Chapter 5454 is uneasy

Mrs. Qin’s wife said that Mrs. Li was not able to directly refute it, because Mrs. Qin’s wife was talking about Ye Jian’s nephew. She did not name her name and said that she was angry and lost. The voice of Mrs. Qin’s wife admits that she is poisonous and her heart is not correct.

But Qin Xiu is different, Qin Xiu can refer to the name of the surname to threaten her.

“Qin Xiu, my mother and I are friends for many years. Your child seems to be really going to be against your mother. Hey, you young people, how good, but the eyes are still narrow, see people only Look at the beauty is not beautiful, but ignore the character is good.”

Mrs. Li still wants to talk about it, but since she has said it, she will simply say it, so that the old lady of Qin really thought she was broken and deliberately bullied the little monk.

She doesn’t bully the little monks, just tell the truth!

As for the Qin family, they will not listen to them. They will see that they are not worried. Their eyes are stunned and they only look at the hearts of a family.

“This Miss Ye, I have known for many years. I haven’t reported to my military school before retaliation for my uncle’s family. I first took my own cousin Ye Ying to the college entrance examination, and I was afraid that she would be troubled by her uncle’s uncle. I don’t know what it’s like to climb the Xiajia Laoliu and use the Xiajia as a protective umbrella.”

“Later, the second uncle fell. She mixed up with the water in the military school. Not only did she have a relationship with Xiajia Laoliu, but she turned her head and had a friendship with my nephew, Li Lannian. Fortunately, my nephew was in the army for many years. I have no time to take care of her, so far I have not taken her home to see the elders. Xiajia Laoliu is also in the army, I am afraid that the situation is the same as my big scorpion, playing a game, never thought of taking people home Go inside.”

“Old lady, even if the younger generation really offends you, the younger generation has to say something clearly. This Miss Ye can really do it, she is talented and looks good, plus smart, thoughtful, actually climbing. I went to the three brothers in Jingli, and now let Qin Xiu bring her to your home. The younger generation has a mouthful. The bridge you walked through is much more than the path that the younger people have traveled, but be careful. “”

Mrs. Li said that Ye Jian was described as a water-based flower, one foot on three boats, which one went higher, which was a mind-thinking woman who had sharpened her head and went home.

Unfortunately, she did not expect that Li Xiaonian was the brother of Ye Jian, Ye Jian was the granddaughter of Fu Jia, Xia Jia had already regarded Ye Jian as a grandson, Qin Jia liked Ye Jian, and also regretted because of no fate. .

Therefore, her words not only did not affect Ye Jian, but also made Mrs. Qin intensify his determination to stay away from Du and Li.

They are all sixty years old, and they still like to play with the right and wrong. At the end, they also have a good face for others. Qin Lao’s wife is really not good.

“Mrs. Li, you said so much, I want to let me know that Jane is not a good one. I like it, Jane is a good one. And Mrs. Li, hey, Mrs. Li’s kindness, I really don’t. I dare to accept, I can’t hear the words that I can’t hear. We don’t have any friendship with the Du family and Lijiaben. Later, Mrs. Li still cares about our Qin family.”

After that, Mrs. Qin’s wife told Qin Xiu, “Small child, Jane Shantou has been with me for so long, I have never had a hot drink, you go to the nurse to pour a cup of hot water to Jane, don’t thirst for her.”

(End of this chapter)

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