Reborn In DC

Chapter 25 - The Punisher (Part 2)

Marcus sighs while putting his gun back into his holster, while also taking a fighting position. Taking action first Marcus move toward Robin and they started fighting.

At the start, even with robin training, Marcus had a little advantage but with Nightwing as a backup, everything changes. With both of them teaming up they dominated the fight, that is for a few moments until Marcus decided to get serious which means he uses his ability to analyze their fighting pattern, predicting their movement and dodging all their attacks, while landing his. After a few more rounds he causes both of them to retreat.

"Last warning" Marcus warn them in a deep voice.

Without responding or taking Marcus' warning into account they dash toward Marcus, which costs Robin a broken arm and Nightwing a broken leg.

"By now you guys should know that you're not going to win against me. don't make it worse by getting up. You guys already ask for backup just wait for it."

"hon do you know?" Nightwing asked in shock. The fact is since he saw Gine super attack he knew that things were serious so he had already sent a message to the league asking for backup.

Marcus didn't wait for them and started running but robin being stubborn, try to catch up to him only to have a birdaring trow by Marcus to hit the wall next to him and explode. Apparently, during this fight, Marcus had sneakily stolen his belt.

After a few confrontations with a few guard group, he finally reaches the server room. Getting into the room, he inserts a flash drive into the central computer.

[Jarvis, can you copy everything, then erase and insert a virus in their system.]

[Yes sir }

With that Marcus walk around placing boom everywhere, and when Jarvis was done he left, whit his destination the last floor.


Gine stylishly walks out of the building using the hole Starfire was throughout. She stopped at a respectable distance as she looks at the ground of superheroes in front of her.

"The Teen Titans right"


"...I am not here for you guys and this is none of your business. SO SCRAM."Gine said as her last sentence was said in a murderous voice.

"You planning to destroy this place and killing everyone is our business" Starfire replay in a righteous voice.

"If that is so, prepare to get extermi...hmm something is coming," Gine said while looking to her left, Teen Titan also look at the direction she looks at and there they saw a man flying directly at Gine.

The men look like he was in his 20s, his hair was short and green while one of his eyes was black and the other one green. Also, he was only wearing a pair of pens.

In a few seconds, he was already in front of Gine ready to punch her, without the Teen Titan even having the time to react. But his punch didn't land, as he was the one that receives a lightning-fast punch from Gine, causing him to fly back at an even greater speed.

"Haha showing yourself in front of me is the worst decision you made in your life. You are just a clone of me. and today I am here especially to kill you and destroyed the whole place." Gine said in an ominous voice.

Getting up you could see a savage look on her clone face "You think you can stop me, not even Superman can win against me."

"Don't make me laugh I bet the give you a few tests, then toll you this to make you confident.

Getting mad he charge back toward Gine but Gine took the lead' this time charging at him grabbing his head and smashing it on the ground. But Gine didn't stop there she dragged his face across the ground. She then proceeds to throw him into a car which was immediately split in two. And before he could get up Gine was already standing on top of him, gathering ki in her mouth, forming a ball ready to fire it. When suddenly she was hit by a black pillar of magic fired by Raven.

The attack was powerful enough to send her flying into a building, as the smoke clear Gine look at the direction the attack came from where she saw Raven flying with black energy surrounding her.

The Teen Titan was surprised there wasn't any scratch on Gine. Getting up she coldly looks at them. With a massive release of Ki, her clone flew toward Gine in his madness and punched her in the face, only to have her take a step back, being shock he tries many other attacks only to have both of his hand grabs and get head-butted. It was so powerful that a shock wave was created, the attack also knocks him out. She then places her food on her clone stomach. She then formed a little ki ball at her fingertip (Freezer style) and while coldly looking at the Teen Titans she fires it at his head killing him instantly.

"You guys are next."

Hearing her sentence Starfire had an ominous feeling" Watch out" she cried out as a warning.

Moving at super-speed, she appeared in front of Raven she grabbed her cape and smash her into the ground. Forming a ball of ki she fires it at Starfire, who was flying toward her. She then moves toward Blue Beetle who she proceeds to punch but he was quick enough to form a shield in front of him ready to receive the punch, which sent him flying back.

Just went she turned to attack Beast Boy she was hit by a massive boulder that pushes her back, with a punch she broke the bolder apart. Terra attack had managed to slow Gine down which give the Teen Titans enough time to react. Which lead to their counter-attack, where everybody attack. Gibe quickly formed a shield to protect herself, as she flew through there attack, grab blue Beetle by the neck and fly into a building with him.

She was suddenly throughout by an energy blast fired by Blue Beetle how flying out ready to attack but he wasn't the only everybody else as a group was attacking her in every direction. Seeing that she was in a predicament, she gathered her ki in her hand she then clap, The shock wave was so powerful that it pushed everything back, only leaving Raven up since she had her magic to protect herself.

Getting up the Teen Titans could see Gine looking angrily at them. "That's it, no more playing around" Gine announces as she fully releases her energy, the ground around her was cracking, floating and then crumbling into nothingness.

Pushing herself to her physical peak she dashes at Raven who was the one in front of her. She was so fast that the ground crack under her step will she turn into a blur. But Raven wasn't weak either she created a shield in front of her to block her punch which she immediately fallow by using magic to chains her. But using her absurd amount of strength Gine just rip it apart.

She then unleashes a devastating combo breaking apart any defense Raven creates and she even catch up to Raven went she use power to perform a short distance teleport using her absurd speed she still manages to keep up with her and finally she manages to catch up with her. But just when she was about to deliver the last blow there was a red blur and she disappeared.

"What?"Gine exclaim in confusion as she looks in the direction the blurt when

"Eh," Gine heard a voice calling behind her. Looking back, she receives a massive punch that sent her flying into a building.

"DAMN IT" Gine cry out as the building she was sent flying in explode, with debris flying everywhere" Who was it this time?"

"It was me" suddenly a woman responded to her question.

Looking in front of her she saw wonder woman and behind her next to the Teen Titan was Flash, who was setting down Her clone "sigh more people to fight'

"Young woman you..." Wonder Woman was about to start one of her great speech went she had to bring up her shield to block one of the Gine super attacks. Gine didn't stop she ran toward the teen titan prepared to fight for a glorious fight.

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