Chapter 5427

It’s not the two brothers and sisters. The eyes of even the chosen people are the same. All the special forces are selected.

But the younger brother is not very lucky. The girl who is watching has a boyfriend, or a strong and powerful opponent of Xiajia Laoliu. Even if he has the heart to go to the corner, there is no chance of winning.

its not right.

Xia Jiake did not live here, Xiajia Laozi, the old lady can always live in Xiajia old house, then Xiajia Laoliu is going to take a girlfriend to go home?

I don’t know who to go to at home V8. He only knows that since he hit the car that leads to the mountain, he has a heart and a sigh of relief.

This is this… Where does this take him?

The inner heart is stunned, but in fact, the V8, who knows what to understand, does not ask, to confirm, he is afraid to ask himself… afraid of being a deserter.

Qin mother listened to her daughter’s introduction and looked at the officers who were suspected of being foreign friends. Qin mother really did not ask whether V8 was a foreigner based on her own good cultivation.

What the girlfriend should do is all done, and then I will see how the V8 who entered the house entered the eyes of the parents of Qin.

The scene of the war against the life and death of the V8 saw the Qin family’s elders, the head also sweats, hands sweating, and even the soles of the feet sweat.

He wanted to calm down, but… but he really couldn’t calm down. He was sitting on the sofa, and asked his father to be a good guy… it was the figure that appeared in his junior high school textbook!

The sneak peek at the bottom of the house is all honest and honest. The V8 is now a big enemy, no, no! He was not nervous when facing the enemy, but he was really nervous at this moment!

The honesty of V8 is very much like the love of Qin Laozi and Qin Lao’s wife. What kind of family can already let go, the most important character is good.

Besides, the young man is tall and looks good. He is very masculine and is the rank of lieutenant colonel. Nothing can be picked up except for the black one!

No smoking, no drinking, no playing cards, no object before, the family is clear, how is it worse? not bad! It’s not bad at all.

Mrs. Qin really feels that her granddaughter’s vision is better than her daughter-in-law!

Qin Ying, a man in his own position, can face the parents of Qin’s parents in the cold, and secretly gave Qin Xiu a sneak peek, indicating to say a few words outside.

“Do you know what girl you like is doing?” Qin Sakura asked. “Do you know nothing? I think she is beautiful and likes it?”

Man, the first thing is to see that a woman looks beautiful, even if Qin Xiu is her younger brother, he is also a man, and there are common problems that men have innate.

Women also like men who are handsome, and all humans are ill.

Qin Xiu, who had a slight brow in his eyebrows, did not answer the question. Instead, he asked: “Have you seen her before? See her when you pick up your boyfriend?”

This can be… really will focus.

Qin Sakura glanced at him. “Don’t show off IQ in front of my sister. Oh, no.” Qin Yingwei, the sight of Qin Xiu looked up and down again: “So, you know her identity?”

Both brothers and sisters are smart, and no answer is answered.

“I went out for a trip.” Qin Xiu suddenly lifted his foot. Just now his sister did see Ye Jian, and Ye Jian returned to Dan Guiyuan. She returned to Fu.

Taking a step, the next step became big and urgent. I saw two straight long legs and took two steps of Qin Ying, and walked on the snow.

(End of this chapter)

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