Reborn In DC

Chapter 24 - The Punisher (Part 1)

Not far from Gotham, on top of the ocean, a blue portal appeared in the dark sky and a quinjet came flying out of it. Inside it, in the pilot sits was Marcus with Gine sitting next to him.

While he was piloting the plane, Gine who was seated next to him was staring at Marcus' right mechanical arm with a painful look on her face. Looking at Gine and seeing what she was staring at, with a though Marcus grey metallic arm changes, taking the color and the form of a real arm.

"Don't worry about it, I got a better one to replace it."

"But..." Gine had to stop mid-sentence upon seeing Marcus looking at her in sadness.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't have left you alone... I am very sorry. So right now, I am trying to make it back to you. So we are going to the organization that causes the death of our parents."

Upon hearing Marcus, she remembers the death of her parents, her anger grow but she manages to suppress it" Finally"

"Yeah, finally" Personally Marcus didn't care about taking revenge since he didn't really give a fuċk if their parents were dead or alive, all in all, he wasn't a someone that will go crazy over revenge. But Gine was and she wants it so badly, so he decided to help out... Also, they got their DNA and apparently they manage to make some clones using it and Marcus doesn't like people messing with his and Gine DNA.

"We should arrive there in a few hours."


I and my team were sneaking through the forest. I am part of the Teen Titan. The team consists of 7 of us. Raven, Blue Beetle, Beast Boy, Robin, Terra, Starfire and me, Nightwing.

We had received a mission from the League to investigate an organization based in Africa. We are supposed to infiltrate this organization and bring back any information we could find. We slowly progress near a cliff where we could look down on all of the bases.

" I will be in charge of this mission. I want us to get what we need and get out without any confrontation." Starfire announces while standing in front of the team.

"This is going to be easy. Just live everything to me" Robin said " with my skill, I should be able to get in and out with the information without being seen.

"No, We have to do this as a team and we don't have any information on what might be inside." with that they both start an intense discussion.

"Guys, can we decide on a plan first" Starfire interrupts wanting the team to focus on the mission

"Everybody lookup" Beast Boy cry out.

==A few moments earlier==

The quinjet was on autopilot. Marcus and Gine were standing at the back of the jet. Gine was dressed in an all-black thɨġh outfeed with her tail wrapped around herself as a belt and an upper face mask. While Marcus was also dressed in a black outfit but with a long coat on top of it while having a sword and a sniper strapped to his back. "Soon we are going to arrive on top of the base. When we land, I have to go underground to take care of their servers, while you can go all out, taking care of everything else.

Gine grins.

"Hmm, it's about to be time for use to jump with that." the hatch open.

"Let's go," Gine said as she took the lead, jumping first. Marcus laugh then took out his signature mask and place it on, he then follows her jumping out of the plane.

While they were falling, Marcus suddenly feels ki gathering, looking down he saw Gine starting gathering Ki into a ball.

"This is going to be fun."


"What is going on?" blue beetle said while looking up.

"I don't know what she is doing but we have to stop her, quickly," Nightwing said.

"I got this" Blue Beetle said, changing his right hand into a cannon and the suit sprout translucent wings and rocket, he was ready to fly. Just at this moment, in a split second the suit took control, bringing his arm up and forming a shield but it was too late. It was only half complete went bullet broke through it and hit Blue Beetle right in the face, sending him flying back.

"What that hell!" just as Beast Boy finishes this sentence the sound of gunfire arrives, proving that the bullet had broken through the sound barrier. Looking back up Starfire discover that there was someone next to the girl he was also dressed in black but he had a blank grey mask

"Look next to the girl" Starfire cry out.

Using a pair of binoculars the look next to the girl where they found Marcus.

"It's him," Robin said.

"Who?" Starfire asks

"He matches the description of a new villain that appears in Gotham," Nightwing responded.

"She is about to fire it," Starfire said "Raven…" just when she was about to give Raven her order a bullet graze her cheek.


"It seems that we have some guests."

"So no killing?"

"If you really have to I will prefer you to beat them up but please don't kill them. also down go super Saiyan,"

"Why can't I kill them?"

"To much heat."


"You can still go on a rampage, I will take charge wiping out there server" with that Marcus took the lead by using his power to fly down faster. Before he hit the grown he slow down landing in the hole that Gine had created.

He then proceeds to infiltrate the building with his object, the basement.

The Teen Titans who were standing on top of the cliff watch all of this and they were shocked. Upon seeing Gine walking out of the destroyed building without any injury they snap out of it.

Starfire immediately took command " Robin, Nightwing follows him inside the building. The rest of use will try to stop her. Their objectives seem to be to destroy the base"

With that Robin and Nightwing, both jumps off the cliff going toward in direction of the hole Gine had created and where Marcus had jumped. While the rest of the team fly in the direction of Gine.

After flying in the hole Marcus could see how powerful Gine attack was. It powerful enough to destroy the entire building and going deep enough to pierce a few underground floors, you have to understand that all of it was reinforced to be able to survive a nuclear attack.

After landing Marcus immediately created a 3D map of the underground base in is head. After choosing is objective, he then proceeds to go to the elevator.

As he got in the elevator he proceeds to hack it and choose the floor just as the door was about to close he saw Nightwing and Robin landed in the hallway. after the stop for a brief moment to look around they saw Marcus in the elevator. At the same time, Robin through a birdarang while Nightwing through a wingding.

Just went they were about to hit Marcus he caught them and immediately through the back. Marcus knew the tricks, the chance of them being explosive was high and as expected they exploded.

By the time the smoke clears the elevator door was already closed, leaving them behind. Running through the smoke Robin run toward the elevator soon followed by Nightwing, throwing a birdaring at the door blowing it up he jumps down trying to catch up with the elevator.

the elevator was moving at a really fast speed, in a few seconds, it reaches its destination. As Marcus left the elevator he left a boom in it. He then proceeded to run toward the server room, just as he turned a few corners he heard an explosion behind him. but he did have time to enjoy it since he detected a ground of guard moving his way. Putting his hand in his personal dimension he pulls out two modify desert eagles.

As he reaches the corner where the guards were coming stop and throw a grenade just he turn the prepare to shoot he saw a blur then there was no one.

"You kill them." cry out as he manages to catch up with only to see him stand in the middle of a massacre with more than ten men dead around him.

"...Yeah.I am going to make it simple for both of you. We don't want any trouble with you guys since if I kill any of you guys, I will the league on my back. So if you guys don't give up even though I cannot kill you I will have to break some bones."

"I hear villain with better monologue than you"

"Bang, Bang" two gunshots resounded through the hallway. Robin was fast enough to evade the first bullet that was shot using his skill, but the second one grazes his arm without him being able to do anything.

Seeing this Nightwing dash toward Marcus and smash his escrima sticks in Marcus' face causing Marcus to step back.

"Sigh you guys are not going to give up, are you?"

"No," Robin said while getting up, taking a fighting position.

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