Reborn In DC

Chapter 11 - 1 Year Later

1 year later


A loud collision sound resounded through the forest, as two figures flew in the opposed direction from each other, from the place of impact. But as soon they regain their footing, the flew back at each other at an even greater speed. After a few more blows they separated from each other, standing a few feet away from each other.

"You really made some progress over the year" Marus say as he held his jaw "that was a great punch by the way."

"I already know that but we both know we are not serious. Also, you hit pretty hard too" she says as she holds he rib cage.

"sign... I guess it's time to get serious" unleashing his full power Marcus turns into a lightning figure, lightning crackling around him and was floating in mid-air

"I am always impressed with your transformation, being all blue and being lightning in self" as soon she finish her sentence Gine started concentrating, putting her full power at use breaking her limit activating the kaio-ken technique, turning red, looking more fearsome and energy surrounding her. "so, how do I look"

"haha I still like your white hair more than being all red but it still all change of style"

"Like last time, no cheating which means no turning intangible."

"Sir, if I didn't control this part of my power our fight would never be fare."

You know this fight will be your lass for me for two years so NO HOLDING BACK"

"no holding back" Marcus confirmed and in the sky, grey clouds started gathering, turning darker and darker by the second with lightning flashing every moment with crackling sounds.

Nobbing Marcus released his power, activating his ki.

"so we're really getting serious" Gine says as she smirks. Getting more excited, she releases more energy, activating kaio-ken * 10, producing more air current around her.

After taking her fighting position, she looks at Marcus and nodded and they immediately ran at each other. Arriving face to face to each other. Marcus landed the first punch and dominated the next few rounds with his speed, evading Gine hits and landing ever of his hit on her face.

Being frustrated by the punches, she released even more energy activating * 15 punching Marcus back. Not wanting to let him get his footing, she ran in front of him which with her speed is like teleportation, in this short distance run. First, she punched him in the face for payback and fallow with a punch in his guts but before she could continue, she was hit directly by a lightning strike from above.

as a side effect, it froze her for milliseconds and it was enough time in a fight. Marcus kicks her sending her flying back hitting a few trees along the way, creating a small dust cloud. But this dust cloud didn't last long. It was immediately scattered by a ki beam coming directly for Marcus. Marcus reacted by creating a barrier in front of himself but it immediately shows cracks, so he fused his ki in the shield, which immediately shows results as the shield fix itself and successfully blocks the attack.

Just as the attack stops, Marcus duck escaping Gine kick. So they started another round of close carter fighting but this time it was different. This time Gine was the one dominating this fight the first time Marcus was winning because of his speed but this time she was dominating with her fighting technique.

As she had promised herself one year ago the will no rely only on brute strength. One part of the knowledge she acquired was her fighting techniques. During this year she had study every fighting technique she could find. Although she wasn't proficient in all of them, she was still better than Marcus.

Although he was stopping most of her attack, he still received some, but he nerve laded one back.

"I know you are now using your full potential yet."

Getting at a safe distance, he teleported behind Gine throwing a punch toward her. Gine also knew about Marcus's ability to teleport. Turning around she blocked his punch and create a ki ball on her left hand and buried it in Marcus stomach. Even made Marcus puke blood and the ball proceeded to explode blasting him in the air.

But he did come crashing down. He uses is power and stays floating mid-air. looking down at Gine he wipes out the blood that was on his lips " well played. But now " all the thunder cloud that was in the cloud turn even dark and started raging with lightning appearing more and more stronger and louder lightning crackle. " it's my turn" just has he finish his sentence it literally rains lightning and every lightning strick were bright blue, dense and powerful.

In response, Gine created a dome around herself protecting herself from the rain but she knew she was not going to last long. after every lightning strick, she discovers that the next strick that fallow was getting more powerful. so she didn't have time to spare she knew that it was one of Marcus most powerful techniques.

pushing herself at full potential even creating muscle over her muscle, she activated kaio-ken * 20 and then she proceeded to fly up, lightning still falling down but she was still protecting herself. using pure strength she boldly full toward Marcus

Seeing this Marcus decided to take measures. The lightning rain was an AoE attack. So he decided to use another of his attacks. The lightning rain stopped and all of the energy converse in the middle all fire a Gine how was flying straight up.

This lightning strick was different it was a few meters of radius falling straight at Gine. They both collided in the middle and surprisingly Gine was still going up pushing against the flow. This time Gine was going all out she wanted to win this fight to prove herself since she would not be seeing him for 2 years so using her full strength she pushed against the flow which was Marcus strongest technique he ever shows her.

After a few more seconds of struggle, she felt a release, her breaking another limit filling that she had got more powerful. Managing to pierce the lightning and cloud to her delight, she had beaten his strongest technic. But his delight was short live just when she got out she felt a strong impact while also filling a million needle stabbing her immediately knocking her out and sending her flying back down. Just before she hit the ground a blue figure flashed past her grabbing her and hugging her and took the impact for her.

"Damn, that hurt," Marcus said as he got up with the pass out Gine on his arm "Jarvis quickly send a quinjet." while waiting for the quinjet he places Gine down and looks at his right shoulder which now was dislocated.

"This is going to hurt, wait, is it suppose to be. Lucy lower pain level"

"thanks" without hesitation Marcus relocated his shoulder without a grunt.

I almost lost if it wasn't for this last move Marcus say as he remember the fight. As soon as she brakes through his attack and pierce the cloud. He was shocked, Gine was blond and he knew what it means so he had used his strongest technique, which was him transforming into a giant lightning figure and he proceeded to put both hands together and smash it on top of Gine. That attack was his most powerful even though it was incomplete. It was his most powerful technique because he uses both Ki and electricity.

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