The cold weather was so severe that the fire was still burning.

Zhang Yu quickly ran to the place where the cold air was emanating,

and found that several firing holes were open, and some were not closed tightly,

the ice had already begun to form on it, and the temperature here was also very low,

and he took out the hammer purchased from the hardware store from the space to break the ice,

Luckily, Zhang Yu was not careless and found the problem in time,

otherwise, after a while, the frost formed here would be impossible to break with this small hammer alone.

After completely closing the open firing holes, he felt much more at ease,

and the thermometer also showed that the temperature was rising little by little.

Zhang Yu carefully checked all the firing holes and observation holes on the wall,

Packed up the broken ice and put it in the toilet of the fortress, and continued to check.

After seeing that there were no problems, he returned to the villa with satisfaction.

It turned out that the low underground temperature was not because the hot water in the pipes was not hot enough,

It was because the shooting holes were open. It would be strange if it was not cold.

This also reminded Zhang Yu that any safety device in the villa should not be sloppy in the future.

A shooting hole of only a dozen centimeters may cause the temperature of the entire villa to drop.

Even worse, it may freeze the heating pipes on the inside of the wall.

After taking off his cotton coat and trousers and putting them in the space, Zhang Yu returned to the lobby on the first floor.

Lin Wan'er was sitting on the sofa with a cup of coffee in her hand, in a daze.

Zhang Yu saw her uneasiness and gently hugged her from behind.

"Do you want to eat hot pot?"

Lin Wan'er, who was originally worried, turned into a foodie in a second.

Stars were almost popping out of her two big eyes.

Zhang Yu took a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and poured it for the two of them.

He turned on the switch of the induction cooker. It was so convenient to eat hot pot.

He went to the refrigerator and took all kinds of ingredients that had been taken out of the space to the dining table.

It was freezing outside, but the two people in the villa were eating hot pot by the fireplace.

But at this time, the two of them didn't worry about where to eat. They sat on the sofa in front of the fireplace.

The induction cooker was placed on the coffee table. Lin Wan'er ate voraciously.

It seemed like she was eating the last meal before execution. Zhang Yu could only keep comforting her fragile heart.

At this time, the outside world was in chaos. The fog formed by the sudden drop in temperature seriously blocked the vision.

The visibility was less than half a meter. There was almost no light in the fog. Many vehicles did not have time to slow down.

When they saw the taillights of the car in front, it was too late. This heavy fog caused countless car accidents.

The road surface became more and more slippery, and the traffic in the city was paralyzed.

The alarm phone of the Traffic Management Department and the emergency phone of major hospitals had been blown up.

Then, the pipes of the water conservancy system were gradually frozen due to the sudden drop in temperature.

The water in the pipes flowed out along the cracks in the pipes.

But before they touched the ground, they were frozen into ice.

Due to the continuous expansion, the ground cracked and many cars were overturned.

The road fell into another chaos.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu's space has enough drinking water.

A septic tank and cremation equipment were built separately in the underground of the shelter.

Your feces are discharged into the sewer, while mine are burned to slag.

It not only eliminates those indescribable smells but also saves space, killing two birds with one stone.

After the villa's underground reservoir was built, it was also filled with tap water, which is the capital for survival in the end times.

After eating and drinking, the two people simply cleaned up the dishes and prepared to wash and rest.

Time has no meaning now, because this darkness will last for several days.

No matter when you wake up, the sky is always black.

This is the result of countless volcanic eruptions caused by radioactive dust on Tiannu Star.

After the volcanic ash and various radioactive substances were mixed, they completely blocked the sun in the atmosphere.

Zhang Yu picked up the Huawei folding screen P8000 and opened the control panel of the villa.

Set all the glass in the villa and the wall to the state of one-way mirror.

No light can be seen from the outside.

But everything outside can be seen clearly from the inside.

Of course, this is also the case when there is light outside.

Although it is very clear, it will still be affected to a certain extent.

Lin Wan'er was a little confused:

"Why do you set it like this?"

"Think about it, if your home is out of water and electricity, but your neighbor's home is brightly lit and not disturbed by anything, what would you do?"

Zhang Yu scratched her nose and smiled,

Think about it

I think so. Why are we starving and cold, while you are like on vacation here?

This gap will make people feel envious and jealous.

So it is better to be low-key. Lin Wan'er nodded.

In the next few days, the two began to enjoy the comfortable life brought by the doomsday unscrupulously.

Every meal was different. If they were greedy, they would have fried chicken, barbecue and beer. If they were lazy, they would have a seafood hot pot.

If you really don't want to cook, there are all kinds of takeout in Zhang Yu's space. If you are bored, you can play games and watch movies.

This little life is so beautiful.

Of course, as the saying goes, when you are full and warm, you will think about sex. The small umbrella in Zhang Yu's space is also consumed quickly.

The little life of the two is so moist.

Outside, the wind and snow are all over the sky, and the room is warm as spring. Lin Wan'er always lies in Zhang Yu's arms in a daze.

Zhang Yu gently strokes her hair.

"The disaster will end, right?"

Lin Wan'er turned around and lay on Zhang Yu's legs and asked softly,

Zhang Yu hugged her slender waist,

"I don't know... After all, I haven't dreamed that the disaster ended."

The two chatted with each other,

Rather than saying that they were surviving in the end of the world, it would be better to say that they were actually on vacation.

With the eruption of active volcanoes around the world,

Those dormant extinct volcanoes also began to stir,

The darkness lasted for a week, which was completely different from what Zhang Yu experienced in his previous life,

In the previous life, the darkness only lasted for a few days, but now it has a tendency to intensify.

With the arrival of the earthquake, Tiannuxing began its second big turnaround.

Those dormant volcanoes that had been silent for many years also began to erupt crazily.

This time the scale was far more than several times that of a few days ago.

The volcano in Huangshi Park exploded, the Laxi volcano in Mizushima exploded,

The Weisuwei volcano in Italy also exploded,

Even the Pinatubo volcano in the mountain donkey...Flying donkey B exploded together.

The small Futu Mountain, which had already erupted once, ushered in a second spring this time.

In addition to the crater of the main peak,

it formed thousands of new small craters on the seabed and island within a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

This also means that if they erupt at the same time, the area within a radius of thousands of kilometers will be razed to the ground.

This can be regarded as a comprehensive revenge of Tiannu Star against Japan.

Back then, Japan suffered two Death Scythes, the ruthless bombing of Skinny and Big Sister.

After that, Eagle Country lost several Death Scythes with larger yield near their waters.

The whole country fell into panic and depression. After nearly 10 years of holding back, a movie "Sister Z" was produced.

The original intention was to protest the nuclear radiation brought by the Death Scythe.

As a result, they began to discharge nuclear wastewater into the sea in a blink of an eye.

Although nature gave Japan a devastating retaliation,

but it also caused all life on Tiannu Star to suffer.

The outside world is still undergoing earth-shaking changes,

it changes almost every minute.

The moment the cold wave came, those smart people hid in nearby houses.

Those who didn't have time to go home were almost frozen into ice sculptures on the way home.

Even if they were in the car, it was no good. The warm air in the car didn't have much effect.

The traffic was completely paralyzed. People who had nowhere to hide could only wait for rescue helplessly.

On the first day alone, hundreds of thousands or even millions of people died.

It's not that the military doesn't want to rescue, but they are now too busy to take care of themselves, so how can they have the ability to rescue outside?

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