Reborn In DC

Chapter 28 - Grey


In space, the Watchtower.

The members of the league had an urgent meeting. Right now there were seated in a round table.

"Why this meeting," Superman asks.

After Batman press a buŧŧon, a hologram appeared in the middle of the table. The hologram screen was showing a picture of Marcus and Gine in their costumes.

Batman then proceeds to explain to the league that during the Teen Titans' mission of infiltrating a base in Africa. they encounter with some


The hologram then changes, minimizing Marcus and Gine's picture, while showing a satellite view of the base before the mission, then changes to another picture of the base after the mission. What was the difference you may ask? The base was in complete ruin and there was a giant hole in the middle of the base.

"What happened?" Aquaman asks.

"They had put bombs throughout the base and when they left they explode it." Flash replies while pointing at Marcus and Gine's picture.

"Did everyone make it out?" Cyborg asks being concern about the Titans' well being.

"Yes" Wonder Woman answer him.

"Who are they?" Martian Manhunter asked looking at their picture.

A video then shows up, of Gine firing her super attack, then her fighting against the teen titan and when Wonder Woman and Flash came as backup. Showing that even under their combined ȧssault she held her ground.

"She is pretty powerful," Superman said, now being even more interested.

"and skill." Batman pointed out. "but she wasn't the only skill one" Batman then show a picture of Marcus. "He named himself 'The Punisher'. He first appears in Gotham a few weeks back and took out a gang cell by himself."

"A lot of people can do that" Shazam said, not being impressed.

"In the mission, he fought with both Robin and Nightwing and won. Walking out of the fight with no injuries, while living each of them with a broken bone each.

"What!" the rest of the league cry out in shock, except for those who already knew.

"Yes, he is not to be underestimated. Nightwing said that it was like he could predict every of their movement. More importantly, when Wonder Woman interrogates the girl, we got some key information, that they were taking revenge, that they had taken their DNA and created clones of them. Which she proceeded to described as defective, as she had killed her clone in a few minutes.

"And most importantly she revealed that she wasn't a human but an alien, a Saiyan"

"A what?" Shazam ask.

"Don't worry, nobody knows what race she is, not even the lanterns. So they had taken their DNA for some reason. Taking her DNA since she is an alien was understanding but for then to be interested in a human DNA is questionable."

"Do you mean he might be more dangerous?" Cyborg asks.

"I don't know but it seems like he was the leader, so he might have some special abilities."

"Is that wall we got on him," Martina said.

"No," batman said looking at the flash

"A few months back, a building was completely destroyed in Central City." a hologram video showing the building where the fight between Marcus and Gine had taken place started playing.

"They are the same light you saw during the fight" Batman point out, comparing the super attack of Gine then and now.

"You think it might be her."

"Yes, we try to get more information about her but we found nothing," Batman said, " I think they are covering their traces"

"I don't ȧssume we know where they are?" Green arrow ask

Blue Beetle had managed to place a tracer on their jet before they live. But when they got close to Gotham the tracer suddenly stops working.

"So there is a high chance that they are in Gotham?" Green arrow asks.


After a moment of quiet "And you want to take care of it by yourself, right?" Superman addresses Batman, saying what everyone was thinking.



The Next day

Marcus wakes up seeing Gine next to him. Remembering what had happened last night Marcus didn't know how to proceed. Looking around and focusing back on the bed he discovers that both the room and the bed were destroyed.

Marcus just life while also remind himself to give the room and the bed an upgrade

-Later that day-

Marcus, Gine, and Lucy drove to the warehouse. After arriving at the base, they immediately got in the pocket dimensions. While Gine when for her daily training, Marcus visited the lad.

"Jarvis did you finish"

[Then wake her up.]

In front of Marcus was a giant tube with Scarlett floating in it

[You really when crazy with this one] Lucy said, standing next to Marcus.

As the water was suċkėd out of the tube lift up it only left Scarlett on the floor. After a few seconds, she started to wake up.

"Hmm, what happens?" She asked being confused. Although at the start it was like she was drunk but in a split second her healing factor kick in.

"Standing up she starts looking around eventually fixing her sights on Marcus and Lucy. Lucy proceeded to throw a towel at her. Marcus first presented Gine and explaining what had happened. That she was frozen and that a few days had passed, she immediately freaks out, seeing that she had missed work.

Only for Marcus to inform her that Lucy more precisely one of Lucy's body which now will be her ȧssistant /bodyguard had taken care of everything.

Marcus didn't tell Scarlett anything about her meta power or the different stuff he had but in her. After getting her dress and having eaten some food she was teleported back to Metropolis.

Finishing with this Marcus was prepared to go training when he was approached by Lucy.

"So you know about the secret organization I wanted to build."


"I need a few stuff."

After taking for a moment Marcus went in his safe, took out a briefcase and give it to her.

"Use this and I will give you access to certain information from my memory.

The thing is that Lucy was partly in Marcus' head but she did have access to everything. She has a strict limitation, she only had access to anything only if Marcus let her.

Just like that week past.

But today was different Marcus didn't follow their routine and stay late in the lab. in front was a giant tube with a body similar to his gently floating in it. Marcus was excited this body was special. Although it didn't have Marcus's power of lightning or creation it had other stuff going for it. First, it was completely immune to mind magic, body manipulation and have a powerful regeneration power but still, Marcus was satisfied. He wanted the body to have human attributes.

Deciding to start the experiment, he asks Jarvis to seal the room.


"You can start."

Upon activation Marcus immediately felt a tingling feeling go throughout his brain then everything went black. After an unknown amount of time pass, Marcus woke up but this time it was different Marcus felt weird. After taking a few moments to adjust himself he opens his eyes only to discover that he was seeing from two different directions.

Through the eyes of the artificial body he created, he could see his real body standing in front of him while his original body could see his artificial body in the tube.

"Jarvis open the tube."

As the water was suċkėd out and the class tube was lifted Marcus artificial body was left standing in place. Marcus decided to take a step and they both walk at the same time. Surprise Marcus tries to make is original body move his hand, only for both of them to move there hand at the same time.

""It is going to take some time to get used to all of this"" They both said at the same time.


-A week later-

Marcus was in the time chamber floating in space looking down at the planet he had created and next to him was his artificial body in an Iron Man armor.

"Are you ready?" artificial Marcus asks.

"I never thought of this. What am I supposed to call you" Marcus to his artificial self

They both became silent thinking together.

"What about this" Artificial Marcus said. "I can be called Marcus since I will take your place most of the time. While you can call yourself Grey."

"Ok" Grey responded

"Great, can we go over the plant one more time," Marcus asked.

Even though I am strong I still need to get stronger, since him not like Gine it will become harder and harder for me to get stronger. So I split my mine in two one will have a normal body(for the fun of it) and my original body will stay in the time chamber to get stronger mostly focusing on getting stronger. I will also be able to come out one day of the week"

"Yes, that's it."

"See you in a week." With this last sentence, using his power Grey disappeared in a flash of light.

Staying in space for moment Marcus looks at the plane, he then activates his propulsor and flew toward the moon.

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