I looked at my phone. It was 07:15 in the morning on April 3, 2044. Is today the last day?

Well, it seems that today is really the last day. I have to make some phone calls.

I wanted to invite some beautiful women to the shelter, but they all said they had other things to do. It was obviously a misunderstanding. Zhang Yu understood what he meant.

Zhang Yu didn't know what to say. He couldn't get rid of the LSP persona, so he could only spread his hands.

"I have done everything I can. Whether I can survive or not, you can see for yourself. "

After all, it was just a business contact for many people,

I reminded them that after tonight, they could deal with the things in the box by themselves,

but before that, remember not to let the box out of their sight, At this moment, Lin Wan'er opened her eyes weakly and looked at the man in front of her with resentment.

"Oh... you've ruined everything..."

"Hmm? Lie down for a while. I'll go out and see if there's anything else I need to prepare."

After saying that, he kissed Lin Wan'er deeply, then looked at his phone The balance on the system,

After looking at the system space again, Zhang Yu drove to the building materials market,

Zhang Yu spent the rest of the day shopping madly in the building materials market,

What hardware, tools, plumbing, electrical materials, generators, broken bridge aluminum Windows, glass, and other usable things were packed up.

Solar panels, large, medium, and small batteries, everything visible was packed up.

After sweeping the building materials market, Zhang Yu came to the coal trading market.

Coal, charcoal, honeycomb coal, and wood were all packed up. They took away everything, even the smokeless charcoal for barbecue.

As the afternoon shopping was drawing to a close,

Zhang Yu could no longer think of what else was missing in his space.

The balance was less than 5 million, so he had to take away I went from being a billionaire to a millionaire.

I went to the bank and took out all the money and threw it into the system space.

I went home and raided several supermarkets near the community.

It made the store owners look like they had eaten golden fly shit.

They didn't want to swallow it, but they didn't want to spit it out either. Zhang Yu came to the warehouse for the last time to collect all the express deliveries and supplies.

On the way home, he passed by a relatively ordinary department store, stopped the car and walked in.

He frantically scanned the winter clothing accessories and cleared out several large The fur counter of the brand,

After all, it is the end of the season and the brand goods are sold at a minimum of 10% off.

It would be a waste if you don't grab the wool this time,

As it was getting dark, there was not much money left, so Zhang Yu drove back to the villa,

Someone once I asked this question online.

If I give you a certain amount of money and ask you to spend it all in a few days, can you do it?

Zhang Yu smiled and said, "Isn't this what I did?" If there is more, he can still spend it all. .

After returning home, Zhang Yu put all the family cars into the space, cleared the yard, and then locked the alloy gate of the villa wall, because there were only a few hours left before the ice was frozen. Finally, he came to the central control of the villa. room.

He pressed the alarm button and locked all the doors and windows inside and outside the shelter.

He turned on the surveillance alarm.

After all, China has strict control over guns.

Otherwise, he would have wanted to build an automatic defense machine gun sentry tower.

That kind of The Gatling gun with blue flames was set up on the city wall.

By the way, didn’t I get an upgrade card when I bound the villa?

I must try it when the disaster comes.

After completing all the preparations, Zhang Yu returned to the villa with peace of mind. Lin Wan'er had packed up everything and was sitting at the dining table waiting for Zhang Yu.

The dining table was filled with hamburgers, fries and fried chicken from KFC and McDonald's,

as well as several large portions of must-eats Pizza set.

This is the takeaway that Lin Wan'er ordered on the spur of the moment.

Although there are a lot of these things in Zhang Yu's space,

but if you don't spend the money, it will become waste paper.

Since the two of them had been tossing around all night the day before, today they both Didn't sleep.

Leaning on the sofa watching a movie, enjoying the last night before the end of the world,

"Will everything in your dream really happen?"

Lin Wan'er, lying on Zhang Yu's legs, looked at the TV and asked Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu stroked her hair and murmured,

"It would be great if all this was just a dream of mine!"

The two were silent...

Lin Wan'er knew it well. If Zhang Yu hadn't known it long ago, ,

With his personality, he would never do this

A series of abnormal actions,

coupled with the current behavior of selling all assets and hoarding goods and food like a hamster,

made Lin Wan'er more certain that Zhang Yu's decision must be right.

If Zhang Yu hadn't discovered something, he would never have done this.

Suddenly, Zhang Yu said lightly:

"The time is almost up, and there are some things that need to be explained to you."

Lin Wan'er was not very surprised, but just looked at him straight.

Zhang Yu used the memory of the previous life as an excuse for the scene in the dream,

and explained everything to Lin Wan'er clearly.

After hearing everything, Lin Wan'er was frightened and her face turned pale. She couldn't believe that all this would be true.

But she didn't know how to refute it. Even if it was a story,

there would be many illogical situations.

If it wasn't a perfect script, then these things would really happen.

He didn't tell Lin Wan'er about the system, space and Xiao Xiaoxian.

Try not to let anyone know about these things, even the closest people.

After a long time, Zhang Yu looked at his phone.

The time was exactly 04:30 on April 4, 2044.

In a little while, we will be able to witness whether this life will usher in the end of the world.

Although he was looking forward to it, Zhang Yu knew that the system and space he obtained could not be a coincidence.

Edited a text message:

"The whole team should bring everything they can into the shelter immediately, including vehicles. Countdown 15 minutes, turn on the shelter's security system, remember to light the fireplace, wish you good luck, and look forward to meeting again."

Then sent it to the mercenary team far away in Eagle Country, and the rest depends on them.

Time passes by, and this moment will eventually come.

Zhang Yu stared at the clock on his phone.

With the arrival of 04:44:44 on April 4, 2044.

A thunder exploded in the air!

Zhang Yu felt mixed emotions. He had expected that this doomsday would change or be delayed because of his rebirth. But in the end, everything that was supposed to happen would still happen. The only comfort was that he had not deceived Lin Wan'er... The explosion was accompanied by a violent shaking of the house, with a large amplitude. The chandeliers in the villa were rattling. The unfixed objects were shaking wildly. The frequency of the vibrations went from slow to fast, as if the entire Tiannu Star was about to be turned upside down! Lin Wan'er was so scared that she hugged Zhang Yu's arm tightly, and her body couldn't stop shaking. Zhang Yu hugged her and squatted by the wall, stroking her back and responding to her. The two were like a lonely boat in the waves. They let the waves hit them wantonly. Fortunately, the quality of the villa was really good. After a long time, the earthquake finally stopped. Just when the two thought everything was over, "Boom!" A loud noise echoed throughout the planet! The end of the world! Coming!

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