Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

In addition to satisfying their appetite, zombies can also obtain additional DNA to complete themselves in this way.

They can undergo a second, third, or even more mutations.

In the information held by the senior leaders of the corps where Zhang Yu is, ,

There was a zombie that ate hundreds of human and animal corpses,

After several mutations, it was as big as an elephant, but as fast as a cheetah,

That guy could not be harmed by ordinary guns. Damage,

Ordinary bullets can only be embedded in its skin,

Even large-caliber armor-piercing bullets can hardly cause penetrating injuries,

If you want to cause effective damage to it,

You can only use a large-caliber armor-piercing bullet Only an anti-material sniper rifle can do this.

Legend has it that only one person escaped alive after fighting it,

but he died of infection a few days later.

No one knows how long they can live.

They roar and snarl in a voice that humans cannot understand, and rush towards you,

just to eat every last inch of your flesh and blood.

As the convoy moves forward quickly,

they gather together The number of zombies is gradually increasing.

Although they have been driving in the sun-lit area,

how fast can these clumsy guys run in the snow?

Out of their desire for fresh flesh and blood, many zombies walked out of the shadows and slowly came to the front of the convoy.

The number of zombies was increasing, and they blocked the front of the vehicles in groups.

Due to the sunlight, their skin began to It became extremely hard,

It started making clanking noises when it hit the car,

The zombies that were not knocked away began to hold on to the front of the vehicle with their claws,

They grabbed the weapon installed on the front of the car that was supposed to tear them apart On the blades and spikes,

Some zombies were even shredded by the spikes on the rotating wheels, leaving only the upper body,

but they still held on to everything they could.

Their fearless behavior made everyone My heart tightened.

This also seriously affected the speed of the convoy.

It was not that they didn't want to leave this hellhole as soon as possible.

The other two soldiers in the car used all the weapons they could to continuously slash out of the car window,

trying their best to kill those who wanted to get out. Kill the zombies that crawled in through the car window.

Half an hour later...

Many armored vehicles at the front had already emitted some strange smells.

The car body was heavy, and the resistance in the snow was also great.

In addition, There were groups of zombies hanging outside and on top of the car.

The driver's foot was almost in the gas tank, but the car was going slower and slower.

White steam came out of the hoods of many cars.

"Boiling "Because the huge group of zombies blocked the convoy's way forward. The soldiers could only push the performance of the machine to the limit.

You know, the temperature was minus 30 degrees Celsius, but the engine overheated due to the high temperature.

The radiator could not dissipate the heat quickly.

In the end of the world,

The children who survived They can be used as adults,

Women who survive can be used as men,

Men are used as machines,

And what about machines? As long as they can be repaired and not broken, they are scrapped!

There is no other way!

If you want to live, you must squeeze out the last bit of value from everything around you.

Even if it is a compressed biscuit,

you must find a way to break it into three pieces and eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Seeing that the car in front is getting slower and slower,

If If this continues,

even a child can crawl into the slow-moving car,

no one will be able to escape, everyone will die,

At this time, the vehicles behind accelerated forward tacitly,

and the vehicles on the outside also rushed forward The inside is close together,

The rear car uses the front of the car to press against the rear of the front car,

The inside car is close to the side of the outside car,

and it is firmly against the front car.

One car after another, this action is actually very dangerous.

If any driver does not operate properly, everyone is likely to be finished.

But this is also the most common method used by survivors.

Two or more cars working at the same time can certainly It is easier to knock away the zombies in front,

but the car in the front can only move forward without any escape,

and dare not even turn,

It only takes a moment to overturn,

so the outer car turns inward The purpose of leaning is to make the vehicle being pushed more stable.

More stability,

But because there is no hard connection between the vehicles,

They are all squeezed together,

If the speed of the rear car is too fast or the front car suddenly turns,

This will cause the front car to lose control and overturn immediately!

It may also cause the rear car to get directly under the rear wheel of the front car,

After all, it is difficult to consider too many details when breaking out,

Any chaos may occur at any time,

At this tense moment...


A loud roar resounded through the world.

The hearts of all the fugitives suddenly jumped up to their throats!

Even those who have seen the world jumped wildly in their hearts,

Zhang Yu, who was following the team, saw the mutant zombies gradually catching up in the rearview mirror.

"Fuck the hell out of me!"


This beast can easily split a medium-sized family car in two.

Its body is the size of a van, and each of its sturdy limbs is nearly two meters long.

It is extremely fast, and its bloody body exudes an indescribable stench.

That is a mutant species after swallowing a large amount of food.

Although the appearance and size of the tearers are different,

their attack methods and general outlines are similar.

They absorb the genes of other life forms, causing them to mutate multiple times.

No one knows how strong it is,

No one knows how sharp its nails are,

and no one knows how fast it is,

because everyone who has seen them is dead, without exception.

Usually, they act alone,

because if two tearers meet, they will definitely fight,

until the last one left alive completely eats the dead one.

In one breath!

This beast overturned a small off-road vehicle that was almost the same size as it.

The modified off-road vehicle weighs at least ten tons.

Two layers of 20 mm steel plate were welded.

All useless equipment in the car was removed to reduce weight.

Even wire mesh was installed inside and outside the windshield to strengthen its strength.

Of course, all useless internal configurations were removed,

in order to reduce the load on the engine as much as possible.

All the high-end configurations have become scrap.

Air conditioning compressor?


The warm air in the car is no longer effective in the severe cold of minus 70 degrees,

because the sealing of the vehicle does not meet the requirements of warmth.

Rearview mirror sun visor?


There are no traffic rules in this world. There are no other vehicles on the snow.

The sun doesn't come out for a few minutes every day, and these two things have completely lost their function.

Central control display screen armrest box?


The simpler things are, the more practical they are. Extra chargers and display screens will only increase energy consumption.

Higher power consumption will naturally lead to higher fuel consumption. They are completely unnecessary.

Even the radio and speakers will be completely dismantled.

For no other reason than to reduce the weight of the vehicle as much as possible.

Even one gram is too much. Besides, how dare you honk the horn casually in this apocalypse?

Then you really think you are too old!

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