Reborn In DC

Chapter 2 - 5 years later

Opening his eyes, Marcus could see that he was on a bed. Looking around him, he discovers that he was in a simple and clean room, with a little girl standing next to him. The little girl was excitedly looking at him. When she saw that Marcus had woke up she runs out of the room. Later she came back with a woman following her

"you're finally awake," say the women while approaching him and lift him.

'oh shit, I have to start as a baby'


5 years later

it has already been 5 years since Marcus started living is new life. 5 years ago, the woman who lifts him was his mother. While the lite Girl was named Gine and she was the companion that he had asked God.

During those 5 years, Marcus had started to train is power while showing his new parent is extreme intelligence and helping Gine train her self. Due to his intelligence, most of the time his parent would bring him a new book to read. But the bizarre thing is that he couldn't figure out is parent Job. Most of the time his parent and Gine's parent wasn't at home.

Our parent had said that they work out of the state but I didn't believe it, after some research, I discover that they work out of the countries.

Also, one day, while test the iron man armor interface, Marcus discover a hidden space in is parent room. After some searching, Marcus found the hidden room in the closet and open it. Inside he could only see a collection of different type of gun, munition and even grenade. if there living at Gotham he could of accept but they were living at Central city.

I'm So after discovering this he immediately grabs his ŀȧptop and starts searching for his parent identity. while doing this Gine walk in the room and sit next to Marcus

"what are you doing"

"searching for our parent real Job"


after checking the closet Gine return and sit next to Marcus. After a few minutes, Marcus found that their parent was mercenary.

that's cool having mercenary parents.

After that, Marcus told Gine to keep it a secret, fix the closet the way it was before. They also check Gine parent apartment and found that the also had a hidden room full of Gun and sword.

anyway, Marcus had progressed with his plant during those five years. For example, he had already created the A.I Jarvis and right now he was using his computer to upgrade it with the help of the new knowledge he got from this world.

After finishing it, Marcus walks to the bookshelf that was in his room, pick up a book and started riding it. A few years ago went had shown his parent his intelligence than were making him read a lot of science book he could see that some of them were more advanced than those in his memories.

soon Gine walk in the room excitedly "its time for training"

" Ok" Marcus got up and close the book and place it back on the bookshelf and walk in the middle of the room with Gine standing next to him

"Jarvis, please start the teleportation "

"Yes, Sir"



in an all-white room, two Kid suddenly appeared

go change your self

Ok, Gine says excitedly and run out of the room. Marcus walks to the computer that was in the room and started typing some code.

"Jarvis is everything working alright "

"yes, sir everything is working perfectly. With the help of this new upgrade, I can ȧssist you more properly."

"Great" finishing typing the codes, Marcus walks out of the room toward the changing room, changing is clothing. he went in the gym where he could see Gine doing some stretch. so He went next to her and also start stretching.

"Jarvis, you can start the danger room"

immediately the room started changing. Building and skyscraper started growing out of the ground. after a few second Marcus and Gine was standing in the middle of a city. Suddenly the voice of Jarvis resounded through the city announcing the start of the training.


Gine was standing next to Marcus. after the announcement, he took a step forward whit electricity surrounding his body. in front of them, a group of robot started appearing, all of them were equipped with different types of weapons.

Those whit gun immediately started shooting at them. Marcus retaliated by producing a force field around them, stopping all of the bullets. all was alright until the force-field was hit by an armor-piercing shell from a tank that was behind them. It had destroyed the force field but Marcus had created a more powerful one that bȧrėly manages to stop it.

"Gine, go take care of those from the back"

"Ok" after accepting her order, Gine immediately run toward the tank. although the order robot was firing at her it was alright she only had to put her hand in front of her face to protect it, while letting the bullet hit the order part of her body.

Although when to bullet hit her she feels a little paid she could still endure it. Arriving in front of the tank she rams into it, pushing it back. then using all of the strength she could muster and flip it over. But she didn't have time admire her work because she was surrounded by the robot ready to fire at her. But she didn't wait for them and took action first take action. she runs toward the close robot to her and punches it.

Gine when in a rampage destroying anything she could found. Marcus was floating in the air, with a force field around him stopping anything that was about it him.

"I better start too" while floating in the air Marcus started concentrating is power forming a lance made of pure lighting. after evading the shell fire by the tank that was in front of him and throw the lance at it. the lance when trow the tank, melting the metal in is way and explode after entering the tank, sending a arc of lighting around it.

"damn it," Marcus said while getting up. suddenly a robot came out of the shadow whit a sword stabbing it toward him Marcus immediately took action grading the sword, melt it using is power and touch the robot ċhėst, melting it.

After touching the melted metal he starts reforming it as a sword and starts fighting with the order robot who appear one after one while keeping is force-field up protecting him from the bullet.

BOOM.. aaaarg with the loud exploding sound and Marcus cried Gine was in panic locking toward the sound she could see that the building that Marcus was in was getting fired at by a squad of tanks. She immediately runs toward him.

Arriving under the building she saw something that shocks her. she saw that Marcus was trow out of the building from an explosion, but luckily he use is power landing safely next to her.

Enough Marcus cried angrily while using all of is power causing a thunder rain destroying the building he was in and the squad of tanks that were firing at him. after doing this he was filling weak forcing him to half kneel on the floor.

"sigh it's finally done ..oh no"

After the smoke clears up he saw that a tank had survived the lighting storm is canon pointed at him. Having us all of its power he could form a force field.

damn one more

"aaaaaaaa" suddenly Gine started yelling while concentrating her ki and fire it at the tank destroying

'Would you like to continue to level two "

"yes" Gine cries out excitedly.

"No "

"Ok sir"

looking toward Marcus she was mad "why didn't you let us progress to level two."

"It is seen that your Saiyan side is acting up," Marcus said while walking in front her and flick is finger, sending a jolt of electricity through her body. which immediately paralyzing her, helping her realize the stat of her body. then she passed out.

"Jarvis, can you bring us to the medic room." than Marcus past out from fatigue.

"yes, sir."

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