, their sensitivity to the surrounding environment is beyond the imagination of the male soldiers.

Along with the summer, Xia Jinyuan, who was getting off the bus, saw the female soldiers who had set up their guns and entered the battle. They nodded in secret and were very satisfied with their mobility.

The peacekeepers who came to inform the female soldiers saw some accidents. They felt very relieved and raised their heads to inform the female squad leader Yang Zhen. “Yang Zhen, there is a situation ahead, you take the team and get off.”

“Yes!” Yang Zhen received the gun. The female soldiers who were responsible for the two warnings of the vehicle took the lead to get off. After they got off the bus, the two female soldiers responsible for the warning of the rear of the car jumped down, and then the two women who were in charge of the front of the car. Get off the soldiers.

Ye Jie, who came over, just happened to meet the two female soldiers who were in charge of the front of the car. When she got out of the car, she kept an eye on the reaction of the female soldiers. They saw that they had arranged and arranged to get off the bus. She approached all the women. Bing, “Yes, it was calm and it gave me a big surprise.”

Did not see the panic, only saw a soldier on the battlefield should have the calm, calm, just a retreat will let Ye Jian have greater confidence in the female soldiers.

“There was a situation ahead. The road to the city was blocked by unidentified people. It is still confirmed that if there is a problem, we will choose to return, and we will choose to engage in war.”

“The possibility of choosing to return is great. Here, we will not easily exchange fire with any party, including militants. As long as they do not have a confrontation with us, we will not take the initiative to exchange fire.”

After Ye Jian finished, Gao laughed and raised his own question. “Since we have a high possibility of returning, why didn’t we just go back directly and leave? How to get off?”

Gao Xiao has always been the wisdom of the team, the temper is anxious, but there is Qiu Yi looking forward to the two, the cooperation is quite tacit.

When she asked, the female soldiers looked at Ye Jian.

Oh, why do you have to get off?

Ye Jian refers to the small village in front. “Because there are residents living in Libya, the situation is not clear. We need to leave confirmation. If there is no problem, we will retreat. If there is any problem, we need to negotiate and negotiate.”

“Qiu Wei, you are staring at the high smile.”

“Yes!” Qiu Yu replied with a gun, and Gao laughed and dared to fight. The training ground could be desperate. If something would happen, she would also worry that Gao Xiao would fight.

Ten female soldiers were guarded by trucks. After more than a year of training, these female soldiers were no longer the same as before, and their eyes were many times stronger than before. The sun shone on their young faces, compared with their peers. Roughly many faces have the tenacity of the same age, like the cactus growing in the desert, the environment is worse, they can also face the wind and face the cold.

After fifteen minutes passed, the Zhongli over there turned around and finally contacted the government troops stationed not far from the village, and got a message that the lieutenant’s expression was instantly dignified.

“Summer Lieutenant Colonel, the village was suddenly blocked three days ago. Because there were no gunshots, the government army did not pay attention. The current situation in the village is unknown, and the government forces cannot provide effective information. They said that if circumstances permit, we hope that we will send troops. Go in and see.”

(End of this chapter)

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