Reborn In DC

Chapter 29 - Iron Man (Part 1)


One year later

Scarlett was seated in her office in one of the highest floor of Grey industry HQ. Right now she was watching the news on a hologram screen. It had already been a year since she had gained her power.

At first, she taught that life would have become easier but it wasn't. She had to train every day to master her power. Marcus had told her that she had not reached the full potential of her power, meaning that her training was getting harder and harder.

Sometimes she even dies mind-training, but it was true that she was getting stronger so she couldn't complain about it.

She was mostly cool with her train but it wasn't the same for the company. Right now she was under a lot of pressure. During this year everything went wrong, the press and the nation were blaming them for everything.

They indeed sell weapon but it wasn't like they were the one selling or giving it to terrorists and there were not the only one in the weapon business. Grey industry only sell to different nations and it wasn't their fault that they were stolen or used to do bad things.

But the media, in consequence, the people weren't listening to anything they said. Getting ma, Scarlett fire a fireball at the hologram projector melting it. She had decided that she had enough. After press one of the bottom of her desk, Lucy walks in. She immediately asked for a meeting with Marcus.

Later that day.

Scarlett was in front of Marcus. Who right now was playing a video game.

"So can you do something to fix our reputation? It's not like it's not your company too" she said pleading for help. Scarlett said after explaining to Marcus the situation of the company, that if he let things keep going as it is, that the company will be finish.

Hmm that so much work

But you know you will make less money right Gine remark while she was spotted next to him playing with him. It's not like you didn't know this was going to happen and not plan for it." Gine said trying to motivate him.

"I know but you have to understand that when we split I took all the laziness."

"But right now you can afford to be lazy. You have to act."

After a moment of silence. "I guess it a time."

"Time for what?" Scarlett ask.

Marcus just laughs and started to explain to Scarlett his plan to fix everything.


A few days later.

In front of Grey industries HQ, there was a group of people with signboards protesting against Grey industries. But although they were protesting inside there was a group of journalists and other important people seated or standing in front of a podium and behind the podium, there was a giant screen.

That wasn't the only thing. Grey industries had special buy Tv channel, to broadcast what was about to happen today the entire country.

When the time arrives for everything to start Scarlett walks on stage. She was dressed in a professional female suit.

Arriving in the middle of the podium, in front of the mic. She introduces herself and started to speak about the negative statements about the company, that they were false. Immediately the journalist started arguing against it.

At this moment some of the reporters and people started gloating.

But the had to stop upon seeing Scarlett fierce gaze. The journalist who was used to her throughout those past 5 years of interviewing her we're surprised. She had never been so agitated under any circumstances.

She then started speaking angrily " Now because of all of this, you have pushed the boss to personally take action."

"The boss?"


A few of the journalists exclaim. They were not dum, on the contrary, their job requires them to be sharp. So they immediately pick up the word 'boss' from her sentence. But before they could say anything, Scarlett continues to speak with an even louder voice.

"It has been decided, starting from today the Grey industries will not make or sell weapons. We will focus on other areas."

She then presses a buŧŧon from the remote that was in her hand, turning on the giant screen behind her. In it, they could the sky and cloud.

"This is a drone that we created. It has no weapon but it is equipped with an advanced camera that will be used to live stream what will be happening soon. The camera then zooms in showing a shocking scene. It was a terrorist camp they could see all types of weapons everywhere and most importantly they weren't weapons of Grey industries only.

The camera then zooms in other directions showing people that were enslaved. "luckily it, not the only thing that can stream the scene down below." The screen was cut into different dimensions showing all types of different views and some of those screens were showing some really gruesome stuff. They were not blurred, they were left for everyone to see.

"Using our superior technology, skill and connection we manage to sneak camera throughout the base."

"Excuse me but what does it change showing us all of this and even throw you said that the company will stop producing weapons what about the one you already made, they can still be used to make evil things one of the best journalists of Metropolis said while getting up. It was Lois Lane.

Scarlett just smile and at that moment, as the camera of the drone was zooming out a red blur when past it.

In a cacophony of noise, the Journalist started asking questions about what was that blur or if it was Superman. You have to understand even though the justice league is a thing in this world it wasn't like it was lawless the league couldn't move everywhere under the UN laws which limit them in a lot of ways.

But Scarlett ignored them while speaking over then. "Please enjoy the show." with that she walks off stage.

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