Reborn In DC

Chapter 15 - Grey (Part 3)

Later that Night

A car looking half-destroyed stop in front of a tall building. A man immediately struggles his way out of the car, moving toward the building. Two of the guards who were guarding the building move toward him try to stop him.

On the top floor of the same building, there was a single office and on that chair, a man was sitting in it. He was dressed in a white suit and most importantly he had a black skull mask on.

It was the Black mask, he was sitting reviewing the progress of his "business" for the day. His secretary was standing next to him handing him documents while giving information and updates about everything. Suddenly the door was flung open as two guards walk in while dragging someone. He was clearly beat up bloody. They trough him in front of Black mask desk. The room immediately got quiet as everyone was looking the man that was on the floor then back at Black mask.

"...and this is," Black mask asks, as he looks coldly at the guard that brought Jake in.

"Sorry boss, We found him outside saying that he was a subordinate of one of the lieutenants." pausing the guard looks at black mask scared of his reaction for the latter half of his sentence " he said that his boss and every one of his subordinates have been killed and that the persons who did it only leave him alive to deliver a message to you"

Black mask frown, he then looks at Jake " What his the message"

One of the guards grabs jake and hold him up "answers the question"

"I am jake..." before he could even continue he receives a punch in the guts by one of the guards " the message, not for personal information."

After coughing a mouth full of blood, Jake immediately informs them of what had happened and he didn't forget to tell Black mask about the message.

Black mask was mad, a few seconds of silence, after the story finished he started cursing, saying that the people from the warehouse were useless trash, that they deserve death. As he got up, every guard in the room unconsciously took a step back, fearing Black mask action. Walking in front of Jake, he was about to punch him but suddenly the sound of a phone ringing resounded throughout the room.

Searching for the origin of the sound, everyone in the room found out that it was coming from Jake's jacket. One of the guards search Jake pocket and took out the phone. He then looks at Black mask, looking for approval. After seeing him nobbed in response the guard answers the phone and puts it on speaker.

"Finally, someone answers this fuċkɨnġ phone... so to who I'm talking to"


"Hmm, no answer. Anyway, I am ȧssuming that I am speaking to Black mask. I am going to make it simple there is a certain part of the dock (more pricey the area around his secret base/ warehouse) will be off-limit. If I see any of your men there I will kill them. This is just a warning, right now you have three passes and if you use all of them hahaha"

Angrily grabbing the phone Black mask yell a few curses at it and threw it on the ground and step on it, crushing it. The room was silent " this part of the dock is off-limit... for the moment"

"THIS PART OF THE DOCKIS OFF-LIMIT. This is an unknown enemy, we need more information about him, stop underestimating people. But when I get my hand on him I will break him, torture him and make him regret messing with me."


On the other side of the call, a beautiful and gentle hand put the phone down, it was Lucy. She had changed her voice to match the voice Marcus had used earlier that day. She had received this mission from Marcus. Since she had finished it she planned to tell Marcus. Getting in his room she discovers that he was already sleeping.

Seeing this she stood there, staring at Marcus face, quietly watching him sleeping, trying to remember every part of his face.


In a dark place more precisely a cave which was under the Wayne manor. sometimes you could hear the squeaking sound of bats. Going deeper into the cave you could see a giant computer, in front it was batman, staring at the screen listening to a recording of the event that had happened in Black mask office.


A week has already passed since Marcus came back to the real world. During this week he had done a lot of things. he creates his personal territory around the warehouse and more importantly, he develops his business. He had started the company since he was five, He had trained someone and put her in charge of almost everything, only helping out in important situations.

From the start, the company was slowly developing, now it had reached a medium size. sure he could have made it reach one of the top companies in one year but if he did, he will have gathered too much attention around himself.

Looking outside the car, he could see the street of Metropolis. He could see how Metropolis was so different from Gotham. "Do you like here more than Gotham," Marcus asks, as he looks next to him, at Lucy. She was the one driving the car.

"yes, who wouldn't. Looks around, Metropolis is...more sophisticated, more beautiful and with less crime then Gotham."

" long will it take us to get there."

"a few more minutes."

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