The next morning, the garrison of the fortress began the routine shift change.

After adapting for a while, and thanks to the generous treatment in Zhang Yu's shelter,

the members of the original women's squadron also adapted to the current work and rest schedule.

They go to work with guns every day, and work in the observation room of the fortress.

Although the outside world cannot see the situation inside through the one-way glass,

But as long as they are on duty, they will stand straight.

This is the quality of Chinese soldiers. Quality is not something that can be pretended.

The soldiers who have been relieved come to the restaurant opposite the dormitory to eat.

The people in the canteen will reserve meals for everyone every day.

The cuisine provided is higher than the standard of the army, which makes everyone very satisfied.

You know, before they joined Zhang Yu's team,

They ate military rations and drank cold mineral water every day.

What is in the military rations? Most of the conventional military rations are made for easy carrying.

Compressed biscuits, canned luncheon meat, chewing gum, coffee, juice, etc.

Some troops can also have some self-heating plastic packages of pre-made meals.

Although there are many varieties, they are eaten during combat after all.

The taste is just so-so, and it can only be said to be makeshift.

Here, there are steamed buns and flower rolls in the morning,

and the drinks include preserved egg and lean meat porridge, black rice porridge, and rice porridge.

Every few days, there are donkey meat steamed dumplings or wontons with three fresh fillings for breakfast.

Although the food in the army is quite good,

but here, every day is more like everyone going to a restaurant together.

The team members are very satisfied and are very curious about Zhang Yu.

While eating meat buns, a team member asked a question:

"What do you think the leader was like before the end of the world?"

"Who knows."

"But just looking at this iron barrel-like fortress, the leader is definitely not a simple person."

"I feel the same way."

Everyone chatted happily.

At this moment, the electronic alarm of the fortress sounded.

The eight team members who had just finished eating rushed to the area they were responsible for to be on guard.

The alarm sounded continuously.

"Beep, beep, beep"

Three consecutive alarms mean that there are humans or zombies approaching the shelter.

And they have jumped over the range of 50 meters.

Tang Ying and the three captains also came to their combat positions.

When there is nothing to do, the three captains are responsible for patrolling the passage of the shelter.

But when the alarm in the shelter sounded,

All combatants in the shelter must arrive at their combat positions as soon as possible.

At this time, the people in the fortress are fully armed.

Assault rifles have also been protruded from the shooting holes of the fortress.

Ready to shoot at any time, 50 meters, 45 meters...

People in the distance are still slowly approaching the gate of the villa.

Zhang Yu's order is that no matter who or what vehicle it is,

Fire green flares at the opponent's position within 100 meters to drive them away.

If the opponent ignores the warning and forcibly enters the range of 50 meters,

Fire red flares for the final non-violent warning.

If the other party still chooses to approach,

immediately sound the alarm in the walled fortress, and all combatants are on alert.

When approaching the shelter by 30 meters, immediately shoot an arrow at the other party's feet to warn.

Firing a gun may not scare the other party directly. A gunshot will only cause a puff of snow and fog on the ground.

Shooting an arrow will cause a bright arrow to pierce the ground, which is very deterrent.

If the other party still ignores the warning at this time,

then when they cross the 25-meter range, there is no need to report, just shoot and kill.

At this time, the other party has crossed the 30-meter distance and is walking towards the shelter.


Tang Ying fired a crossbow arrow at their feet with a sniper crossbow.

The crossbow arrow pierced the feet of the leader in front.

The leader paused suddenly. He noticed two signal flares.

But he didn't know it was a warning until a crossbow arrow was shot in front of him.

He realized that if he and the people behind him continued to approach,

the people in the villa might shoot them immediately.

The combatants in the two fortresses at the main entrance of the shelter had already loaded their guns.

After two signal flares and arrows, and three warnings,

they still came to the front of the shelter as they pleased.

This was the bottom line given by the head of the group, Zhang Yu. If the range exceeded 25 meters, they would be shot directly.

At this time, two laser beams hit the ground 25 meters in front of the shelter.

The red flashing lights above the fortress were also turned on.

This series of lights revealed danger and warnings of no-entry.

Warning everyone not to cross this line,

Everyone in the fortress was also highly nervous,

because this was the first time they pointed guns at their compatriots,

they were very entangled in their hearts,

they prayed that the other party would not do anything stupid,

if they forced to cross the red line, they would have to shoot.

Some people were also surprised and questioned where the laser came from?

The captain glanced at her:

"I guess you don't have a driver's license?"

The man looked at the captain and nodded.

"This thing has been around for more than ten years. If you search for rear lasers on the online shopping platform, the products that pop up are them. It's not completely light now, so you can see it clearly. In two hours, when it's bright, this laser line will be invisible. Don't be curious, concentrate on responding and be ready to fight at any time!"

With the captain's explanation, everyone put away their curiosity and

focused on the dozen people in front.

"We need help!"

The leader on the opposite side stood outside the laser line and shouted inside.

At this time, Tang Ying also came to the observation room of the fortress. She picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted outside:

"Cross the red line! Kill without mercy!"

With just eight words, everyone on the opposite side stopped.

Seeing that no one on the opposite side continued to approach, Tang Ying continued:

"This is private territory. No external assistance is provided. Please go back."

Hearing the woman in the villa say this, the people outside were not happy!

"Aren't you from the armed forces?"

"I clearly saw the armed forces' car driving in a few days ago."

"That's right, I saw it too."

"Why does the country support you?"

"You dare to shoot us with arrows with our taxpayers' money?"

For a while, the gate of the villa became lively.

Everyone was very excited and denounced the people in the villa.

Zhang Yu saw the whole development of the incident from the surveillance video.

He spread his hands helplessly:

"I knew it was not that easy to lie down. Alas! This is simply a luxury!"

He got up, put on his winter clothes, put on his helmet, and walked out of the villa alone.

After communicating with Tang Ying through the intercom in his helmet, he took the crossbow and opened the gate of the villa wall. The heavy metal door slowly slid into the walls on both sides. Zhang Yu also saw the crowd of people covered with quilts outside. Zhang Yu walked to 10 meters inside the red line. "What are you doing here in my villa?" Seeing the heavy door open and someone walked out, everyone was quiet. The leader looked at Zhang Yu fearlessly: "Why didn't you armed forces go to rescue people? Instead, you ran here to hide?" Zhang Yu looked at the leader and retorted: "Which eye of yours thinks I look like a member of the armed forces?" After cursing, Zhang Yu shook the crossbow in his hand. "We clearly saw an armed forces vehicle driving into your villa!" "Yes!" "That's right!" "We clearly saw it!" Seeing someone taking the lead, everyone started to curse. Zhang Yu looked displeased, raised his crossbow and shot an arrow at the shoulder of the person who was shouting the loudest.


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