Reborn In DC

Chapter 1 - Wish

Today is the start of the one week vacation of Marcus. Since he had been working very hard at his job ever since he started his boss had offered him a week of vacation.

Tonight after getting out of work he went drinking with some work friend. after finishing he took a Taxi to go home. After getting out of the Taxi he enters his apartment and took the elevator.

although he didn't drink much he still felt dizi. While taking out his key and was about to open the door, he heard a woman cry out for help from the room next door.

Usually, he would have turned a blind eye to any similar situation. But he was a little drunk and today was considered a great day for him. So he wanted to be nice, so he took out a coin

"heads I interfere, tails I turn I blind eyes" then he flips the coin


'Knock knock '

'fuck, why was my luck so bad' at first, it was one flip, then 2 out of 3 and 3 out 5, but it landed on heads most of the time. So here, he was knocking on the door of a drug addict/drunkard, who was also an ex-prisoner at midnight all that for is bad luck.

At first, there was no response, so decided to leave but as soon he turned around. there was a loud crashing sound from the room immediately followed by the pleading voice of a woman.

So he had to man up and ram through the door. Upon getting into the room the walk, he saw something that he thought he would only see in the movies.

Is neighbors was on top of a woman, pressing her down under him with her clothes ripped off and is thing out, ready to **** her. All while she struggles to escape while crying and telling him to stop.

Upon saying him, the woman immediately ask for help while upon is neighbor, in is crazy state, got up, grad the knife that was next to him and run toward him

After a brief moment of silence, the women got up and run out of the room cry while holding her stuff.

"Damn she didn't even tha... Aaargh" looking down he could see that is neighbor had got up and had stabbed him. Looking at his neighbor face he could see a frenzy look in his eyes. Marcus immediately got mab using the rest of the broken bottle he stabbed his neighbor back. then both of then fall down, bleeding to death on the floor.


The next time he opens his eyes he found himself standing in a white room, where there was only an old man in front of him.

"young man thanks for saving my daughter"

' let me get these straight the daughter of a god was so almost **** by a mortal'

"It was because I sealed her power for 100 years for sneaking out of the house (is universe )"

'she sneaked out... you know what I am not even going to ask'

"so for saving my daughter, I will grant you 5 wish"

[First], I what to be reborn in the dc universe with all of my memories

[Second], Tony Stark, knowledge and intelligence

[Third], I want an upgrade version of Goro Goro no mi (lighting devil fruit). a version without the weakness and more powerful.

[Fourth] I want to have the power of creation

[Fifth] I want to have a beautiful wife that will age together with me.she have to be in love and loyal only to me. also, I want her to be a legendary Saiyan, she should be skillful in martial arts.

"So those are your 5 wish"


"those wish shall be granted, thank against for saving my daughter and have a good next life"

"Thank you so much... God "after those words I blackout

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