Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 5493 - Not cute boyfriend

Chapter 5493 is not a cute boyfriend

Just came in, Qin Ying really not quite sure, specifically asked V8 is not, V8 will come over to see, it does not matter, Qin Ying came to say hello, did not expect it really two people.

The V8, who is half a step behind the girlfriend, has given Xia Jinyuan two gestures. The first one, why haven’t you gone yet, the second one, he said nothing.

Xia Jinyuan, who received the gesture, nodded and said that he knew it.

V8 is very helpless, he took Qin Ying to go around three or four stores and then re-wound back. I thought that their captain must have gone. As a result, the reality slammed him with a big slap, they were cold and cool. The captain who is training hard to stay is still there.

He, he, he… He also accompanied the bluebirds to go shopping!

Hey, I really want to leave some face to the captain, but it’s really not that he doesn’t want to give it. It’s really the captain’s own disappointment, and he’s still in the store.

V8 personally believes that their captain should not want the soldiers below to see the dog legs when he is shopping with his girlfriend.

Ye Jian has already spoken to Qin Ying, Qin Ying looked at Xia Jinyuan and smiled at Ye Jian: “This time, I am sure that you and Xiajia Laoliu are a pair, the male is tall and handsome, the female Beautiful and beautiful, you and he are the most loved lovers I have ever met. Standing in one place, the scenery is like, I want to run home to take the camera.”

As a cameraman, Qin Ying can find all the good things.

Xia Jinyuan and Ye Jian are indeed the most lover they have ever seen, not a disobedience, but really think so.

Of course, these are not enough reasons for Qin Ying to come over and say hello. The reason she actually came over is that she wants to confirm whether her boyfriend, Yang Xulin, has a good relationship with Xia Jinyuan.

It is a pity that she saw that Xia Jinyuan had secretly noticed it, and did not find any special interaction between the two people. When she met, she nodded slightly, like a nod to meet, and she could not see anything different.

Is she thinking more? The two don’t know?

Qin Ying is a good sex, but after a few times, Ye Jian still likes the nature of Qin Ying, so even if he is not familiar, the two can talk.

V8 is honestly standing next to his girlfriend, and does not take the initiative to stand up and chat with Xia Jinyuan, until Qin Ying reluctantly reminds him, let him talk with Xia Jinyuan, V8 “嘿嘿” smile, honestly come over and talk.

Qin Ying sees this, and smiles at Ye Jian: “My boyfriend is a bit boring, and I don’t know if it is a long time for the troops. People are awkward, and they are quite cute.”

People are awkward, and they are pretty cute… Ye Jian almost didn’t bite his tongue.

V8 ah V8, what do you have in the back, even let Qin Ying think he is jealous? Hey? The soldiers in the snow squad are really not awkward!

Clever as Qin Ying, even by the V8 to lie!

At this moment, V8 actually had a lot of words to talk to Xia Jinyuan. I thought about calling later. I didn’t expect to come across the street and I met my captain and Ye Jian.

Just right, there is something to hurry and say.

He pointed to the outside, to Qin Yingdao: “You talk, I am waiting for you outside. The business is good, we set up here like a pillar, and blocked the way.”

After that, I said to Xia Jinyuan: “Are you together?”

Xia Jinyuan looked at the V8 and refused. “I am checking out, it is not convenient to go out together.”

Qin Ying took back the remaining light, and asked Ye Jian, “What new clothes have you bought? Does he give you the money you choose? The eyes of Xiajia Laoliu should be good. My family, I can’t let him see, ask. Don’t want to ask.”

(End of this chapter)

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