Reborn In DC

Chapter 5 - The escape

after getting out of the alleyway he made a left turn toward the stair. The apartment he was in had 50 floors and he was on the 43rd floor. He was running down the stair at full speed, even skipping a few stairs eventually falling down the stair at the 40th floor and breaking his ankle. He knew that he couldn't continue with his broken ankle, he then suddenly remember the elevator. Moving out of the stairway to the alleyway there was suddenly a loud explosion sound, the ceiling broke and he saw a blue figure past through landing heavily on the floor a few steps in front of him.

"The heck was that " he was stunned for a few moments before regaining his sense. In front of him the figure slowly got up with lightning surrounding him, completely blue and he took out the war hammer that was on his back looking up at the hole he came from. looking up like he was waiting for something. he then realizes that it was the kid with the blank mask. then a yellow shadow flew out of the hole but immediately got hit by the war hammer sending it flying back.

The blue figure squat, the lightning around condensing then he despaired. Standing there dazed when he heard loud sound on top of him he could feel the building shaking. Looking up, he saw a piece of the ceiling falling down, on top of him. kill him on the spot.


When Marcus saw that Gine had a few a green spark around her. he knew that it was a sign of her berserk mode. He immediately knew things were bad so he starts to prepare himself.

He then melted the sword and throw it away. Creating adamantium and modifying it as a futuristic war hammer. just when he had finished creating the war hammer Gine had finished her killing spree.

"Gine" Marcus call out causing Berserk Gine to look toward him "are you alright, can you control yourself" Marcus ask but she did respond but keep looking at him. Placing the hammer in his back he slowly walks toward Gine while trying to coax her.

but it didn't go well when he arrived in front of her. she suddenly grabs him slamming him down and proceed to compress some energy in her mouth, firing a powerful ki blast at Marcus. it was so strong, that he went through the floor of the building.

"so we have to fight" in that brief moment when he got slam down Marcus realize that they were really about to fight. Using his lightning power generating lightning around protecting him from the energy blast that fallow but it didn't stop him from going through the floor.

getting up from the floor and took out his hammer. Concentrating a part of the lightning onto the hammer. The hammer light up with blue light and arc of lightning randomly flashing around it while making a humming sound

"3,2,1" at one Marcus swung his hammer up. that exact moment, Gine hat appeared out to the hole and immediately got hit by Marcus hammer sending her flying back into the hole.

"I have to end this fight quickly, I better go all out" using his power at full strength Marcus turn completely into lightning figure even getting taller and getting more muscle. Move at his full speed which now was the speed of light. he disappeared from the spot he was standing from.

at this moment Gine at went four-floor up and was about to stabilize her self went suddenly she was hit by a lightning hammer to her left side sending her flying in the opposed direction.

keeping up with Gine using his speed Marcus appeared behind her and swung his hammer at her but was greeted by a sudden blast of energy and before he could do anything he was attacked by an enraged Gine which now had green hair.

after a few rounds, he discovers that she was getting strong and strong ". Marcus knew that this fight could not keep going on. so he teleport his hammer away, moisturizing all of his strength has he runs toward Gine while she did the same arriving face to face to each other trowing there most powerful punch.

both punches hit each other face creating a shockwave around them sending them flying back in the direction they came from "aah" Gine slowly got up she could feel her body aching. Looking around she could see that everything was destroyed then she remembers her self becoming berserk and attacking anyone she could see.

she runs toward him with a look filled with regret "are you alright" she says will hugging him "I am sorry, I am sorry"

"it alright it's not your fault," Marcus says while hugging her back. but he didn't have time to console her when he suddenly receives a message from his A.I. that a certain hero is on his way.


After Gine regain her sense Gine was sad seeing that she had destroyed the building she had been living in for all her life and most importantly she almost killed her secret lover.

"Don't worry about look at me, I down a have scratch. listen I know that you're sad but we have to live quickly ..."

"y-yes Gine got up"

Luckily before everything started Gine had put all of their stuff in a bag. after tracking there bag and digging it out of the rubble we immediately live the half-destroyed building by flying away.

After a few minutes of flying, we arrived at a hotel. After some hacking and some lies they manage to get a room. the room wasn't overly decorated. it had two bed and one bathroom. Marcus told Gine to go take a shower while he checks the bag. he discovers that a few of is stuff was destroyed like the teleportation device that helps him access his pocket space and ŀȧptop.

a few moments later Gine came out of the shower so he went and take out. getting out the bathroom he saw that Gine was already on one of the bed. getting on the other bed he was prepared to go to sleep went he could feel something moving on is bed opening his eyes he could see Gine on is bed moving toward him

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