Chapter 5453, Nosy

If Ye Jian and Qin Xiuzhen have anything to do with each other, then Mrs. Li’s words will really leave a thorn in the heart of Mrs. Qin’s wife, who is the most disciplined and born of a big family, so that Mrs. Li will give her success and wish.

It can be a good relationship between the two, the older generation are all helping each other, with a deep love of revolutionary friendship, friendship is deep enough to his family is his own business, became a family.

Then, Mrs. Lai jumped out and provoked to be ridiculous, like a clown.

The politeness of Mrs. Qin’s face was closed, and the sight of Mrs. Li’s eyes was cold and cold. The hard air of the older generation spread out, and Du Jiayi couldn’t help but suddenly stand out.

She was close to Mrs. Li and her voice was lowered to the point where only the mother and daughter could hear it. “Mom, don’t say it. The monk will please the old man, I see the old lady like her very much. Let’s talk about it.” Also let the old lady resent her heart.”

Mrs. Li smiled, she naturally knew that the old lady would be more or less disgusted, but! She can’t help but think that her own younger brother is killed by the helpless little man who came out with a beautiful face.

“Jane Shantou, Qin Grandma needs to give you a class today. Let’s live in this world, we will always hear some gossip, there is nothing to say, there is a deliberate statement to please others, there is no intention to talk about it. However, people will be wrong, and they will be wrong. There is also a kind of poisonous person who wants to step on people to death. You are still young, and you still can’t know the awesome words and the slogans. If you encounter such a person in the future, you will either step on it or use the other person’s words as a whisper. Go back and give her a lesson.”

“Qin Grandma is a young man when he is young. Now he is old. Although his temper is a lot softer, this temper has not changed. Qin Grandma is treating you as a granddaughter, so you can’t be stepped on.”

“No father, no mother? No dependence? When we Qin Jiaquan is dead?”

Mrs. Li’s face was really ugly at this moment. Mrs. Qin’s wife said that she was poisoned, her heart was wrong, and she was bullied by a young man!

Well, I don’t regret being the old lady of the diplomatic family. If I say it, I will dig the meat in my heart like a knife.

Ye Jian, a small monk, really has the means to marry the Xiajia Laoliu, and married Qin Xiu, and also went to Qin Xiu to give her baby daughter, take her home as a baby!

Mrs. Li, who had a white face for a while, took a deep breath and thought about how to go down later.

When Ye Jian listened to this, she knew that Mrs. Qin was going to be her own. In fact, there was nothing for her. She was said that she was really not relieved, and there was no real harm at all. I like to say in front of the old lady, then let her go and talk.

The more you say, the more mistakes you make, the more mistakes you make, the less you are welcomed by the old lady, the more wrong you are.

It’s not myself who is suffering, but Mrs. Li.

“Qin Grandma…” Ye Jian just wanted to speak. Qin Xiu suddenly coughed and chopped off, and intentionally interrupted Ye Jian’s words, and said in a hurry: “Mrs. Li has a heart to come out to manage others, it seems that Li’s business Far from the headache that Mrs. Li said.”

“I have never solved my family affairs, and I can manage other people’s affairs. Mrs. Li, you are not doing chaos in the leisure, do you want to add chaos?”

(End of this chapter)

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