Reborn In DC

Chapter 10 - The beast (part 3)

Later that night

Give had just gotten out of the healing chamber. taking a towel she wipes herself since there was water in the chamber. It wasn't the first time she when in the healing chamber today. In the past few days after the fight, she felt frustrated with herself. She thought it was her fault, that she wasn't strong enough to fight back and was too ċȯċky. Think she could win, Marcus even had to save her and in the process got injured all in all she put both of there life in danger.

now she concluded that she had to become stronger. When Marcus had told her that she was different, that she could get stronger, breaking her limit and making a new one meaning that she had virtually no limit to grow, that she could get strong enough to destroy planets and even universe if she dėsɨrėd.

She thought it was going to be easy for her to reach such a level of power. But now she understands, she had to work for it, that she had to train. So she had been training in the past few days, training until she couldn't stand up. Still mad at herself and being determined, with her sheer will power she forces herself toward the healing chamber, dragging herself out of the gym toward it.

That was the first time the second time she was discovered by Marcus who in response ȧssign a robot to monitor her. Every time she drops down unable to move the robot will pick her up and brought her to the healing chamber. At first, Marcus tried to stop her but she was so determined that he couldn't do anything but let her be and decided to support her.

leaving the med bay and when in her bedroom to take a shower. after taking her shower. in her undėrwėȧr she was walking to the kitchen to get something to eat while doing so she was trying to use her new power. She discovered that with a thought she could check everything even accessing all the cameras she could see everything around the base even ȧssessing the satellite she decided to explore the satellite function playing with it trying to track down herself with it.

Soon she had an overview of the base looking on the edge of her vision she could see there few functions and a red buŧŧon. obviously, she tries pressing but she received a message that she didn't have the authorization. after pressing a few times and receiving the same answer she gave up. so she pressed the next buŧŧon which in turn the screen red.

looking at it the place where the base was in had completely turned bright red. she suddenly discovers something bizarre kilometers away from the base he could two very bright red spots moving directly toward the base quickly switching view to the normal one and she saw them.

"No, no, no, Jarvis pass in red mod"

While she was training Marcus was on another side of the camp, in the ŀȧp. He was working on the rhino death corpse. Marcus was very impressed. Some parts of the body were still on fire, for example, is heart was still beating even after he dies also it's like it was crafted from lava. With every beat, it will produce a red glow.

When Marcus was about to do more research on it when suddenly the alarm when off, the base started glowing red. Marcus faces change from happiness from doing research to gloomy like someone had killed his fevered pet So without hesitation he runs out of the lab.and he reserved a message from Gine, telling him what happens.

"So help me understand something. We fought with the Rhino, he was young and apparently his three to five-time weaker than an ȧduŀt."

"With the research, now when they awaken which is when they release their power they might be 10 times strong"

"...Ok, ten-time strong. when we found it, we couldn't do anything and had to run away, while the robots bȧrėly manage to kill it. SO TELL ME HOW ARE GOING TO KILL TWO FULLY GROWN ON."

looking in the distance Marcus could see that two full-grown rhino. They were walking toward them and they were already on fire, burning anything 15 to 20 meters away from them.

"Sign, they still manage to know that we kill their kid. Jarvis activate protocol alpha"

"Yes, sir"

"What is that"

"something amazing"

one of the robots brought a robot a box in front of them do you want to open in what is inter less say that it will help you"

"that's it"

"hahaha don't worry about it, you will definitely need it," Marcus says as he picks one of the glasses and puts it on.

still not understanding what's happening Gine put the glasses on.

"so what is supposed to happen"

"Jarvis, you can start"

"yes sir"

immediately there was a countdown

"10, 9..."

"look in front of you soon something extraordinary is going to happen," he says to Gine

I was at that exact moment it happens, in a brief moment, the sky and even the cloud turn red completely. then the sky was split open by a giant red beam of light. That hit directly on top of the rhinos. That giant beam of light lasted only a few seconds. even with the glasses, she had to cover her eyes with her hand to block some of the light.

after the light clear away she took off her glasses and look toward the blast zone and it was full of smoke. it slowly started clearing up and what she saw shocked her in the place of impact there was nothing no threes nothing and no rhinos. on the opposed, there was a giant hole in the ground


"Amazing right, this a prototype satellite. I created it intending to take anything down, anywhere in the world. You can see it a giant gun in the sky. that shit costs a lot (of material and time) and on the plus side, it can also teleport."

"so you see why a wasn't worry. Do you to see the blast zone"

"no, I am good"

"Ok I am going to see it i want to see the result myself, see you later. Jarvis send a quinjet"

"yes sir"

A part of the spaceship separated and flew in front of them. Marcus jump in it accompanies by two robots. The jet flew toward the zone arriving there the jet keep floating in mid-air. Opening the back of the jet Marcus peer down, looking at the hole. The hole was dozens of meters deep.

"damn somebody part that survives the blast, that is some great defense. anyway is time to work, pack every body part left"

"yes, sir'

Immediately Marcus and the robot went to work. Taking every part they could find they flew it back to the Jet.

=A while ago=

as Gine saw the jet flying away she started thinking again. Right now Marcus was stronger them her while only using his power of lightning as he had proved to her before, during their lass fight and their many training practices, where most of the time he came on top. That wasn't the only thing, Marcus had greater control over his powers than her and even he even control ki better than her and she was the one that had taught him. Also if his power or fight skill or technique wasn't enough he had his technology which has just displayed can turn the sky red, split it open and create a giant hole in the ground. Now she understood for her to become a woman that Marcus would love, admired and trusted. Trusted even with his life that she must be able to protect him that she had to be strong, stronger them everything, stronger then Marcus and everything he could create.

For her to rely only on the brute force would be simple-minded, but she can be like him. master her power and even create new techniques. but all of that requires knowledge. that idea reminded her of something. When she was younger after a training session she found Marcus working at the lad, where she found him staring a giant glass tube with a black box floating in the middle of it.

she knew what it was. It had already been months since he has been working on it and almost every day he will check on it fixing some bugs or upgrade it's function and sometimes introduce it with new stuff. Today was apparently one of those days. When she asked what it was he explained to her that this new programs will help him analyze someone movement to know its next step and that is top it can even predict something a few seconds in the future and if he gets enough information about someone he can even predict that person's future decision.

Basically with this new upgrade if Marcus gets enough knowledge about someone it impossible to win a fight against him. but for this to work it requires knowledge. Sometimes she saw Marcus go into great lengths to acquire them. She even remembers him saying knowledge is power.

So having made her decision, she turned around walking toward the library, she decided, she will not be a mindless brute, that she will have both muscle and brain.

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