As time went by, Zhang Yu and his four companions were getting closer and closer to the shelter. However, there were still many zombies along the way that caused them some trouble. Zhang Yu could only drive and shoot with a pistol. When the zombies behind him had gathered, he used a grenade to take them all away. The woman in the car didn't know whether she was scared by Zhang Yu's shooting or the zombies. She kept screaming all the way, fighting and running, and stumbled back to the villa area. However, unlike before, the gate of the villa area was closed. Did someone come out? Zhang Yu began to be alert.

Although Zhang Yu was not the only one living in the villa area,

Who would have nothing better to do than to come out in the cold and snow to close the gate?

He drove the car to the nearby woods and motioned for the others to get off and wait there.

After the others got off, Zhang Yu drove the car to a more remote place and took it back to the warehouse.

There was no other way. If you wanted to keep a secret, you had to be willing to take the trouble.

He returned to the location of the three people and warned them that if they encountered danger, they must protect themselves immediately.

If someone approached and hesitated when it was time to take action, then they would be the unlucky ones.

After that, she gave each of the three people a machete.

Seeing Zhang Yu so nervous, the people who had just seen the zombies also became more alert.

Zhang Yu took the submachine gun from his back, checked the magazine and firing mode, and signaled the three to follow him closely.

Then they walked towards the villa area together.

The doors of the villas were open along the way, and there was no blood on the ground.

There were only some messy footprints in the snow, and small snow pits that were pressed by something unknown.

The four people moved carefully towards the villa on the top of the mountain.

The scene along the way was almost the same, and the doors of the villas they passed by were all open.

There were messy footprints and small snow pits on the ground.

Until they walked all the way to the fortress, nothing happened.

Zhang Yu shrugged helplessly, maybe he was overthinking.

The person on duty in the fortress saw four people approaching,

and hurriedly used the intercom to ask if the leader had returned.

After getting Zhang Yu's confirmation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yu opened the door and motioned for several people to follow him into the yard of the villa.

The three of them were already stunned. You call this a villa?

This is obviously a fortress!

The door slowly closed, and Zhang Yu took them in through the door next to the door.

Instructed the team leader on duty to arrange them to the room next to or opposite the captain's dormitory.

After that, he asked the captain to take them to take a shower.

When the three of them sighed that they could take a shower here, the captain on duty turned on the shower.

"Wow! There is hot water here!"

At the same time, Zhang Yu returned to the villa from the main entrance of the villa.

The three people in the house had received the news long ago and were waiting for Zhang Yu at the door.

As soon as he entered the house, Zhang Yu still quickly took off all the cold-proof equipment.

Lin Wan'er thoughtfully threw all the clothes into the washing machine,

and took out the plugs in the bulletproof vest and bulletproof pants,

and threw the two bulletproof equipment into the washing machine.

Wu Qian took the helmet and wiped the snow and dust on it carefully with a rag.

On the contrary, Tang Ying was at a loss.

Seeing that the two women had done almost everything,

she spread her hands helplessly, okay, it's none of my business.

Zhang Yu looked at the three beautiful women with a smile on his face.

"I don't have to go anywhere for the next period of time."

Zhang Yu said as he walked towards the sofa:

"Has anything strange happened in the villa area these two days?"

Tang Ying came over and stood opposite Zhang Yu, straight Stand up straight,

"Captain, I was just about to report this to you."

Zhang Yu said gently:

"In the villa, if there are no outsiders, don't stand at attention, relax."

Then he patted the sofa next to him and motioned her to sit over and said,

Tang Ying hesitated for a moment, then sat down next to Zhang Yu,

"Early this morning, zombies appeared around the shelter, and there were screams from the direction of the gate."

Zhang Yu was originally relaxed, but he sat up straight after hearing the news.

"The number of zombies is not large, and they are not close to the walls of the shelter. They just wandered around for a while and left. We didn't choose to shoot because we were afraid of attracting more zombies."

Zhang Yu

Nodding with relief:

"They probably didn't just wander around for a while and then left, but almost bloodbathed the entire villa area."

Because the villa has an extremely strong and thick wall outside,

they can't sense the existence of "food" in the house,

so they naturally evacuated,

but the thickness of the walls of other villas and houses is not thick,

so they became their target of attack, but,

why didn't this group of zombies attack at night, but during the day?

Could it be?

Zhang Yu was suddenly shocked when he thought of this,

"Have the on-duty personnel carefully guarded in the past two days?"

Tang Ying was stunned by the question:

"Of course, after all, we used to be from the army and have strict discipline!"

Zhang Yu also felt that it was a bit redundant to ask this question, and then she ordered:

"Order all on-duty guards."

Tang Ying immediately stood up and stood at attention when she heard the words,

Zhang Yu saw that she couldn't change this habit for a while, so he didn't say much.

"From today on, night duty in the shelter must use night vision goggles for observation. Any suspicious person within a range of 200 meters must be monitored throughout the process. If the other party approaches within 25 meters, they will be warned and shot immediately."

Then, Zhang Yu got up and walked into the utility room, and took out a suitcase from the system space.

This was also what Zhang Yu had prepared long ago.

Opening the box, there were 8 combat crossbows and several bundles of crossbow arrows neatly placed inside.

Zhang Yu signaled Tang Ying to distribute these weapons, and Tang Ying immediately did so.

Zhang Yu called Tang Ying and signaled that everyone should go to the meeting room on the first floor of the villa for a meeting at the handover time tonight.

Tang Ying turned around and nodded, then dragged the suitcase to the basement.

After Zhang Yu said hello to Lin Wan'er and Wu Qian, he hurried back to his room.

That night, in the meeting room on the first floor of the villa,

except for one person on duty in each fortress,

everyone attended the first meeting of the shelter.

Zhang Yu gave everyone a detailed introduction to the current situation outside and the difficulties that might be encountered now.

He did not keep any information from everyone,

but told everyone everything that had happened from the end of the world to today.

It was not that he did not want to keep anything back,

but he was afraid that his selfishness would cause the entire team to fall into danger.

After saying these words, he reiterated the issue of loyalty.

He emphasized that everyone was not loyal to him.

He joked:

"Now anyone can shoot at me and kill me instantly, but what will happen next? Assuming that the people in the shelter are not united, then an internal war is inevitable. If it is because everyone thinks that I am tyrannical or cruel to women and children, it is even more unreasonable. I am the only man in the whole villa. It is not certain who will bully whom at that time."

Everyone laughed.

"Yes, only cows that are tired to death can't plow the land."

"Besides, we have so much land waiting to be plowed!"

The two team leaders began to think actively again,

Tang Ying glared at them,

They stuck out their tongues and lowered their heads.

Zhang Yu waved his hand to signal Tang Ying to relax:

"I just want to say that this team and this villa fortress will be your home from now on. This home is all you have left in the end times. If the home is alive, the people will live, and if the home is destroyed, the people will die."

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