The caimai steward's family bought a house on the outskirts of Xicheng. It took nearly two years for Lian Qing to come and go.

By the time we got there, the house had been burned to ashes. When looking at the farmland, there are many foolish people who live in the farmland, and there are no people to save the farmland.

Caimai steward died in prison. Now his house has been burned. Five members of his family, his old mother and his half moon grandson, died in the fire. It can be said that it is extremely tragic.

Listening to Lian Qing's report, Shen Junxiao looked gloomy. Zhou Zhenning was very heavy. This is absolutely impossible to be a coincidence.

"The steward of the storehouse is the son of the Houfu family. The whole family is in the house. Has the Marquis sent someone to inquire about it?" Shen Jun smiles and asks Lian Qing to sit and rest his feet. He looks at Zhou Zhen with a serious expression.

Zhou Zhenxin in a Lin, he returned to the house is in a hurry, did not take these into account.

The young man was careful, but asked Zhou Zhen to soften his face, "I'll send people to see the situation."

"The Marquis should not go to seek the Duke of the state protector at this time."

What do you mean? When Zhou Zhen heard Shen Jun smile, he gave him a strange look.

Shen Junxiao said with a smile: "go to the Duke of the state protector, and now give advice to the emperor about the transfer. You should take shiziye to your side, so that the five city military and horse Division will be empty. The prince of the state of protection is certainly not suitable to fill the gap. The best person is Zhou Sanye. "

"No matter who did it, you can go to the Duke of the state to discuss how to tell the emperor about the transfer. First of all, someone really pokes things up, and the emperor will think about why this happens. If you are late, you will be passive. "

Shen Jun laughs at his quick thinking. What he thinks first is not to continue the investigation, but to persuade Zhou Zhen to take the lead. The old general's dissatisfaction with him slowly dissipated in his eyes, which made him admire.

As expected, the civil servants are all people who know how to cheat.

"This is a matter that needs to be deliberated on slowly. It should not have been mentioned by me or the Duke protector. Such a mention would have made the emperor think that we are proud of our power. It's too long. "

Zhou zhenshu took a breath, thinking about the plan that might be disrupted, and his mood sank.

Shen Jun didn't know what he said. He said that on purpose. He just saw whether Zhou Zhen would follow him. In this way, he can really sell the favor!

Shen Junxiao is rarely a little nervous. He is setting a trap for the future father-in-law to drill in step by step. He sipped the tea and pressed down his heart's emotion. He said faintly: "I forgot this, but I have a way. It depends on whether the Lord is willing or not. "

Zhou Zhenben's crease on his sword eyebrow was a little deeper. He didn't say whether he wanted to or not. Instead, he asked, "why do you want to get involved in this?"

The time has finally come.

Shen Jun Xiaoben didn't expect a few words to get Zhou Zhen to put down his guard and anger. What Shen Hong did was enough for them to be targeted to death. Zhou Zhen and Duke Huguo didn't do this. They were very broad-minded.

The young man pulled out a wry smile and said in Zhou Zhen's sharp eyes, "because you are a big tree to protect you from the wind and rain."

When the dignified man heard his daughter's nickname, his eyes fluctuated for a moment. Shen Jun could see clearly with a smile and continued: "Yaoyao has been a big girl since I was a little girl. I don't want her to be hurt a little. The Marquis of Wu'an is powerful, and the Duke of protection is powerful. She will always be carefree. That's what I meant. "

"Again..." Shen Jun said with a smile that Zhou Zhen opened his mouth and changed his voice. He did not give him a chance to speak. "In addition, we Shen family once had a daughter-in-law from the prince protector's office. This is not alienated. Now if we meet as strangers, it will only make people feel strange. "

"Don't you think this will make people more suspicious? At that time, the government sent people to "mourn."

"Do you mean that your enthusiasm now is to rely on our two governments?"

Zhou Zhen's voice went down, and his mouth was full of sarcasm, as if he was very disdainful of Shen Jun's smile, but also mocked him for his self-sufficiency.

Such a reaction, Shen Jun smile had been expected, just a calm smile. He bent his slender fingers in an arc, gently tapping on the table top, once, twice, three times... Like the rain drops suddenly falling on the ground in summer, more and more urgent, and also as if he was being torn apart, nervous and thinking of countermeasures.

But Shen Jun's heart of laughing was not to rely on the two prefectures, but to ask them to rely on themselves in this matter. At the tenth strike, he gave another smile to Zhou Zhen, who was heavy in his eyes, and leaned lazily in his chair.

"I'm not afraid to offend you. Wu'an marquis is is still waiting for a way to make a transfer. It will take time for you to solve this problem, but I will be able to deliver your thoughts to the emperor in the next moment. I'm too incompetent to say this

The young body leans on, the irony of light cloud goes back, call Zhou Zhen choked.

This big talking asshole!

He is no more than six grades, where is his confidence.

Zhou Zhen is a little angry, squinting his eyes, like a wolf whose head wants to tear up its prey.Shen Jun smiles but looks directly at him, with a smile on his face. For a moment, he is not defeated by Zhou Zhen. He said: "I'm a civil servant. I'm wider in the imperial court than you are as a military officer. Now I'm a small sixth grade, but I can go straight to the cabinet. The servants of the third grade are all shriveled in my hands. I dare not be angry and dare not speak. Do you think that I need to rely on your two governments to find the way to Qingyun? "

Young tone Ling jiuxiao, it is actually a kind of feather fan silk scarf, talk and laugh, the mast scull ash out of the domineering. It is the arrogance of the literati, and it is also his real foundation.

Zhou Zhenwei's mind and spirit are all Yilin. He reexamines him with cautious eyes.

Lianzhong Sanyuan's number one scholar, who was afraid that he would only be able to get one for decades, was once again in the emperor's eye and directly transferred to the punishment department. His so-called behind... Should be Chen Shoufu.

Even if Chen Shoufu is not as good as before, and the emperor is a little bored, but he is in charge of the official department, and personnel transfer must be through the official department. Chen Shoufu has been in the imperial court for more than 20 years. Even if the emperor doesn't pay much attention to it now, he is also a person who has stamped his feet and the ministers will follow him! And this boy brother is afraid to step on the throne of nine Qing this year.

This is the paved way for Jiuqing to join the cabinet.

He is a crazy capital!

Zhou Zhen finally some letters, he just look at his daughter's sake, just follow involved in this matter. What's more, he is right. The more the relationship between the three families is deliberately covered up, the more suspicious it is. Shen Hong is now completely abolished, not far from death.

The Shen family's position in the central government has already begun to rise. When some of them are in the cabinet, their gratitude and resentment will not change, that is, the situation of confrontation.

For the sake of the family and the family, the Duke of Huguo and the Marquis of Wu'an all need the influence of civil servants.

Zhou JIACHU, a member of the second room of the Zhou family, also needs help in his official career.

Zhou Zhen thought, unable to help thinking.

"I will go to the prison in person to examine the corpse. I'm good at investigating this matter. You may consult with the Duke of the state protector first, but the best time is within today. " Shen Jun laughs at Zhou Zhen's expression and knows that his mind attack plan has achieved 50% success.

He was nervous in his heart, even his middle coat was wet with sweat, and his face was still light. The other side is also a person with strong mental skills, even if he is urgent, he can not show a point.

Having said that, Shen Jun stands up with a smile and bows to Zhou Zhenyi to leave first.

Zhou Zhen has been pursing his lips, and his heart rate will increase with each step he takes. When he got to the third step, he closed his eyes and felt that he was afraid that he would have to toss again. His fingertips were all close together.

Don't want to, just when he raised his feet again, Zhou Zhen stopped him in a low voice behind him: "as long as you can deliver what I want to the Emperor today, you can reply to my letter in the future."

Over the years, his daughter has not given up writing to him, Zhou Zhen knows. He didn't stop him because of Shen Jun's smile, but he knew in his heart how much his daughter loved and depended on the elder of the Shen family. When my daughter was a child, she would call her third uncle in her sleep.

Around Shen Jun laughs that he has become his daughter's "third uncle" to the outside world. It's nothing to go back and forth.

Shen Jun laughs, his steps are stiff in the air for a while, and then he steps down steadily without looking back. He puts his hand in the sleeve of his official robe and says "good.".

He didn't dare to look back. He was afraid that Zhou Zhen would see his upturned corners of the mouth and that Zhou Zhen would see his ecstasy.

What he asked for has been fulfilled!

Shen Jun laughs and leaves in a hurry. Lian Qing follows him like a shadow. The master and servant figure quickly and the news is in the alley. Zhou Zhen then raised his hand and rubbed his forehead. Because of the sudden occurrence, his temples had been in pain for a long time.

How can you make a mistake at this juncture!

He killed people and killed his family. He was so cruel that he could only think of his political enemies in the imperial court. After all, no one would have thought that Liao, a woman who believed in Buddhism and would eat fast, had such a cruel accomplice.

Zhou Zhen sat down again after Shen Junxiao left. Looking at the peanuts peeled from the dish in front of him, Zhou Zhen took some of his chopsticks and put them into his mouth. In his mind, Shen Junxiao was just confronting him.

He ate and laughed: "Stinky boy, if it's not in the pool, it's powerful enough."

Wu'an Marquis house.

Feng has been upset since Zhou Zhen came back to hear about the incident, and repeatedly went to see the copy of the file. Xiuying has always been by her side. Her parents have heard her and read the file.

She thought about what her parents said. It was very likely that someone would take an eye on Wu'an Hou's house and make mischief in the back, but she always felt that things were coming too fast and something was wrong.

If a talented person is sent to the prison, a doctor will go to the back foot. Who can keep an eye on them? What are the guards in Wu'an residence! Is it not clear that someone is spying?!

As a matter of fact, Shen Junxiao once thought about the internal contradictions of Wu'an Marquis's house, because the management of the affairs and the greed for ink were generally brought out by the inner house. It's just that he has to take advantage of this to let Zhou Zhen approach. He is to pick out the most serious results of the matter first. No matter what the final investigation result is, he can achieve what Zhou Zhen thinks and what he thinks. Of course, if it's a false alarm, he can't ask for it. He doesn't want Wu'an hou to get into trouble at this time.Now Xiuying is following closely. It is impossible for anyone outside to do it so soon. She thought again and again. She stood up and went to Feng's side and pulled her sleeve: "Mom, are you and dad too preconceived? Maybe this is an internal ghost?"

For example, Liao's side, who has just been humiliated and has something to do with the manager.

Feng was just thinking about it. She was shocked by her ghost and immediately thought of Liao. Feng's fingertips trembled slightly, and the blood color on his face faded.

Her daughter's conjecture is reasonable, she has to go to explore Liao's tone!

Feng stood up immediately. He did not rush to tidy up his appearance, but went to Liao's in a hurry. Core plum several big wench busy catch up with, Xiu Ying also raised skirt: "mother, you wait for me, I also want to go!"

Xiuying really felt that it was Liao who had moved his hands and feet!

However, this is a matter of fighting for power in the inner house, and the matter in prison is finally known by those who have the intention.

The prison was a messy place. I don't know who spread it first. The resentful Duke of Zhenguo was staring at the Zhou and Feng families, and the meeting got the news.

Hearing the sound, the white haired Zhenguo Gong immediately went to see Liu Ge Lao.

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