Chapter 5494, IQ is anxious

Suddenly, Qin Ying seems to ask casually, “You should rarely go out shopping in the army.”

You, including Xia Jinyuan and Ye Jian, also included the V8.

V8 is very calm, his girlfriend is a smart person, but, in front of Q Wang, Jade Bird, this temptation is pediatrics, and it is impossible to put out anything.

Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan, who knew it in their hearts, looked at each other. Ye simply sighed: “There is no time at all. You may not believe it when you say it. This is the second time I have been shopping with him. It should be five years since I went shopping last time. ”

It’s almost five years since I went shopping last time?

“So long? Do you not even meet each other?” Qin Ying looked surprised. “I thought you were all in the same army.”

“No, I have some distance from him.” Ye Jian only explained one sentence and then stopped mentioning the team. He asked what Qin Ying had in mind and planned to buy something.

Inviting the captain to go out, the V8 who was ruthlessly refused finally stood with Xia Jinyuan, and Qin Qiying did not pay attention. He quickly said: “Captain, you are dismantling, I have something to talk to you, your enemy, you actually Also refused.”

Before looking at Ye Jian and his future wife-in-law in the hospital, it seems that the relationship is not normal, and although he is a big man with a big nerve, but he can still see the eyes of his own future, she looks unusual.

And when he sent his future mother-in-law to go home in the early hours of the morning, his future mother-in-law couldn’t help but smack on the road and ask about Ye Jian, so that he could only answer all kinds of perfunctory questions and ask about it. Ye Jian and the captain’s relationship, he naturally said good, and the future mother-in-law asked him if he knew Ye Jian and Xia’s sixth. He said, “I only know, I am not familiar with” the future mother-in-law, hey, that way. It’s really uncomfortable.

Their captain, how can it seem that no one knows that he is a special soldier, they all think that they are a fool who has nothing to do, even if they read a good university, they are now mixed.

I have to say that the captain was enough to be a **** before. It has been many years. The person who knows him still thinks he is a beggar.

Xia Jinyuan looked at V8 and couldn’t help but worry about the IQ of his comrades. “Are you not going to understand Qin Ying? Qin Ying, the legendary figure of the first experimental middle school, I know her at school three times lower than her.” Far ahead of the results.”

“Do you think she is beautiful, really think of her as a vase? I want to play smart at the bottom of her eyelids and freely give it to you.”

Seeing the two together, Qin Ying’s line of sight has been faintly swept away. V8 is a little embarrassed with a smile on his face. Hehe smiled. “Yeah, this is not the day that I went to Xiaoying’s house and didn’t bring anything. Today’s evening趁When we have time, we will come over and stroll.” I really didn’t expect him to be so lucky. When I went out shopping with my girlfriend, I could meet the captain and give Ye Jian a dress. I didn’t expect my captain to have such a tender and tender side. No, no, it’s not iron and blood, but the side of the dog’s legs.

It’s not easy, it’s not easy.

During the training, the requirements for leaf slips were strict and strict. In life, the hard-working characters were changed and became soft-footed shrimps.

In the face of the comrade-in-arms’s head’s answer to the horse’s mouth, Xia Jinyuan laughed coldly. “You really think of Qin Ying as a three-year-old child. I am a comrade-in-arms relationship with me and I don’t need to hide it. Qin Xiu also knows, don’t tell Qin. The lady will be.”

(End of this chapter)

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