Chapter 5455 Strength Face

Ginger is still old and spicy. The opening makes Mrs. Li’s face change several times. She said that Ye Jian is not a good one. Qin Lao’s wife has to tell her grandson to take care of Ye Jian, which makes Mrs. Li not angry. ?

Du Jiayi liked Qin Xiu for so long, but never had a glass of water in Qin Xiu’s hands!

The old lady, Mrs. Li, was okay, her face was calm, and she even showed a smile to hide her inner anger. She said so much, but the other party did not feel at ease, and even came directly to hit her face, if she continued, she would only be beaten by Mrs. Qin.

Well, there is also a face of identity. Mrs. Li did not say more, only said one thing, “The old lady is really open-minded, not what we can compare.”

Mrs. Qin’s wife smiled and was very recognized.

Du Jiayi, who is next to him, hates to be distorted, and his hands are not allowed to get out of control. She liked Qin Xiu so much, then she lowered her posture, and even she was slap in the face of her father. She did not think about giving up. She only thought that one day Qin Xiu would even be a stone. The heart will also be hot to her.

The reality has given her a heavy blow. Qin Xiu was not touched by her. For him, she retired and returned to Beijing. He went to him for his hard work and hard work. As a result, he even gave up his work abroad. Unwilling to return to the country, just to get rid of her.

She paid so much, what did she get?

Nothing is gained, only getting humiliated!

Du Jiayi, who felt that his heart was bleeding, finally had no way to hold back. Seeing that Qin Xiu really got up and went to Ye Jian to pour water, Du Jiayi couldn’t resist it.

Mrs. Li was owed to Mrs. Qin’s wife and politely said goodbye. “Old lady, let’s go first, you should take care of yourself.”

“Mrs. Li walked slowly.” Mrs. Qin smiled and daggered and watched Mrs. Li leave.

Until I couldn’t hear the heel, Mrs. Qin’s wife took back the smile, and there was a deep frown between the frowns. “Jane’s head, this time you have to be hurt by Qin Xiu. I support him to handle Miss Du. So as not to cause trouble for you.”

Not only did the mother and daughter of Mrs. Li see the Qin family’s goodness in Ye Jian, but also let Qin Xiu make time to solve Du Jiayi’s affairs.

In fact, there is nothing at all, all of which is Du Jiayi’s wishful thinking.

He gently patted Ye Jian’s back, and Mrs. Qin sighed again: “Jin’s grandmother did not tell your identity to Mrs. Li, because your grandfather and your father have not sent you your identity to others. Grandma doesn’t know why, but I can’t use it to break your grandfather’s and your father’s plans.”

“Your identity is still stunned. The Miss Du is not an open-minded person. Because Qin Xiuji hates you, the Qin family has to take responsibility to protect you.”

“Grandma and you discuss the discussion, not if you and Qin Xiu both recognized the brother and sister, so that Miss Du will not hate you.”

If Ye Jian and Du Jia’s things are so simple, and Qin Xiu recognizes his brother and sister, the danger is naturally solved.

But things are not so simple. Even if she recognizes her brother and sister, her crisis is still not resolved. Then why bother with the Qin family?

Ye Jianxiao said: “No, Qin grandma, things will be solved. Du family is also an identity after all, although the mother and daughter of Li is not very reliable, but the family is the deputy chief of staff, chaos Where are you going?”

Good night, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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