The enemy was in a state of panic, but the enemy was still alive.


Zhang Yu shot an arrow directly through his shoulder. If he had shot his head, he would have been dead.

Everyone squatted down in fear, and several people screamed!


Normally people would run away, but this time was different.

Although the villa area is located at a higher altitude, there is still snow that is higher than the calf.

Ordinary people have difficulty walking, let alone running.

Zhang Yu said four words coldly:

"You have crossed the line."

Then he raised the crossbow and said to those who were shouting,

"The armed forces you mentioned have been completely wiped out by the zombies in order to save you, a bunch of lowly people. It is true that I have rescued some people from the armed forces, but they are no longer members of the armed forces now."

Zhang Yu continued viciously:

"This is my private territory. If you dare to come here again next time, don't blame me for not leaving any of you alive."

After that, Zhang Yu turned around and left!

"Why are you like this, kid? Stop right there!"

A woman stepped forward and stopped Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu turned his head impatiently and looked at the source of the sound.

It was a woman wearing a white down jacket and a light pink duck down quilt.

Although she was wearing thick clothes, it was still obvious that she was of average appearance and average figure.

Zhang Yu turned around and looked at her with interest, waiting for her next words.

The woman saw Zhang Yu turned his head and looked at her without saying anything,

She immediately said:

"We are all neighbors, and the people here are all well-known figures. We need help, isn't it right for you to lend a hand? In this way, when the little brother is in trouble in the future, everyone can also lend a hand to help. Busy!"

Zhang Yu couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing. He held his stomach and laughed non-stop.

Everyone on the opposite side was confused.

Zhang Yu suddenly stopped laughing:

"Do you take me for an idiot? You are a well-known person, right? Come on, tell me, why do you well-known people come to my door to beg for food? And you put on a high and mighty face in front of me. Do you really think you are a big shot? Who gave you the courage?"

Zhang Yu looked at everyone in front of him coldly and continued to scold:

"What contributions have you made to the country? You are bragging to me that you are well-known. ? None, right? Why are you barking in front of me with such a big face? Are you a well-known person? If you come to beg for food, just say you are here to beg for food. If you mention your identity to me, who do you think you are? Do I know you?"

These few words made everyone present look pale.

These people are indeed famous in various industries.

Who has ever been bullied like this?

As soon as Zhang Yu finished speaking,

several burly men were about to come up and fight.

Zhang Yu didn't even look at them, but just raised the crossbow and shook it.

The men stopped immediately.

The man in the front was about to say something. Zhang Yu got the upper hand:

"You guys are in the gym, right? You can afford a villa by tricking others into signing up for memberships? You should be smart enough, right? Why did you get involved with this bunch of idiots? And you want to show off your pork belly made with protein powder in front of me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Yu shot an arrow at the man's arm, and he screamed in pain.

He squatted on the ground like a little girl, holding his shoulder and curled up.

Zhang Yu glanced at him with contempt:

"You've crossed the line too."

Everyone immediately looked in the direction where he was squatting, and saw that he was squatting right in the infrared line.

Zhang Yu raised his head and continued to say to everyone:

"If you want to survive, go out and find a way. The trick of painting a rosy picture for employees doesn't work here. I warn you, don't come here to hang around. This is not a charity. Don't worry about whether my supplies are sufficient or not. Even if they are completely sufficient, I have no obligation to provide you with any help."

The leader saw that Zhang Yu was unmoved by his soft and hard words,

and he began to back down.

Seeing that the leader was unreliable, several fashionable aunties came up.

Even though they were aggressive, they still stood obediently outside the red line:

"Hey, young man, why can't you show some style?"

Zhang Yu raised his eyebrows, okay! The trick of giving up seats on the bus.

The auntie continued:

"You are so young, how can you make a contribution?

? It's not like everyone won't remember your kindness? You young people should care more about old people like us. As a person who has experienced it, I want to tell you that it is a blessing to suffer a loss. When we need help, you young people should stand up and help us at the first time. "

"Are you my granddaughter or my daughter? Do you think we young people have forgotten the incident of helping the elderly and being blackmailed? Back then, Wang Hao said it word by word, why should you help if you didn't hit him? Even if I have a billionaire, I can't stand you playing like this, okay? It's a blessing to suffer a loss, I wish you good luck, okay? "

Zhang Yu's words instantly silenced the aunt.

"Why do you talk so badly, young man?"

Another aunt in a pink mink coat attacked,

"Wearing a torn mink coat with stretch dye, you feel superior? "

Zhang Yu was not to be outdone and started to criticize directly.

"If you don't wear this, people won't know what class or identity you are. If you wear this, people will know that you are a nouveau riche. You don't know how to show off every day. Who among the rich would dress in eight different colors like you? People who don't know would think you are a seriously ill patient with mental illness who escaped from a mental hospital!"

The two aunts were almost having a heart attack because of Zhang Yu's criticism. Zhang Yu himself felt extremely happy.

Never before, he had never put aside the so-called righteousness and integrity to vent his dissatisfaction.

Anyway, the end of the world has come, order has collapsed, and what is righteousness and integrity?

Seeing that everyone was silent and just looked at him angrily,

Zhang Yu smiled crookedly and shouted at everyone:

"Are there any more shameless things who want to be scolded? "

Seeing no one reply, Zhang Yu continued to curse:

"A bunch of social parasites, workplace scum, you bunch of rubbish live in high-end villas, squeezing the blood and sweat of your employees. Now you are facing an unstoppable natural disaster and you play the victim? Have you ever thought about the employees in your company when they are short of money? Have you ever helped them when their family members are seriously ill and need money?"

Finally, Zhang Yu said coldly:

"I will count to three. If you don't get out, I will kill you all."

After that, Zhang Yu raised the crossbow in his hand,

and vaguely heard the sound of bolts being pulled and loaded in the bunker of the shelter.


Everyone whispered to each other. They didn't believe that this man would really shoot at them.


Some people started to panic. They gradually moved back.

Seeing that some people had already retreated, everyone's heart began to waver.


"Swoosh! "

Zhang Yu counted to three and shot an arrow forward, not giving anyone time to react.

Although he deliberately didn't hit anyone,

the crowd still fled in all directions. Of course, they didn't run very fast.

But Zhang Yu didn't really want to kill them. He just wanted to scare them so that they wouldn't dare to come again.

I'm not a murderer, and killing is not my pleasure.

It didn't take long for the troublemakers to run away.

But Zhang Yu still saw a figure that didn't move at all.

She just stood there quietly, with her eyes tightly closed.

Her hands were behind her. There were two petite and weak figures behind her.

They were shivering from the cold. The woman also trembled and raised her head to look at the man in front of her.

Her face was a little pale, and no blood could be seen. Her lips were peeling.

She looked like she was terminally ill.

Zhang Yu put down the crossbow and looked at the woman in front of him:

"What? Aren't you afraid of death?"

The woman shook her head:

"Afraid! ”

Then why don’t you leave?

“I can’t leave!”

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