The explosion was so loud that the fire started to explode.


Lin Wan'er was so shocked by the loud noise that she broke out in a cold sweat and cried out involuntarily.

Zhang Yu had expected this. Before the explosion was over, he had already come to the fireplace.

He took the firewood from the fuel rack next to him and piled it in the fireplace.

The temperature was about to drop, and if nothing unexpected happened, an accident would come.

In this case, it was still the most straightforward to heat the fireplace.

After turning on the smoke exhaust system of the fireplace and the air circulation system inside the villa, Zhang Yu lit a piece of alcohol paste and threw it in the center of the wood pile.

Not long after,


The ignited firewood made a series of sounds, and Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

As for why the central air conditioner was not used? That thing is not only slow.

It also consumes a lot of electricity. The villa is so big that it can't heat up faster than the fireplace.

Most importantly, there is no central air conditioning installed in the corridors in the outer wall of the villa.

If you want to heat up those places, you can only light the fireplace.

According to Zhang Yu's request, the heating method was improved in the whole villa when the villa was renovated.

The fireplace in the living room on the first floor of the villa is connected to the heating system of the whole villa.

Hot water pipes are buried in the inner wall, scattered inside the villa and inside the wall.

It looks like a fireplace on the outside, but it is actually a copper water tank.

The shape of the water tank is cast in one piece according to the interior of the fireplace, and it is connected to many pipes.

The pipes supply heated water to various places through the circulation system to increase the temperature of the room.

The return pipe will circulate the cooled water back to the boiler for reheating.

The principle is similar to the centralized heating in the northeast of China in winter on Earth.

It's just that this system is much smaller and more sophisticated, but after testing,

The fireplace still heats up very quickly. After all, such a large water tank is directly placed on the fireplace for baking.

From tonight, the world will gradually return to the Stone Age.

The hydropower station is completely unable to generate electricity because all the water upstream is frozen.

The solar power station is also useless because it does not receive enough sunlight.

The wind power station has been arguing about whether it will cause pollution to the environment in the past few decades.

It has not been used on a large scale.

The few wind power stations can only be said to be a drop in the bucket for the current demand.

The remaining thermal power generation and nuclear power generation are completely unable to meet the national electricity demand.

Of course, the villa is equipped with independent solar power generation equipment and wind power generation equipment,

which most houses do not have. Of course, there are also diesel generators,

which are indispensable and necessary equipment in the villa.

"What happened? It's snowing in Chuncheng!"

Lin Wan'er was surprised and lay on the window.

Zhang Yu took out his mobile phone and opened the villa control software. In the data displayed on the outdoor temperature detection panel,

several large dark blue characters appeared on the screen. Zhang Yu pointed the mobile phone screen at Lin Wan'er.


"Oh my god, how is this possible?"

Before Lin Wan'er finished speaking, a flash of lightning streaked across the night sky.

With the light of the lightning, the two saw a vast expanse of white.

Since Spring City is like spring all year round and has never snowed,

people who have lived here since childhood have no idea what -15°C is.

Including Lin Wan'er,

her subjective consciousness only stays on the cold air that blows in when she opens the refrigerator.

When the houses here were first built, no measures to keep out the cold were considered.

So, the chaos in the entire city began instantly.

The elderly and weak were the first to die.

And the young babies who had just come into this world were the second.

If you look closely, you can clearly see that a layer of ice has formed on the leaves.

The sudden drop in temperature caused the moisture in the air to suddenly freeze and fog.

The mist condensed into dew when it touched the relatively low-temperature branches and leaves, and finally froze into the current scene by the cold air. This natural phenomenon is also called "rime". The temperature continued to drop at a very fast speed. At this time, the temperature outside the house was already -30°. "At this temperature, can we not open the doors and windows in the house?" After saying this, Lin Wan'er looked at Zhang Yu helplessly. Zhang Yu nodded and agreed with this statement. Zhang Yu thought that if the fireplace went out, it would be a disaster. Fortunately, the burning time of various fuels had been tested before.


Firewood can burn for about 10 hours, and the temperature will be very stable.

Fire coal can burn for nearly 30 hours, but the temperature of the water tank may be too high.

The only use of coal at present is burning. In extreme cases, firewood may still do something.

So Zhang Yu decided to add coal for heating in the future.

After all, the speed of water tank circulation can be adjusted to reduce internal pressure.

But we have to worry about the concentration of carbon monoxide.

If everyone in the villa is poisoned by carbon monoxide, this book will end here!

It is said that properly wetting the coal can further extend its burning time.

The temperature will also become more controllable, or breaking up the coal blocks and mixing them with some soil or slag,

Making coal mud can also extend the burning time.

After studying the fireplace, Zhang Yu comforted Lin Wan'er and then went to the second underground floor of the villa.

This is the location of the generator and the main circuit of the villa. Gasoline, diesel and water tanks are also on this floor.

Zhang Yu checked all the reserves and the power reserves.

There is no need to start the generator yet. Dozens of large batteries are fully charged.

Although there will be no sun in the next few days,

the dozen or so small and medium-sized wind power generation systems on the roof and walls of the villa can still work normally.

It is more than enough to supply the entire villa. Open the distribution room and set the power failure protection mode on the cabinet display.

When the shelter loses the original power supply, the backup energy will be started.

When the existing energy is not enough to supply the villa,

the computer system will automatically start the diesel generator as soon as possible to provide power for the villa.

At this time, the lines connected to the outside of the villa will be physically cut off to prevent energy leakage.

After completing the settings, close all the doors and go up to the underground floor.

After checking the temperature of each room in detail, I felt completely relieved.

The fireplace had been burning for nearly an hour at this time.

The hot water in the circulation system had already begun to circulate throughout the villa.

From the underground floor, he came to the security door connected to the wall.

After using the fingerprint to open the door, he followed the corridor to the bunker in the wall.

Zhang Yu found that the temperature here was slightly lower.

He was a little confused, but after thinking carefully, it might be because the space that needed to be heated was relatively large.

When the hot water flowed along the pipe to here, it had already lost some heat.

However, the temperature was indeed different, but it was not very cold.

Even wearing light pajamas, it did not feel cold.

It was just slightly cooler than the villa.

Continuing to walk along the corridor, he felt that the temperature was getting lower and lower.

Zhang Yu had a bad feeling. He took out the cotton coat and trousers from the space and put them on quickly.

He ran forward quickly.

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