Reborn In DC

Chapter 16 - Scarlett (Part 1)

After a few minutes, their car stopped in front of a huge building. Looking at it could see that it was newly built, you could see "Grey industry" written all over it. If you look in front of the building, you could see a line of people and Journalists entering the building.

Getting out of the car they both walk toward the building, after passing a few checkpoints they finally enter. They immediately move toward the elevator, getting in. Under the direction of Marcus, Lucy pressed the buŧŧons in a certain order, causing some part of the elevator to open, revealing a screen. Lucy proceeded to place her hand on it. After scanning her hand the elevator started moving up.

Very quickly they reach the top floor, getting out they walk in the hallway. In the end, there was a giant door, as soon as they got close to the door it slid open. Walking in the room they could see a desk with a woman sitting, with her head down doing paperwork. Behind her, seeing through the glass, you could see a beautiful view of Metropolis skyscraper.

Alerted by Marcus and Lucy's footsteps the woman lookup. Seeing them she shows a surprised. getting up she started asking questions "Who are you, people? why are you here? No, how did you get here? You need a ..." she says all of that while searching something in one of her desk drawer.

She had to stop mid-question, looking at the card Marcus was waving around. "How did you get this?" She said while moving toward Marcus and Lucy with a gun pointed at them. Even though at the start she looks surprised, but now with a gun in hand, anyone could see her fierce and confident eyes behind her glasses.

"Damn, you don't even know your own Boss," Marcus says as he walks past her, ignoring her gun and sit on her desk.

Hearing Marcus sentence you could see that she was shaking"W-what do you mean by b-boss"

Marcus didn't even look at her as he scanned through the file on the desk. "You forgot me already. Think about it. Who asks you to build this company, give you the start-up founding, give you invention and most importantly help you in your time of need."

"You are him? wait! why are you so young?"

"soo, you are going to judge me by my age"

"No, that's not what I mean."

"Relax, I'm just playing with you, it not like we meet face to face before. I came here to congratulate you on getting into the big league. You did a great job along all of these years." He says as he points toward one of the chairs offering her to sit.

Looking carefully at Marcus she sits down, while Lucy walks past her and stands next to Marcus.

"you trust me, right"

"...yeah, of course, I do. You were the only person who helps me. Getting me out of the street to this position. It's just that, I didn't think you were so young"

"hahaha, Don't worry about it. As you get further in life and climb the rank there will be greater dangers. But you will get new opportunities." Suddenly, Marcus moves his hand in the air as it vanishes in a black hole, pulling it back there was a phone in his hand.

"How did you do that?"

"Super Powers, (it was advanced technology) you live in Metropolis, soon you are going to see a certain person flying next to your window, this, " Marcus said as he passed her the phone "his for tanking you for your service."

"I-i can get those power"

"Yes and no. Right now, you can only get one of them but with more accomplishment, you can even get all of them.

Looking at Lucy "Does she also have powers"

"hmm she is a little... very different"

"What do you mean?"

"You can consider her as a cyborg and she has some ability. Back to the mean point are you interested"

"I want the first one "

"Good, very good choice. We are going to spend a few days in Metropolis. Went you are ready, you can contact us using this phone. pointing at the one that was already in her hand. Marcus got up and start leaving the room with Lucy following him. "Good luck with your presentation." She said to her while living.

After Marcus left she looks around the room and walks to a mirror. Taking off her jacket and her long sleeve shirt. She looking at her reflection. you could see her upper body with only her bra on. The shocking thing was that most of the left side of her body was burned, all the way up to her neck.

Later that day

Standing on the second floor Marcus was looking down. Were she was presenting about Grey industry new product in front of a group of people and reporters.

You may ask, why did Marcus name his company Grey industry? it's because of two things. First, in a world of black and white, he wanted to be in the middle, nor white or blank. He wanted to have his freedom of choice, not a hero or a villain but an anti-hero and second, he wanted to call like that.

Anyway, the presentation was about the release of Grey industry phone and most importantly A.I.

"Looking through the system, I don't see anything about her."

"Oh, I didn't put it in the system and I also placed her in the blacklist."


"let's put it like this. If I put a name in there, it will protect your identity, stop people from going to deep into your personal life while tracking down anyone who tries to get information about you, access their danger level and if necessary (if the danger level is high) we will take action."

"Can I get some information about her"



Fixing his posture, Marcus tap a few buŧŧons on his phone and a hologram appears showing her and her full body analyze "more than 5 years ago. Me and Gine made a trip to Gotham while our went on one of their missions, I discovered her. Her name was Scarlett, at that time she had just graduated from college, she came back to celebrate. You also have to understand that she came from a very low-income family. She was smart, so she had great financial help to pay for her college but her parents still had to take some loans to help her in her daily life. that day at night went they were about to celebrate the loan shark came, asking for there money."

"After a huge argument and a fight her father was killed while her mother was rȧpėd and killed while she had to watch everything. Then they rȧpėd her, after finishing they set the apartment on fire while living. "

"you just stood there watching?"

"...we got in and save her. she had already passed out. Sadly even though we save her she was already burned, a few months later I got some information about her. After the incident She had nobody to help, she was broken (mentally and physically) and she had to live on the street."

"At that time our parent was at home so I sent Jarvis with a body. He introduced himself as my subordinate. We made a deal I fix her face, help her out of the street and give her a job, the CEO of Grey industry. I am happy for her having chosen the Extremis serum, it can heal her scars and giving her superpowers."

Suddenly clapping sound resounded throughout the place.

"She is done, let go I want to get something to eat"

"Can we get burgers?"

"Ok...wait, you can eat?"


"You give yourself this function"


"Let's go get burgers."

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