Chapter 5488, please

Buy it back, don’t wear it, waste it!

Ye Jian is a frugal one. She has to learn to be frugal in her life because of her life. In this world, although she has never rushed for life, she still has no impetuousness. It is still the true leaf.

Regardless of past lives or this life, Ye Jian has never been compared with people in life. Others have other people’s living methods, others have other people’s difficulties. What you can see is perhaps the glamorous side of others, not all of him. .

Therefore, Ye Jian’s mentality has always been peaceful. Regardless of the level of poverty, whether she is good or bad, she is always Ye Jian, always herself, never changed, and never bowed.

She has the strength to refuse to give up, the past life, obviously so hard, why Ye Ying still refused to let her go? Because of the sturdiness of Ye Jian, she was afraid and made her feel uneasy.

People, only in fear and uneasiness, will they suffer from loss. If you can go straight, you don’t have to be afraid of gains and losses, life will be full of splendor for you, even if you are poor, you will feel calm.

Today’s Ye Jian, or the real Ye Jian, is not forgotten because of the family’s change.

In the face of Xia Jinyuan’s big handwriting, Ye Jian is very happy, but still considers practicality.

A pile of clothes, flashy, bought her, I really can’t wear it a few times. The clothes are beautiful and beautiful, and it is a little inconvenient for her.

After all, it is the affection of a boyfriend, and Ye Jian feels no waste anymore, and will not smash the scenery at this time, saying that this is not good, that is not good.

However, what she said, she still has to say.

“What happened to you today? How do you think about buying so many clothes for me?” Ye Jian hooked the arms of Xia Jinyuan, his black eyes looked at the smile, and then he tightened a little, and he looked at himself. boyfriend.

Today’s … summer team is very wrong, very wrong.

“Isn’t this a ten-day holiday? It’s time to change one day from today.” The inspired Xia Jinyuan felt that he was losing his girlfriend to his girlfriend and used this holiday to make up for the owed debt. Ye Jian thinks that he is very different from usual.

Mainly, before the holiday, the two did not relax and walk across the street.

Generally, because Li’s father fell, Li’s family could not become a climate, and there was no threat. The two of them had a leisurely stroll.

“I just thought that since I came, the opportunity for us to go shopping together is rare.” Xia Jinyuan groaned, there is a kind of hate that can not buy all the good all the leaves in the store, may think that they are also somewhat abnormal, Xia Jinyuan simply admits, “I talked to my five brothers last night about half-night, and I realized that there are many kinds of things to please my girlfriend.”

“I, without any experience, I always thought that there is no problem with the current love model. Of course, the problem is different, that is, I have to wait for you to be better in life.”

“When you are back in the team, as long as you are in the army, I am your captain, not your boyfriend, I will treat them equally, not because you are my girlfriend.”

Slowly smashing Ye Jian’s shoulders and licking into his arms, bowing his head and full of compassion and love, Ye Jian’s horn: “It’s so harsh to you in the army. In life, as a boyfriend, I’ll not treat you well. Then, I really became the unconscion in my grandmother’s mouth, the black-hearted thing.”

(End of this chapter)

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