Mr. Shen?

Feng Di Wei thought and said in a loud voice, "Shen Jun, smile! Shen Jun, who was transferred to the Ministry of punishment by me, laughs? "

The fourth prince should be, and Emperor Feng burst out laughing.

Both Shen brothers were officials in the dynasty, and Shen Junxiao was his younger brother. Everyone called him Xiao Shen.

Fengdi said happily: "it's really a talent! At the beginning, I didn't want to hear his colleagues who had made mistakes in his work. What's the name of that sentence... "There is a stone in his mountain, and the better the jade is," that's why I think he is calm and has excellent talents. Later, he asked him several questions in Hanlin, and the answers were all amazing. His mind was delicate and he only looked at the great righteousness. I feel that the Ministry of punishment lacks such a person as him. "

"It seems that I haven't lost sight of it."

Fengdi is proud of his eyesight. He holds the power of life and death, supreme, nothing is more happy than when bole, immediately spread Shen Jun smile, to listen to more detailed explanation.

At this time, the yellow gate yelled that the left servant of the military department had an urgent matter to ask for an interview. The emperor Feng could only suppress his excitement and first announced the two Shangshu. I don't think they actually came to deliver a copy of the military newspaper folder and a list of officials who have been serving their term of office this year.

Fengdi was the first to read the military newspaper, which was an urgent report in the northwest. The Tartars, like guerrillas, set out to attack the weak defensive areas, then burned, killed and plundered. The people in the border areas suffered a lot.

The people who are close to the Gobi desert have left their homes and fled far away. If they go on like this, people will be in panic.

Feng Di's face gradually became cold and fierce. Then he went to look up the list of appointed officials. When he saw the second page, he saw the name of Zhou Yong, the Lord of Wednesday. His eyes flashed, continued to read, found that Zhou Jiayu was also in the position of thousands of households.

As a matter of fact, the official Department of this list had given Fengdi a long time ago, but he did not reply for a long time. The reason why he noticed this uncle and nephew was that Duke Huguo had just asked Zhou Zhen to be the commander-in-chief.

Fengdi first put the war report aside, raised his head and asked the Minister: "I seem to have read one before. What's the difference?"

"The former one was just a list, but now this one adds the itinerary of returning officials to Beijing to report their duties."

It can be said that it is a wake-up call for the emperor, whether there are people who want to see, about when they can see.

"Have you done a good job in investigating the achievements of officials in office?" Feng Di asked again.

The left servant of the official department should say yes again.

Fengdi frowned again, and his finger stopped on the name of the Lord on Wednesday: "whether a military officer raises his rank or not is still related to his military achievements. But Zhou Yongzhen remembers that he has made a lot of contributions over the years, and so has Zhou Zhen. I don't have the impression that these two brothers have done meritorious deeds

When he saw the name, Fengdi remembered that Zhou Yong had been in the military camp for more than ten years, and had only the title of an assistant general.

"In the early years, the court spent a lot of money in the war. Marquis Wu'an made great contributions to the war, not for himself and his brothers, but for the soldiers. Deputy general Zhou Yong has been in his post eight years ago and has been up to now. "

In fact, it was handed over every year, but the imperial court did not change it.

"That's not your official department. Sometimes I can't remember things clearly, and you can't remember things clearly. What can I do if the hearts of the officers and men are cold."

Fengdi said with a straight face. The left servant of the official department lowered his head. Fengdi put the list on the table and said, "go and call Chen value. He can forget this song!"

The left servant of the official department immediately stepped back to the outside of the hall and stepped down the steps. Only then did he breathe in the sunshine. Fortunately, the emperor remembered it first. Otherwise, he still wanted to talk about his uncle and nephew. Now everything is easy to do. He has done what Shoufu ordered!

Thinking about it, the left servant of the Ministry of officials quickly went to Wenhua production pavilion to deliver a message.

The war report of the Ministry of war, Emperor Feng looked at it again. Then he leaned back in his chair and looked at a golden dragon winding pillar in the hall, slowly turning the finger.

When the Secretary of the Ministry of war was still bowing his head and waiting for the sound, he finally heard the emperor Feng say, "sit down first." After that, he called the inner servant in and said, "go to xuanhuguo Gong and Wu'an marquis to enter the palace."

Zhou Zhen was still in the Duke of Huguo at this time. Before the news of summoning arrived, he got the message from Shen Jun smiling.

Things are out of control.

"What's the name of Liu GE's old man? It's better to start first and arrest Li Shun. Who is Li Shun? " Zhou Zhen was confused by Lian Qing's words.

It's just that some people are playing tricks on them, and they should be blocked!

Even Qing swallowed his saliva and ran so fast that his throat was almost smoking. Feng Yu saw that his servants had brought him tea.

As the matter was urgent, even Qing did not care about it. He drank it in one breath. After a long and comfortable breath, he said, "the doctor who killed the man is the son of a servant named Chen in the third room of your family. His name is Li Shun. Not only did he fake the doctor and killed the two stewards, but he also set fire to the whole family in charge of purchasing affairs! "

"Our third master was also shocked when he found out. He immediately wanted to control the man first. He didn't want to go a step late. He had already fallen into the hands of Liu Ge!"Zhou Zhen's face was slightly green and he stood up. Feng Yu's face was not very good.

Zhou family three rooms, but Zhou Zhendi's brother, how to kill people in this moment!

Lian Qing was astonished again: "and Li Shun is very brave. Do you know how the two stewards died? It's plague! He didn't know where he got the dirty blood. He told them to infect them from the wound. They were both injured and died in one night! "

"Our third master has asked the Shuntian Yamen to deal with the corpse as soon as possible. I don't know if there is a wide spread. Now Shuntian Fu Yi is writing a note to report to the police to find out the source of this belt. Otherwise, the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the capital will be in danger! "

Zhou Zhen's brain hummed when he heard the word plague.

Where did they come from! Where did you come from!!

Lian Qing picked up the important one and continued to say, "but our third Master said that it's OK for people to be in Liu GE's hands. He has a way to crack it. As soon as the plague is reported, things must be checked down. Shun Tian Fu Yi and my second uncle have a relationship. When reporting, they will not disclose it first. As long as you want to be steady, the best result is nothing for the Zhou family. No matter how bad it is, he will find a way to pick out Zhou Sanye, but he can't guarantee the promotion. "

The matter happened in their Zhou family. Zhou Zhen was not in the mood to take charge of any promotion at this time. If he was not good, his brother would be implicated and punished!

The big hole on that day was actually made by a woman!

Zhou Zhen even tore Liao's heart.

He immediately called the people around him to go back, let people go with Feng to catch the mother Chen, and then control the house. The inner house can't make any more troubles. He is going to see Shen Jun again and smile.

Feng Yu also thought so. Just as they were going to leave with Lian Qing, the intention of calling in the palace came before him.

Two people look at each other, there is a kind of scalp numbness.

Is it Liu Ge Lao who sued the emperor so quickly?!

Fortunately, the internal servants who came to summon them broadened their hearts. It was about the war. The two men restrained their looks and went into the palace dressed in whole clothes.

As for the Wu'an Marquis's house, the Feng family had already found out about Chen's mother's head, but something happened at this time.

-- the family members of the dead storehouse keeper were in high fever and unconscious.

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