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Arriving at the 16th floor, Zhang Yu leaned against the wall and carefully poked his head out to check the situation.

He did not see any suspicious people or zombies.

However, he found that there were traces of blood on the ground.

The blood was obvious, as if it had been It looked like someone had wiped it,

but it was not completely wiped clean, instead it looked more like a trace of dragging,

Zhang Yu immediately became alert,

He raised his submachine gun and walked slowly and cautiously,

Along the way, he carefully Searching every room,

When he came to the nurse's station, he found the empty oxygen cylinder that made the noise.

He decided to check the nurse's station. In order to avoid accidentally hurting people, he whispered:

"Is there someone inside? "No one answered, Zhang Yu raised his gun and walked in slowly.

There were many desks and chairs for office use in the nurse station, and many patients' medical records and test reports were hung on the wall.

There is a small storage room in the nurse station, which contains medical supplies and a small amount of medicine.

Zhang Yu also put them all back into the system space.

Then he continued to walk to the inner room of the nurse station.

Due to the power outage in the whole city, the room It was quite dark, so Zhang Yu turned on his tactical flashlight and shone it from outside the door.

Just when he was about to change his angle to see what was on the other side,

a dark shadow attacked him. Zhang Yu was prepared,

and dodged it with a flash. He saw the shadow, then quickly pulled the trigger and shot at it.

After a few screams, the shadow jumped out of the door.

Zhang Yu was sure that the bullet hit the shadow, and more than one shot,

He rushed over Go out, but he saw nothing.

If it weren't for the dark red blood that just dripped on the ground, Zhang Yu might think he was hallucinating.

Following the blood trail, Zhang Yu moved quickly. In order to avoid accidents, Zhang Yu changed the magazine. .

Arriving at the door of a ward deep in the corridor,

Zhang Yu smelled a strong smell of blood.

You know, the helmet he was wearing had a high-level air filter.

Although it cannot be compared with a gas mask, it can also be said that It should be completely sufficient.

Obviously, there is a big problem with this room.

Zhang Yu couldn't see the situation inside from the outside.

The curtains seemed to be drawn inside the room, and there was an independent bathroom at the door of the ward.

Zhang Yu kept a tactical flashlight on throughout the whole process, but He didn't want to take any risks,

He took a flare from the butt, pulled the fuse and threw it in,

The flare burned and emitted a green light, illuminating the situation inside the house,



Zhang Yu could only describe it with these two words.

He was shocked. That was not a curtain.

It was a group of corpses, hanging on the wall with something like a cocoon.

Darkness dripped from it from time to time. Red blood,

It was everywhere on the floor, walls, and ceiling.

At this time, there was movement in the direction of the bathroom.

Zhang Yu knew that the thing must be hiding in the bathroom.

He didn't care about that and took a step forward from the ward. He leaned half of his body out of the door,

He fired wildly into the bathroom,

Sparks flew from bullets in every corner of the bathroom,

In just about ten seconds, the magazine was emptied of bullets,

Zhang Yu immediately pulled back In the corridor, he unloaded the empty magazine and threw it on the ground.

He changed the bullet, pulled the bolt and loaded it, and walked back in slowly. His attention was not only on the bathroom,

He was also paying attention to the situation in the room at all times.

He knew that if he made a mistake, That is the end of all hope.

When he saw the whole picture of the bathroom, he couldn't help but gasp.

What are all these things in here?

The indescribable scene made Zhang Yu frown. He didn't know how to describe it.

In the blood-stained room, the broken walls were They were thrown all over the floor like this.

Many of them had been gnawed clean.

The tooth marks on them looked no less than those of lions and tigers.

After making sure that there was nothing in the bathroom, he suppressed the churning in his stomach.

Zhang Yuxiang Moving slowly inside,

The situation in the room was clearly visible,

If there was something inside, it must be at this corner,

Zhang Yu pulled the trigger directly at the blind spot without saying a word, and then stepped forward,

He saw that The true appearance of the black shadow, it was the Ripper that had not yet mutated into its full form.

The bullets shot out and suppressed it fiercely.

Its two arms were more than one meter long each.

The arms were very thin but the fingertips looked

It looked particularly sharp.

Zhang Yu had never seen this kind of mutated Ripper in his previous life,

so he was very alert. At the moment when the ammunition ran out,

he pulled a grenade and threw it at the feet of the Ripper,

then he immediately left the ward,


There was a bang, followed by the painful wail of the Ripper,

"Isn't he going to die?"

Zhang Yu quickly changed the magazine, which had an obvious mark


This was a special bullet Zhang Yu got back from Eagle Country,

commonly known as the doctor's head shaking bullet. If you are hit by this bullet, the possibility of survival is almost zero.

Each bullet head has 8 triangular shrapnel. After the bullet hits the target,

the triangular shrapnel will separate from the base and spread in a trumpet shape, which is equivalent to firing a shot at you,

but you are shot 9 times inside your body. If you can't feel it intuitively,

then you can understand that this shot is equivalent to being hit by all the steel balls of the shotgun.

The steel balls inside are sharp triangular blades.

I don't understand the imagination of the Eagles. This thing is actually designed for women to defend themselves!

But its destructive power is really terrifying.

After changing the magazine, Zhang Yu raised his gun, and the Ripper inside just staggered out of the ward.

It was obvious that he was irritated. Zhang Yu had no intention of communicating with it.

Because even if you talk too much, it can't understand what you say.

Start pouring ammunition at the Ripper.

A bullet can split into 1 projectile and 8 triangular shrapnel.

The 50 bullets are 450 tiny shrapnel.

The Ripper was beaten so badly that even his mother didn't recognize it.

His body The body was riddled with holes and in tatters.

After replacing a regular magazine, Zhang Yu walked forward tentatively.

"Damn it! Still not dead?"

The Ripper was still moving. Although it looked like it was on the verge of death,

but it was still alive.

Zhang Yu tied the Ripper's mutilated body with a rope and dragged it back to the ward.

He threw it inside, and took out a barrel of gasoline from the system space.

Poured it in the room, and pulled a gasoline line to the door.

Then he threw the barrel directly into the room.

Ignite it with a lighter, and the flame burned into the ward along the gasoline.

There was an explosion in the ward, and the heat wave could be felt through the helmet.

Zhang Yu watched the Ripper being gradually burned and deformed before he was willing to leave.

After riding the snowmobile forward for a distance,

Zhang Yu turned around and looked at the burning rooftop of the hospital.

"If it doesn't die like this, then I really have no other choice."

Not counting the burst of bullets when they first met.

There were 50 conventional bullets and 50 RIP bullets hitting it,

and an F-1 grenade that exploded at close range,

plus the burning flames, and it had just started to mutate,

compared to the zombie mother, this thing is really terrifying.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Zhang Yu planned to find a place to stay first,

He thought about putting the RV out and spending the night in it,

but this was very troublesome. After the battle just now, he was not very clean,

and he had to wash the RV if it was dirty, so he just found a house.

Just as he was about to leave the hospital parking lot, a woman's voice called him.

"Hello... Hello..."

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