Reborn In DC

Chapter 14 - Grey (Part 2)

Lucy was standing on top of the building that was opposed to the warehouse. After watching grey kill the guard that was in front of the door. She received the signal from Marcus and proceeded to blow the door, destroying it and create a smokescreen. Immediately Marcus runs in.

Watching the warehouse she could hear gun shoot coming out of it, fallow by explosion sounds. Then with her high sense, she could hear the cry of help our plea of pity help coming out of the building. Soon the fight progress to the second floor there looking through the window she saw a man running than stop and start shooting at the direction he came from, suddenly there as a shadow that flash and the window was painted red with blood.

Using her thermal vision, she could see a figure moving through the building killing everyone else.

"Bang" a sudden sound broke the silence of the street as a ground of people struggle out the building. They did event stop as they proceeded to get into three different cars and drive out of the area following each other, in some sort of formation.

Looking at this Lucy smile and immediately started to follow them by traveling from rooftop to rooftop.


His name was Jake and he was goons working for Black Mask. he was proud that he had managed to climb to his position become the drive of one of Blank Mask lieutenants. He even had a plan, how he was going to get promoted in the future but right now, all of that was irrelevant, now he was scared shitless. Scared of the massacre that was going on in the warehouse but he was happy, he had managed to escape.

he was part of the first group that saw that monster enter the building. He was wearing a suit and had a grey blank mask at first he was happy he thought that guy was a wannabe hero. but that thought process was cup short since after a few moments of gunfights. He took out two short and jump in the middle of them starting a massacre.

Jake wasn't dum he knew what it means when someone uses swords to cut bullets, so without hesitation, he runs away. He wants to the top floor the warn his boss. At first, the boss didn't believe him but when a ground of his guard came running back telling him what had happened, they immediately ran away using the stair the run to the 1 floor.

kicking the door open, they immediately got in the car. Getting in the drive sit of the boss car follow the car that was in front of him. Driving out of the parking they took a left drive at full speed. Jack starts to calm down seeing that they escape. But his happiness was short-lived, as the car in front of him suddenly explode.

He immediately presses the brake. The car came to a sudden stop, looking in front of him he was chock "Damn pull back pull back" hearing the boss frantic order. he immediately took action looking back he could see that the car behind him had the same ideas.

With adrenaline coursing through his body he saw it, a red ball of light hit the side of the car, exploding it "stop. stop, stop " he heard the boss cry out. he presses it on reflex looking toward the direction where it came from he saw a strange figure with another grey mask looking at them although it was more feminine. He was scared shitless he was about the press the gas pedal when he saw another red ball of light coming toward them forgetting everything even forgetting to press the gas pedal.

"boom" the attack landed on the ground close to the car flipping it over.

Jake could hear a buzzing sound as he climbs out of the car. Looking back at the car he could see the boss struggling to get out. Going toward the back seat he helps him out pulling the boss out of the car.

"what that fuċk was that" The boss hell out.

After a few seconds, the sound got closer and closer. Eventually, a figure made the turn, without hesitation his boss fired at her, emptying his gun but incredible the bullet that hit her just stop and fall on the floor. He was so choked that he forgot to fire his gun. He was stun, looking at her, it was the same woman he had to see on the roof.


A gunshot sound resounded throughout the street, looking behind, he saw his boss with a hole in his head then "blob" he falls down. Behind his boss, he saw the same guy that had gone on a massacre inside the apartment.

He immediately started shrinking back " Listen, man, I don't know anything, I am just a driver" but seeing that Marcus was still walking toward him. he freak out.

"Listen, I have some secret infor.." Jake did get to finish his sentence as he was grabbed by Lucy and press against the car, holding him up by the collar.

Marcus then steps in front of him. Jake was staring back at Marcus' mask, he could see every detail. The mask was grey and had some beautiful pattern, but it did have to expression, no mouth, no nose only two blue eyes. In those eyes, surprisingly will staring at those eyes could see some sparks.

"I don't need anything from you, I just want you to pass a message. I want you to tell black mask that..."

Lucy then lets go of him which causes him to fall on the ground. She then proceeded to flip the car back, she then opens the door. Seeing this Jake was even more scared, seeing what Gine had done but he did have time to complete it, He was picking up by the collar by Marcus who proceeded to throw him in the car, in from sit.

"Make sure that he receives the message or else"

"... I will hunt you down, kill you and everyone you care about. so go and deliver the message if you don't want to die."

Scared shitless, he tries to start the car but it wouldn't start, after trying a few tries, the car finally starts and he immediately drove off, while doing so he would regularly check his mirror, scar that they would attack him.

"Do you really mean it."

"mean what?"

"That if he didn't deliver the message that you would kill him and everyone he knows."

"Hell no, who to tink him I don't that much time to waste on him... I would have blown up their HQ as an example of the rest."


"Anyway, let's go, before someone notices us" Immediately a car stops in front of them. It was the car they used to get here. They both go on and drove away.

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