Reborn In DC

Chapter 4 - life

2 years later

It has already been two years since the explosion of the particle accelerator. During those years a lot of things had happened. The most unexpected one was that Marcus parent had started to come home less and less. When they came home most of the time they spent less than a week.

So Marcus and Gine had to spend most of there time by themselves but at least they had the privacy to develop secretly in a safe environment. That is until that day.


When their parent returned from there mission and arrived home they immediately told them to pack their stuff. Since Marcus was curious he told Gine to do it while he when to speak with his parents. when he arrived in the room he could see them packing their stuff like crazy.

Seeing this he asked them what it's going on.

"We have to live quickly," his mom says while putting clothes in a bag. His Father squats in front of him and looks at Marcus. " Marcus, son I know you and Gine are not normal kids. that why I going to be truthful with you " he then took out a flash drive and pass it to me " your mom and I have betrayed some really powerful people and bȧrėly manage to escape. " he then grabbed my shoulder "if we don't make it out alive you can get all the information in this flash drive also ... you to promise us..."

Sadly my father didn't get to finish his sentence because at this moment a string of warning appeared in my field of vision. I immediately took action by pushing my dad next to mom and use my power forming a force field around them. then there was a loud explosion and everything when black.


while Gine was packing the stuff like Marcus had told her there was an explosion. The shockwave had even sent her flying. For a brief moment, she felt disoriented. but after regaining her sense she remembers Marcus and her parent were in the room next door where the explosion can from the room.

Realizing this she immediately runs out of the room getting in their room. The room was completely destroyed with fire everywhere. She immediately went into panic mode and started searching the room for them. Suddenly she heard a groaning sound, going toward it, she saw that dad was on top of mom protecting her. But it didn't work very well as a metal bar had pierced both of them. Dad was already dead while mom was bȧrėly breathing.

Suddenly there was the sound of lightning crackle, looking behind her. She saw that a part of the roof had fallen and she could hear lightning crackle coming under it. She when toward it and lift it up. under it she could see Marcus and his right arm was completely missing but it was getting reform by lightning that was gathering, forming a new arm. he got up and looks at Gine with sadness and regret. She stops paying attention to him and kneels next to mother, gently holding her and spook with her... bȧrėly holding my rage back.


After reforming his destroyed arm Marcus then stood in place watching Gine kneeling next to his mom comforting her. after a few minutes in Marcus field of vision, a 3D version of the apartment was created. Showing red dots moving toward his position.

Seeing that Gine was occupied Marcus decided to take the situation in his own hand. Moving out of the room, while walking toward the door he took off his already destroyed shirt, then touch and modify any piece of metal I could get my hands on, reforming it as two sharp swords and using his power of creation creating a blank metal mask, a comfortable and durable one. Walking out of the room in stood in the middle of the alleyway looking in front of him.

"I am going to make it simple. you guys just kill my parent and the next step is killing you guys... also don't underestimate me "

One of them had fired a bullet at Marcus and seeing that he had cut it in half with his sword, they were shocked. After a brief moment all of them open fire but with his years of training gaining strength and reflex, he cut every bullet in half. But just when they were reloading and he was about to go fight with them the wall next to them explode and Gine runs out, grabbing the head of the guy close to him and smash it on the ground then the look at the rest of whit a look of extreme rage. the strange thing was the color of her hair had changed to yellow

" holy shit "


My name was jack, I was a member of a secret organization and with years of hard work and self-sacrifice, I manage to get in one of the top squad. Our squad had 12 people, the captain, one tech guy and the rest was the ground group. we were tasked with the ȧssassination of a family and to receive something. but seriously sending all of these people just to kill a family of four.

Anyway now we were waiting for the signal to take action. A guy was supposed to fire a rocket at the room which will be the signal for the start of the mission.

"Everyone in position," the captain asked.

"affirmative "

"start the plan"

Arriving on the floor where the objective was we started walking in the hallway toward there door. when the door slowly opens immediately everyone stop and pointed their gun toward the door.

A kid calmly walks out of the room with a mask and a sword in each hand he was only wearing a pair of pants and... he had a muscular opposite to his age. Another bizarre thing was that the kid mask was grey and had no features.

He suddenly introduces himself and told us that he was going to... kill use for revenge 'hahaha' I seriously was about to laugh out loud but I manage to hold myself back. The captain who took everything seriously didn't even hesitate and fire at him but something. but something shocking append using his sword he cut the bullet in half.

"you guys better take me seriously"

All of us immediately open fire at him until we were out of bullet but the kid was still standing with no injured.

"My turn" the kid leisurely announce and was about to run toward use when suddenly the wall explodes and another kid grew out of it grabbing the close person to her and smash is head in the ground.

she was probably older than the order kid since she was older. she was strange she had yellow hair and a savage look right now even an ȧduŀt-like myself was afraid of her. why? because she had destroyed a wall with her bȧrė fist and crush a grown man skull with her bȧrė hand.

Taking a deep breath 'were fuċkėd'. She leaps toward another teammate and ripped him in half while we were reloading. Seeing this we fire at her while retreating I wasn't dumb I knew of the existence of superhuman and seeing her shrugging the bullet like it was nothing and her brute strength I knew we weren't going to win so in stop using my gun and use all my strength to run away. while I run toward the stair I could hear the cry of pain or help of my teammate.

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