Chapter 5426 shocked

Ye Jianzheng wants to open, Xia Jinyuan secretly pulls her. “Just know this place, let the driver send you in the past.” Transfer the driver to diverted to go to Danguiyuan.

The relieved V8 took the phone and the palm of his hand squatted on the thigh. He was nervous and said, “I don’t know what it will be. I used to care for me. I can’t take care of her. I can’t delay her.” I went back to look for her, and I don’t know if she will promise.”

“In case she didn’t agree? I was in the top of my heart, and I didn’t have any confidence in my heart.”

Let V8 go to Danguiyuan to see the parents, who would not agree, Ye Jian bowed his head and grinned.

“Seeing it later, she refused to promise that she would catch up with her promise, man, thick skin is fine.” Just finished the thigh, he was twisted by Ye Jian, twisted to Xia Jinyuan’s mouth and twitching, he is really telling the truth, or personally Practiced experience!

V8 feels that Xia Jinyuan has a reason to say that he is holding his fist and taking out the morale of the training ground. He said: “Yes, as long as she does not have a boyfriend, I will hunt my face with a thick face.”

“The front is her offensive, this time I should attack!”

Offensive… The driver who drove the car was teased into the mouth of the slobber and coughed several times.

Ye Jian actually wants to remind V8 that the girl he is going to chase is likely to have him to see his parents.

But Xia Jinyuan secretly pulled her, forget it, or not reminded.

The comrades of the Snowy Brigade love to play with you. I am immersed in such childish games. She will follow the crowd and do nothing special.

Dan Guiyuan, this can be… It’s a coincidence!

She and Xia Jinyuan intend to send the V8 to the guest house first, and then to the Dangui Garden.

It’s good now, not only can you see Grandpa in advance, but you can also see the scorpion that makes V8 nervous, so good!

V8 really didn’t know where the Dangui Garden was. When I got off at Danguiyuan, V8 saw that there was an armed police station, and immediately realized that the place was not too simple.

He thought that Dangui Garden is a hotel, restaurant and the like!

Qin Ying had been waiting for a long time, and when she saw her boyfriend, she got off the bus and greeted him. This time, it was the turn of Xia Jinyuan and Ye Jian who were scared.

It turned out to be Qin Xiu’s sister!

Xia Jinyuan did not know Qin Ying, and the two did not meet. However, after knowing that Qin Xiu was interested in Ye Jian, he learned about the Qin family and saw the photos of Qin Ying, so he recognized the woman who was welcoming. Qin Ying.

As for Ye Jian’s understanding of Qin Ying, it was also an accident. The airport met Qin mother and Du Jiayi. Then Qin Ying called and called Qin’s mother, and she and Qin Xiu’s eyebrows seemed to be no need to guess and she knew Qin. Repair relationship.

Just don’t know the name.

In the eyes of Qin Ying who came over, there was only V8. When I approached, I took a little bit of sight to the two people standing behind V8. One of them was all recognized!

The most important thing is that another… is still her girl who secretly loves.

The girl stood next to Xia Jia Lao Liu Xia Jin Yuan.

The distance between the two people is the distance between men and women at a glance. It also appears with the man she wants to marry. The shock of Qin Ying’s heart is much more than the summer and the present, and the leaf is much more brief!

The man she wants to marry is a special soldier! !

Then that…the summer girl and the girl who is secretly in love with her brother are not… Are they also special forces? !

Qin Sakura, who was shocked, couldn’t help but see Ye Jian’s eyes. On the way home with V8, he asked another question. V8 also did not conceal and directly told Qin Ying. The confirmed Qin Ying heart silently mourned for his younger brother Qin Xiu.

(End of this chapter)

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