Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 5487 - People's beauty is good (Ace military marriage name changed)

Chapter 5487, the beauty of the people is good (the ace of the military is changed)

Trying to wear red and red dresses in the New Year, especially young couples, most of them are preparing for marriage, and the shopping guide is accurate. This is what I said above.

Although Xia Jinyuan was happy with the shopping guide, he still liked the mirror, knowing that the shopping guide said that there is moisture, but he is happy!

“Yeah, let me try my hand.” Xia Jinyuan’s smile in Jun Yan really couldn’t be hidden. From the perspective of Ye Jian, it seems that… I can’t wait to get married tomorrow.

Looking at this kind of Xia Jinyin Ye Jian simply wants to help the amount and then shoot it for others to see, but still think about it, his own man, reluctant.

Xia Jinyuan is also the first time to wear a shoe for his girlfriend. Holding the small and delicate foot of Ye Jian, Xia Jinyuan also deliberately looked at it more, and silently made a stroke in his hand. It was really small, just enough for his hand to hold.

Ye Jane was burned by the burning heat in his palm, and his legs couldn’t help but retract. Xia Jinyuan, who had a quick eye, clenched his hands and put on high heels for Ye Jian.

“Okay, stand up and try.” Xia Jinyuan got up and helped Ye Jian stand up. Don’t look at him. He was very calm at this moment. In fact, his heart was ups and downs, and he wanted to immediately pick up his girl and go home to hide.

Ye Jian’s leg line was stretched by high heels, and her long legs were thin and straight, with a red dress. At first glance, she was completely different from her temperament.

“Help me a little, I have to get up slowly.” Ye Jiangang just stood up and felt that the next plate was unstable. Xia Jinyuan quickly grasped Ye Jian tightly, thin lips bent, gentle said: “Fall, I also have a back, Strong and bold.”

His girl is really… lovely in the bones, the battlefield has not been so stunned, a skirt, a pair of high heels, she made her trepidation.

Ye Jian is really scared.

The guide can feel that as long as the person is beautiful, even if it is wrestling, it is beautiful!

“It still doesn’t suit me.” Ye Jianba’s look to Xia Jinyuan seems to be a bit poor.

“Family familiarity can be worn slowly, take two steps, I will help you.” Xia Jinyuan still afraid that Ye Jian fell, tightly holding Ye Jian.

Ye Jian was taken a few steps by Xia Jinjin. I felt that it was really uncomfortable. The pair of heels was really not high. She remembered that the pair of high heels worn by Du Jiayi in the hospital today was afraid of being ten feet. A powerful person.

Ye Jianju feels the feeling that people are always holding, just like she is a disability, she still can not accept this feeling.

“I still change the double flat shoes, the center of gravity is unstable, seriously affecting the travel, the balance is very poor, a little unbearable will wrestle.” Ye Jian pointed out that the core problem, high heels with red dress is indeed beautiful, but it is not her dish. .

Xia Jinyuan did not think so. When she helped Ye Jian to go out, there were two men sitting on the sofa next door, and saw Ye Jian came out. The two people who saw it flashed in the eyes and were very surprised. They kept staring at Ye Jian.

Hey, Comrade Xia, in the case of Ye Jian, did not know, and vinegar.

Seeing Xia Jinyuan agree, Ye Jian sat down and took off the pair of high heels like a throwing hot potato.

“Try these clothes?” Xia Jinyuan pointed to the clothes in the hands of the shopping guide and the clothes on the sofa.

“So much?” Ye Jian is trembled. It doesn’t look like feeling happy is more like looking at a lot of trouble. “Isn’t it enough to wear clothes? And so many clothes can’t be worn at the time.”

Hahaha, I really like the name changed. This is what my editor-in-chief, Joe, came up with. Hahahaha, I like it~

(End of this chapter)

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