Just after noon, Wu'an Hou's house was quiet. People all went to hide their rest spirit. When Xiuying and Feng came to the three room residence on the West Road, they saw the woman guarding the gate curled up in the threshold, her head nodding like a chicken pecking rice.

The core plum sees, then previously went to push her, the old woman son is sober in the agitation, sees Xiu Ying one line, raises the hand to wipe the water light from the corner of the mouth. In a moment, he announced in a loud voice.

The core orchid hears the sound to just support Feng Shi hand to go in. Xiuying seldom came to Sanfang. When she looked up, she saw the branches full of fruits pressing out of the white wall.

It was a persimmon tree, full of fruit, like a lady with rouge on her cheek, red and lovely.

She looked and pursed her lips and laughed. She remembered that Shen Junxiao had given her a small basket of persimmons.

Kui Zhi son smart, afraid of persimmon put soon, the rest will be dried into persimmon. If it is not seen Shen Jun smile, Zhi son will not tell her who sent persimmon, pointing out that it will be appreciated by her. Now sun dried persimmon, she ate a day, can eat a lot of days.

Xiuying thought of the sweetness in her heart. Feng's pleasure swept over her face, somewhat inexplicable, and shook her hand. This makes Xiuying think of where she is. She is busy with a smile and walks in with a good eye.

There are girls standing in front of the main room, lifting up the curtain. The Tibetan blue thin cotton door curtain embroidered with jewels and magpies flutters gently. There is no figure in the hall.

Yesterday, Liao's two attacks of quick Qi fainted, and now he is still on the Babu bed. She had heard the announcement outside, but she was so soft that even if she wanted to welcome people, she had no spare power. What's more, she has a ghost in her heart. She is worried about Feng Shi's arrival, and she is in a whirl in front of her eyes, which will add to her voice and can't even mention it.

Chen's mother-in-law was angry and distressed when she saw that she was so careless. She was busy at the edge to reassure her: "madam, you don't need to have a burden. It's normal for Mrs. Hou, as a sister-in-law, to come to see a doctor!"

Liao's eyes are sad Chu, but also hate their own do not strive for success, simply closed his eyes so lying well.

Xiuying and Feng have been introduced into the inner room. Liao's family is a delicate person. There are couplets of beads in the room, jadeite dishes and auspicious small objects on the eight treasure shelves. The Kang near the window in the inner room is paved with scarlet foreign flowers, which is a scene of wealth.

Xiuying turned her eyes to the beads and looked around. She followed Feng's steps to the eight embroidered peony screens. At last, she saw the pale Liao.

Lying in the red quilt, his face is white as paper, and his breath is weak.

It's just one night. How can I get sick like this.

Xiuying was secretly surprised. Feng was also shocked by her appearance. She quickly stepped forward and shook her exposed hand: "how can you look so ugly? What does the doctor say?"

Chen's mother disdained Feng's behavior. In her eyes, Feng was just acting. She replied with a smile: "the doctor said that he was overworked, consumed his mind and energy, and accumulated the root of the disease. It's going to winter soon. I'm afraid there will be another evil wind and I'll fall ill. "

Of course, this is a big part of the story, which is hidden in front of the story of Liao's hard work for the Marquis's house in recent years.

Feng is a thorough, where can not hear out, look like a meal.

Xiuying's face sank as she listened to the words that she had carried herself to the height of great achievements: "the third aunt has been working hard for so many years. Fortunately, her mother has recovered in recent years, so she will take good care of her. Otherwise, my mother will be a sinner. "

The 13-year-old girl talks in a way that is not soft and hard. She goes back to her mother's heart and stomps on her.

Mother Chen choked and turned purple.

The four girls are really sharp!

Feng Shi glanced at her at this time, but did not say anything. She thought her daughter was right to say this at this time. But also afraid of Liao's discomfort again, he sighed to the sleeping Liao: "the third younger brother and sister should get better soon. I'm not alone. I'm waiting for you to get better and take care of the affairs of the house with me."

After that, seeing Liao's reaction, she knew that she didn't want to pay attention to herself, and that people were like this. What could she ask. Feng stood up and said to his mother, "take good care of your wife. Miss Xian should also worry about her mother, and let her serve her in front of the couch."

Zhou Xian is still closed because she gave Zheng Er directions last time.

Chen's mother only said, sure enough, all the good people were done for Feng, and she answered yes. Feng Shi nodded, "your wife wakes up, let her relax her mind, I have said with the old lady before, buy this from the house, but also trouble her."

When Feng's words fell, Chen's mother opened up a little, as if she heard something unbelievable.

Feng is already smiling, holding Xiuying's hand and going directly.

"Mother, the third aunt's illness is really strange."

Just out of the three room yard, Xiuying shook her hand solemnly.

"It's a little sudden, but we can't see anything. We can only ask people to find out what the people in the third room were doing yesterday. Have you ever left after seeing the warden, or have you met anyone? " Feng's mind is full of doubts. It must be found out.Xiuying also thinks so. She also finds that Liao is actually pretending to sleep. Her eyelashes are always trembling. People who are sleeping soundly will not. Liao's avoidance of dealing with them directly made her feel more guilty.

Xiuying said: "in the sanfangyuan, the most trusted by Aunt Chen and qiusui, we should focus on them, and their relatives can't be revealed."

The little girl was as delicate as dust. Feng nodded with relief. At the next moment, she told Xinmei to find Zhou Zhen's soldiers in the house.


in the palace, Fengdi was talking to his sons about grain for water.

In the first year and two years after the reform of water transport system, it was still developing according to the original intention of emperor Fengdi. However, it changed completely after that. A large number of ships were built and sewed, and the flood disaster still needed to be resisted. The money of the Hubu Department flowed away from the account like the torrent.

So the court increased taxes. In a flash, the taxes were increased until the year after the founding of the people's Republic of China, and the Hubu was still unable to make ends meet. When he built a boat, he didn't pay enough grain, which made the Treasury empty. When the emperor thought of the Ministry of finance who asked for money every day, he had a big head.

Several princes have also studied this matter for a long time, and have not less discussed with his staff, but all of them have obvious disadvantages. Can quench the thirst for a moment, but again poke a hole in the eye.

I sighed.

At this time, the fourth Prince stood up and bowed his hand to the emperor Feng and said, "father, your son and minister have heard the four words - emphasizing agriculture and restraining commerce."

Emphasizing agriculture and restraining commerce?

As soon as the four characters came out, Emperor Fengdi frowned: "I can prosper in the morning. The trade route has contributed six parts. It is exported to the ocean and sold at home. Curbing businessmen? That's not to ask the tax authorities to reduce another item? "

The fourth Prince replied: "father, this emphasis on agriculture and business is not to reduce the number of merchants, but to increase the tax on them."

"Because of the high profits of merchants, many farmers have been expropriated to the workshops. The income of two liang silver a year is more than that of one year's cultivation. Because of this, ten people ploughed ten fields in the past. Now it has become five more fields. All the surplus fields have been sold and workshops have been built. In this way, people's income is high, but in other words, there is less food. Rice prices are rising every year, and the cost of living is also high. "

The fourth Prince's words went far beyond Feng Di's thought, which made him excited. However, no one ever mentioned these things!

When the fourth prince saw that his father was interested, he understood everything. The final conclusion was: the purpose of this suppression of Commerce was to let the court formulate a regulation to regulate the use of farmers by businessmen, and the taxes would be increased on the number of farmers. In this way, businessmen's profits are less, but if they want to expand their business, they still need to employ people, and most of them have to hand them over.

If you don't want to pay more, it's easy to handle and cut people. The court sent out another farmer who had been laid off to cultivate good land, so that the people would not starve to death because of unemployment. The court could open up more grain fields, so that the amount of rice grain slowly returned to the forward level.

This is a win-win situation.

Fengdi clapped and applauded!

The rest of the princes were all surprised. When did the fourth Prince have such a powerful counselor. When Feng Di greatly appreciated the fourth prince, he heard something unexpected.

The fourth Prince didn't dare to take credit. Emperor Fengdi told the people who thought of this method: "these are the manuscripts written by Xiao Shen, which were unintentionally seen by the children's ministers."

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