The sound of the voice was so loud that the voice was heard.

Zhang Yu looked towards the source of the sound and saw a person wrapped in a blanket standing at the window.

The snow at this time was already above the window sill. From Zhang Yu's perspective,

the other person's position at this time was like being in a basement.

Looking at the tightly wrapped woman, Zhang Yu held the gun in his hand and said:

"What's the matter?"

The woman saw Zhang Yu with a gun and answered nervously.

"Excuse me, are you here to rescue?"

"Have you ever seen Chinese soldiers pointing guns at the rescued people?"

As soon as the woman finished speaking, Zhang Yu retorted unhappily,

Chinese soldiers have never been armed for rescue in China,

Why should the people's army be on guard with long guns and short guns to rescue the people?

Do you think this is the Eagle Force resource plundering country?

Thinking of this, he continued!

"Although I also hope that I am here to rescue, I am sorry to tell you that there is no possibility of rescue so far."

It has been more than a month since the end of the world.

In order to rescue the people, the armed forces of Chuncheng were almost wiped out.

Although this place is not far from the central capital, judging from the current scale of the zombie tide,

even the situation in the capital will not be much better.

After hearing Zhang Yu's words, the woman fell into deep thought.

Then, just as Zhang Yu was about to start the snowmobile and leave again,

the woman spoke:

"Brother, can you take me away? There is no food at home. If this goes on, I will starve to death. You can ask me to do anything."

Zhang Yu looked back at her:

"If you want to survive, find a way yourself."

After that, he pointed to the convenience store opposite.

Damn, the supermarket is just opposite the window, how can such a person live so long?

Without waiting for the woman to react, Zhang Yu walked away.

Because of this episode, Zhang Yu also wasted some time.

In fact, Zhang Yu was unwilling to admit that

The main reason was that the woman was not very pretty,

about 50 points.

It was already 5 pm, and the sky had darkened.

Due to the obstruction of the clouds, it got dark early,

So Zhang Yu did not plan to continue on his way.

He looked around, and then he was happy to find that it was a bank.

As we all know, the bank's business window is enclosed by double-layer bulletproof glass with glue injection.

As for safety, it is estimated that among all the surrounding buildings, only the bank is the safest.

If you have an idea, do it. Zhang Yu drove the snowmobile directly into the bank hall.

Then he got off the car and put the snowmobile back into the system space.

After searching for a while, Zhang Yu found the entrance.

The two explosion-proof doors were open.

It is estimated that the people in the bank were also fleeing in the chaos at that time.

He picked up the submachine gun and walked inside carefully.

After checking around and finding nothing unusual, he closed the two explosion-proof doors.

The temperature in the room was still very low.

Zhang Yu took out some bed sheets and quilt covers from the space and blocked the hole under the window.

Then, he used local materials to dismantle the wooden tables and chairs inside and put them together to set them on fire.

In this way, the temperature in the house can be guaranteed.

However, Zhang Yu did not expect that in such a closed house, a fire using furniture as fuel would emit such a large amount of smoke. The smoke had nowhere to go.

Soon, the smoke filled the whole room.

The wood of the furniture was painted or glued, so the smoke was very thick.

Zhang Yu quickly pulled off the sheets blocking the window near the fire,

and took out an outdoor mobile ventilation fan, placed it at the hole and turned on the power.

As the ventilation fan continued to exhaust air, the smoke in the house became much less.

Zhang Yu also breathed a sigh of relief and turned his attention to the open space.

Since he was going to rest, he had to rest more comfortably.

He took out an ordinary mattress from the system warehouse and threw it on the ground.

This thing is not a high-end product. He put all the Simmons mattresses in the shelter.

So this mattress can be used once and thrown away.

After the temperature in the room rose, he took off his helmet.


I'd better bring it with me. Although there is a ventilator to exhaust the smoke,

but the pungent smell still hasn't completely dissipated.

After all, the exhaust speed of the small fan is not very fast.

He lay on the mattress and slowly thought about the next action.

Spring City, Summer City and Winter City are connected, and the areas near Spring City between the cities are marked out.

A large area,

That is where the center of the capital is, which is equivalent to another city in Chuncheng,

There are several large hospitals in the area near the capital,

Let's go there tomorrow,

There is only one large hospital in Chuncheng, and the rest are dregs.

However, there are quite a few plastic surgery hospitals,

It's a pity that those doctors are useless. They can't treat diseases, but only create artificial beauties,

The supplies in the hospital are useless. In addition to anesthetics, there are only various types of silicone.

When the sky was completely dark, Zhang Yu took off his helmet.

The temperature was not so cold at this time, and the pungent smell was almost completely exhausted.

After adding fuel appropriately, Zhang Yu took out the magazines that he had emptied from the system space,

and began to load the magazines. Since it was a drum magazine, the loading artifact could not be used.

He could only press the bullets in one by one.

Seven or eight drum magazines, 50 rounds each...

Zhang Yu had a headache just thinking about it. It was really fun to shoot and spray.

I cursed in my heart while loading bullets!

While loading bullets, Zhang Yu was thinking, it was only a month in the end of the world.

Why was it so different from the previous life?

Could it be because he changed the development trajectory of too many things after his rebirth?

It doesn't matter. Anyway, he can't live as cowardly as in the previous life in this life.

Do everything possible to make himself safe and stable.

It was already 20:15 in the evening. Zhang Yu finally filled up all the magazines that had been emptied during this period.

He took off the magazine holder and placed it on the mattress, and inserted all the magazines full of bullets back into the magazine holder.

He also added some grenades and stun grenades.

He had obtained a lot of weapons and ammunition from the armed forces warehouse before.

The system warehouse also needed to be sorted out and stacked in categories.

Everything was arranged properly, and the time came to midnight.

The heavy snow outside was still falling tirelessly,

The raging wind was still violently sweeping across the Tiannu Star,

Zhang Yu also gradually fell asleep. Although he was asleep, he didn't dare to sleep too deeply,

After all, this was not in his own villa,

He had to stay alert at all times. When Zhang Yu was sleeping soundly,

A group of zombies slowly walked from the distance of the street,

They were ragged and tattered, and they wandered aimlessly,


A shrill scream spread throughout the street, followed by begging for mercy and wailing,

Then there were curses, and finally everything returned to calm.

Zhang Yu was obviously awakened by the scream, but he did not choose to make any reaction,

Instead, he turned over and continued to sleep. He couldn't save him, really couldn't save him,

If humans don't learn to pretend to be dead at night as soon as possible, you deserve to be killed by zombies.

That night, screams and howls like this happened every few dozen minutes.

Zhang Yu was also woken up every time. Although he felt helpless, he had to wake up.

After all, he had been struggling in the apocalypse for many years.

This kind of vigilance could not be changed in a short time.

Although the place where he slept was relatively safe, it was better to be on guard.

Be careful, but don't be too much.

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