Chapter 5489 Intimate People

After that, Xia Jinyuan carefully watched Ye Jian, and his heart was awkward. He only dared to strictly demand his girlfriend in the army. In life, he did not dare to come with his girlfriend.

Definitely a girlfriend, he doesn’t dare to refer to the West!

Ye Jian listened to his explanation, and his eyes have been smashed several times. Five brothers, the fifth brother is a successful businessman who has spent a lot of flowers. His suggestion… Can you listen to the summer team?

“Five brothers are not the same as us. You listen, don’t you feel awkward?” Ye Jian also said very cautiously. She really thinks that the five brothers Xia Yunqi and their two people’s lifestyles are completely different, adopting the advice of the five brothers, Xia team, do you confirm that it is feasible?

But the boyfriend is also to please himself, it is not refuted, rare boyfriend likes, she directly refused, not very good, can only pull the five brother Xia Yunzhen out of the back.

The man sat at home, the pot from the sky, Xia Yunqi hit a few sneezes, no paper towels to wipe the nose, the old lady’s full voice came from the wing, “said that your clothes are worn less, you still have a hard mouth, As long as the wind does not need temperature, the old five and the fifth, your boss is not small! The middle-aged man in his thirties, and how long will it be the elderly, do you really think that you still have the cost of the wave?”

Xia Yunqi, who sneezed and sneaked into the old lady’s broken thoughts, was crying. My grandmother was really his grandmother. He was obviously a man’s golden age. How old would you become a middle-aged man, and he would still be old. People?

He is scared to cry!

Pulling out the five brothers, Xia Yunqi came out of the back of the leaf, and in his heart silently read the sentence “I’m sorry”, and whispered: “The five brothers are not the same as us, the summer team, how do you want to ask the fifth brother?”

Xia Jinyuan’s eyes drooped down and he stared deeply. “Is it right to say that my mind is in the water, I am looking for the wrong person, and I am asking the wrong person?”

This little fox still wants to be hypocritical in front of him. The little guy, he can see through it at a glance.

The leaf that was seen through was a little embarrassing, pretending to touch his bare arm and turning away from the topic. “No, no, very good, I feel very good.”

Oh, not what she said, what he said.

The perfunctory tone, I laughed at Xia Jinyuan, and the curtain was still pulled. The guide had been standing outside and did not come in. The eyes were slightly moving, and Xia Jinyuan, who had a sigh of anger, suddenly pulled the shoulder of Ye Jian and let her face. On his own, Ye Jian is still in the middle of it, and his lips have been kissed.

Ye Jian’s little heart scared on the spot and almost didn’t come out of his throat. He only had to rush to “snap” and fell into the palm of Xia Jinjin’s palm. There was no chance to struggle.

There is no need to struggle, because when Ye Jian wants to struggle, Xia Jinyuan has already left and left, and the foreplay is fierce, thinking that it will last, and the result is an emergency brake, no deep kiss.

This is so, I also gave Ye Jian a red face.

But also accustomed to the sneak attack that Xia Jinyuan said, in addition to shyness, Ye Jian will not resist, the kiss between male and female friends is actually normal, the whole hall is close to the public, it is normal, it is normal.

Calm, Ye Jian, you are all in your twenties, but not a fifteen or six-year-old girl, oh, no, no, the fifteen or six-year-old girl in the cinema is more daring than her, too small The boyfriend said that he kissed him.

And she, all twenty, and even shy, but also afraid of being discovered, then it is wrong!

(End of this chapter)

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