The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

"Captain, the zombies are coming!"

At the same time, a helicopter in midair made a loud noise of metal breaking,

and the main rotor of the helicopter flew straight into the sky.

It was cut off from the root by an ugly monster with wings,

and the helicopter did not fall directly due to inertia,

but rotated and slashed towards the zombie army,

after falling, it rolled all the way and a violent explosion occurred,

blowing down a large area of ​​the densely packed zombies below.

Aviation fuel was burning violently with various air-to-ground missiles.

After a while, a series of explosions were triggered.

The wreckage of the plane and various fragments were scattered everywhere.

The various missiles mounted on the helicopter also exploded violently due to the scorching flames.

Hearing the explosion, Zhang Yu slowly stood up from the bunker on the city wall with his bloodstained body.

He looked helplessly at the location of the explosion.

A large open space had been cleared there by the violent explosion.

A machine gunner was thrown off the helicopter before it touched the ground.

Although he avoided the crash and the explosion of the missile,

his legs had been completely lost their original shape after being thrown.

He fell to the ground, covered in blood.

The blood flowing from his lower body had soaked the entire snow.

The soldier was desperately launching a final attack on the zombies with a pistol.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Each gunshot could accurately take the life of a zombie.

As the zombies fell one by one, the soldier quickly emptied the magazine.

Until the last bullet was fired, he was surrounded by zombies.

He closed his eyes and pulled the ring of a grenade.

With a crisp click, the safety grip flew out.

But he did not throw the grenade, but let it lie quietly on his chest.

That was the "glory bullet" that every soldier would be equipped with after the end of the world.

They were usually hung on the bullet hanger on the soldier's chest,

Just to give himself a chance to choose at the last moment,

either die or become those terrifying things,

and then go and bite his former comrades.


With a loud bang, a large area of ​​the soldier's position was cleared again,

and the soldier ended his life and completed his mission.

In this battle with the zombie tide, this scene happened almost all the time.

In the area where the helicopter exploded,

there was no zombie within a radius of a hundred meters that could stand up.

The zombies that had not been killed in the explosion at a distance supported their broken bodies,

wriggling and crawling, they roared and raged without emotion and moved forward quickly.

Watching the explosion of the last armed helicopter,

the morale of all the soldiers dropped to the bottom.


Zhang Yu cursed angrily.

Zhang Yu, a company commander of the 35th Regiment of the Central Military Region of the Tiannuxing Republican Army,

his corps once had tens of thousands of soldiers.

In the five years after the Ice Age, he had experienced thousands of battles of all sizes,

shooting and killing millions of zombies and thugs.

But just a few days ago, because of the power grab among the top brass of the corps,

their entire corps was surrounded by zombies, and the number of zombies far exceeded 10 million.

Relying on the solid walls and advanced weapons, they held on for three days and three nights,

finally successfully evacuated all senior personnel and scientific researchers in the technical department in batches.

And the entire corps had to fight continuously with high intensity without supplies, support, and logistical support. All the front-line troops were wiped out, the artillery positions fell,

the air force troops were also completely destroyed, and all the drone squadrons exploded.

Even all the members of the kitchen team rushed into the zombie tide with kitchen knives and rolling pins.

They were all good, and none of them was afraid of death.

There are only a hundred people left now, and the weapons and ammunition are almost used up.

What should we do next?

Zhang Yu looked anxiously at the bottom of the city wall. Facing such a large-scale zombie tide,

How can we break through this endless siege?

How can we make more people successfully break through and survive?

Just as Zhang Yu was thinking hard about what to do next...

"Look! The zombie tide is retreating! The zombie tide is retreating!"

The soldiers shouted excitedly,

Zhang Yu's attention was also drawn.

Pulled back by the strong light,

Zhang Yu raised his hand and trembled as he lit a cigarette while watching the corpses gradually retreating into the shadows.

He then handed the wrinkled cigarette box to the teammate in front of him and asked him to distribute it.

Then he sat down on the wet ground, with the barrel of the howitzer next to him still emitting white smoke.

The empty shells and empty ammunition boxes on the ground were piled up in a mess.

He took a deep puff of cigarette and said slowly to the deputy company commander:

"Let all those who can still move gather here."

Although those cold-blooded beasts have slowly retreated,

but now is not the time to relax,

After receiving the order, the deputy company commander immediately gathered all those who can still move,

Five minutes later...

The only 161 people left on the battlefield all gathered and waited for the company commander's order,

Looking at those tired comrades, Zhang Yu felt mixed emotions,

Their team was once a heroic legion that created many miracles,

But now the entire team was abandoned as useless pawns in the encirclement of the corpse tide.

All the officers and generals fighting on the front line died, and none of them survived,

In the current situation, even the radio communication has been cut off,

The retreat has been completely cut off.

He put out the half-smoked cigarette and put it in the pocket on his chest,

and spat fiercely on the ground.

"Bah! Fuck the leaders! Brothers, everyone should be very clear about our current situation. Although we have perfectly completed the task of covering the evacuation of senior officials. But now we have no support, no logistics, and no supplies. Since those so-called leaders have determined that we will definitely die here! Then from now on, we will only fight for ourselves and live for ourselves!"

After that, he ordered that each car should divide the remaining ammunition equally among three people and immediately break out to the southeast.

Zhang Yu explained that no matter what happened on the way, no one was allowed to stop.

He repeatedly emphasized that no matter what happened, no one was allowed to stop.

That's because, in the process of breaking out, the consequence of stopping is only death!

Zombies, a strange life form,

They are just like what is described in movies or novels,

They can survive for several months without food or water.

After killing the zombies, you will not get the so-called crystal cores of various colors that appeared in the apocalyptic novels,

There is no inexplicable explosion of material light balls and top-grade weapons.

If you cut the skin and bones of a zombie's head like in the novel,

there is only dark red blood that is almost coagulated and white brain matter,

nothing else.

Sunlight will make the movement of this creature extremely slow.

When the sun is shining, their skin will become extremely hard for some unknown reason.

Their body structure is quite strong, but it seems to be completely non-renewable.

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