After half an hour,

basically, everything that needed to be said was finished, Zhang Yu signaled everyone,

from now on, the atmosphere of this meeting can be less tense,

he began to ask if there were people who could cook,

and emphasized that the food must be delicious,

those who can send all the people in the shelter away by stir-frying beans should not raise their hands.

This statement caused everyone to laugh,

Finally, two girls raised their hands,

Tang Ying introduced:

"Sun Qing, Lan Lan, they used to be the squad leader and deputy squad leader in the kitchen squad."

The two stood at attention and saluted Zhang Yu with a standard military salute.

"Well, then Sun Qing and Lan Lan will be the chefs of our shelter from now on. We will adjust the positions later. Two people will be enough for each position. Three people will be a bit of a waste of everyone's energy."

Then Zhang Yu asked the two nurses brought by Xie Yuting,

"How are your cooking skills?"

The two nurses looked at each other,

Feng Wei said:

"Our knife skills are OK, so we should have no problem helping in the kitchen."

After Feng Wei finished speaking, Zhou Ning also nodded.

Zhang Yu slapped his thigh.


One of the doomsday rules is to never take the initiative to go out and clash with zombies or enemies,

Then the chance of injury will be greatly reduced,

Some minor illnesses such as headaches and fevers are just a matter of infusion or taking some medicine,

It would be good if the two nurses could help the chef,

The current team is actually already strong,

The entire shelter, including the few people in his villa, has a total of 36 people,

It is much more convenient to arrange things. Zhang Yu adjusted the fortress duty from three to two this time,

It is also to ensure that there are always people in the shelter who are resting,

It can also respond to emergencies in a timely manner,

After arranging the personnel deployment with Tang Ying,

Zhang Yu put his thoughts on everyone's clothes,

Lin Wan'er, Wu Qian and Tang Ying understood everything when they saw Zhang Yu's wretched eyes,

They rolled their eyes at Zhang Yu and looked at the several large cardboard boxes behind him.

Seeing the reactions of the girls, many other team members understood something.

Many of them even looked a little excited.

Zhang Yu took out 30 sets of white tights from the carton.

The material was almost the same as the last time.

It looked like latex, but it was not.

This material is breathable and warm.

He threw a set of white tights with gold trim to Tang Ying,

and three sets of white tights with silver trim to Hu Li, Lu Rou and Shi Meng.

The remaining white tights with purple trim were distributed.

The girls were shy again.

The team leader is really lustful!

Just when the two young nurses were secretly happy that they were not ordered to wear these sexy clothes,

Zhang Yu threw two sets of nurse uniforms to them,

white nurse uniforms with pink edges and white nurse uniforms with red edges,

and ten pairs of pink and ten pairs of red suspender stockings,

This was obviously not a proper outfit. The two women looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly,

Then the four people who were arranged to enter the kitchen received another two sets of clothes,

black and white maid uniforms also had ten pairs of black and ten pairs of white suspender stockings,

The two chefs who were gloating suddenly stopped laughing,

The two young nurses couldn't help laughing when they saw the two of them being embarrassed,

and the combat team members were also lucky gloating over the misfortune,

Before they could react, Zhang Yu's next move made everyone's face red,

Red enough to bleed,

Each person had ten sets of underwear, and everyone had the same style,

One set a day for seven days a week, one style each day,

The remaining three sets were more conventional styles,

which were worn in special circumstances,

Zhang Yu said in a beautiful way:

"As a member of the group, the group leader must be responsible for everything about them."

The women in the audience were speechless, but no one refuted,

Then came the Velcro of the harem group on the back,

Velcro for the deputy group leader, team leader, nurse and other positions was also distributed.

Although this stage was very informal for the meeting,

Zhang Yu was still reliable at times.

Finally, he took out 30 inner-wearing bulletproof vests and 30 plug-in bulletproof vests from the carton,

Inner-wearing bulletproof vests are made of Kevlar fiber, with a relatively low bulletproof level,

Usually only

It can block small-caliber pistol bullets.

He told all the combat team members that they must wear inner bulletproof vests as long as they enter the fortress.

The team members entering the observation room must also wear plug-in bulletproof vests.

Moreover, he pushed the cardboard box containing 30 bulletproof helmets in front of him,

signaling them to line up to receive them, and he also pushed the bulletproof masks for replacement to the front.

Zhang Yu said earnestly:

"My lust is public, and it is not a secret. Everyone in the villa knows it. We can do whatever we want in private, but once you enter the fortress, I must be responsible for your life safety. You must wear all the bulletproof equipment you should wear, otherwise you will be severely punished!"

Everyone applauded. He admitted that he was lustful in front of so many beauties.

This courage deserves everyone's applause.

(Zhang Yu: Isn't the applause because of how much I value everyone's safety?)

Then he took out a bunch of protective glasses and distributed them.

This kind of goggles is made of polycarbonate,

which can withstand some small-caliber bullets and fragments produced by explosions,

The glasses frame is made of carbon fiber material, which is strong and durable.

Finally, Zhang Yu asked Tang Ying to take them to the combat duty after disbanding.

At the same time, a series of adjustments were made to the free and unlimited snacks and drinks in the fortress.

Although Zhang Yu's system warehouse is enough for everyone to eat for hundreds of years,

but it cannot be used without restraint.

At the beginning, it was to let them quickly adapt to the new environment.

And now, they have to understand that coming to the shelter is not to enjoy life.

It is most important to be vigilant and respond to the attacks of zombies and mobs at any time.

Everyone has no objection to this.

Zhang Yu also promised to study the reward and punishment measures with the deputy leaders.

After arranging everything, Zhang Yu announced the disbandment.

Everyone returned to their posts.

Seeing Xie Yuting turning around to leave, Zhang Yu hurriedly called her,

and motioned for her to enter the villa. live,

Lin Wan'er and Wu Qian also tried their best to persuade her,

In the end, she, like Tang Ying, reserved beds on both sides,

and could run between the two sides at any time. In this way,

there were four beauties in the villa,

each doing their own job, which was actually quite good,

Back in the villa, Zhang Yu couldn't wait to take out a few boxes from the cloakroom,

and distributed the uniform standard sets in the villa to Xie Yuting,

Since Lin Wan'er and the others had worn that kind of clothes in advance,

and also told her some of Zhang Yu's perverted rules in the villa,

She was not too shy after having prepared herself mentally,

After all, she was the one who almost killed Zhang Yu with a panda,

A white dress was her choice,

After all, she was a doctor by profession, and she might have a special liking for white,

But, Xie Yuting always had a hint of provocation in her eyes when she looked at Zhang Yu.

In this way, Zhang Yu successfully built a shelter in the end times like a local emperor, and collected a lot of beauties. The life of luxury and debauchery that he had dreamed of might begin. The few people in the villa did not eat with others. They sat around the dining table in the restaurant on the second floor of the villa, enjoying the big meal that Zhang Yu ordered from the restaurant. As the team members had assigned a chef to cook, they no longer had to eat those fast foods. Everyone in the shelter was very satisfied and happy. After dinner, Zhang Yu stood by the guardrail on the second floor of the villa, watching the snowflakes still falling crazily outside, and he was surrounded by warmth like spring, with no worries about food and drink, and beautiful women to accompany him. He sighed: "Although it is unlikely, it would be great if such days could continue like this!"

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