Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 234 Important information about corpse-turning water (please subscribe and vote monthly)

What this black-robed masked man is experiencing now is the same as the black-robed masked man just now. The wall is sealed with white paper and he cannot leave the tower area at all.

"not good!"

After the man in the black mask cut off his right arm, he already felt instinctive fear when he saw these papers.

He immediately took a step back.

His eyes were staring at the magical wall in front of him through the eye holes of the mask.

"What exactly happened here?"

A big question mark popped up in his head, and his eyes were always staring at the paper wall in front of him, for fear that the paper inside would suddenly fly out.


As the saying goes, whatever you fear will come.

Just when the man in black robe and mask was staring at the paper wall.

The paper wall instantly turned into pieces of paper and flew towards him.

He raised his left hand sharply.

Prepare to make a seal with one hand.

Facing these papers, he instinctively thought of the Fire Release Ninjutsu.

No matter whether it is useful or not.

You have to struggle after all, you can't just sit back and wait for death.


At this moment, he suddenly felt his shoulders sink.

There was actually a hand patting him on the shoulder.

All of a sudden.

The expression behind his mask changed drastically.

Just now, he focused all his attention on the changing paper wall, and did not expect that there were other figures behind it.


The moment this hand patted his shoulder.

Black lines appeared on his body.

These lines were exactly the same as what he had encountered just now.

It's just that these lines are from this hand, not from this one.


The man in the black robe and mask understood something.

The owner of the hand that patted him was the owner of those papers.

"You shouldn't disturb my quiet life."

A faint voice sounded, clearly reaching the ears of the man in the black robe and mask.

Just as he spoke.

Black lines quickly appeared on the body of the black-robed masked man, completely sealing his body.

This time the man in the black robe and mask had no choice.

His whole body is covered with charms.

You can't kill yourself!

The man in the black robe and mask was thinking in his mind. He wanted to know who this person was, but he only heard the voice and did not see the person's appearance.


He felt hands brushing against his cheek.

He immediately took off the mask on his face.


He felt that his body became light and floated when someone lifted him up casually.

Floating beside him was his companion.

The two of them flew all the way to the third floor of the tower.

throughout the process.

They can all feel that person's presence.

But he couldn't see that person at all.

This is a master!

The two men in black robes and masks were all aware of this matter. They felt that this man's caution and anti-reconnaissance abilities were superior to them.



The two sealed people were thrown directly to the ground like garbage.

When they fell to the ground, they saw the person who carried them over.


The man is now wearing a mask.

It was the mask that had just been taken off.

There are many things they want to ask in their hearts, but now they can't even move their tongues and can't speak at all.

Following the doubtful looks in their eyes.

The man's right hand stretched out and first touched the head of the man in black robe whose mask was taken off, and then touched the man in black robe wrapped in paper.


The man stood up and walked out of their sight.

"It turns out to be someone from the roots."

This indifferent voice sounded, and there seemed to be thoughts in his tone.

"If you didn't come in, you wouldn't have these problems. Now I can't let you go, so I have to use you for experiments."

The voice sounded again, but what it said made bigger question marks pop up in the minds of these two people.

"Don't worry, you won't die for a while, but don't expect anything, you will definitely not be able to get out of this tower alive."

The owner of this voice.

It was Qingyu who was practicing in the tower.

Qingyu had just released his shadow clone and was preparing to learn the ninjutsu in the Book of Water Release, and the imagination in his heart was infinitely beautiful.


Before he even started.

These two root ninjas broke into his tower.

There is no other way.

Now that the tower has been exposed to the eyes of these two people.

Then we can't let these two people go back alive!

When Qingyu touched the heads of two people just now, two crisp electronic prompts sounded in his head, and he obtained two average-level ninjutsu respectively.

Just by looking at the level of ninjutsu, it can be judged that these two root ninjas are only chunin at best.

It's not too much trouble to solve.

When Aoba was dealing with the two of them, he tried to use the sealing technique in the book given to him by Minato, as well as Danzo's sealing technique obtained by reading the memory.

Plus a little trick.

Playing with the two of them directly in the applause.

It's so tight!

"Go to sleep."

Qingyu uttered two words lightly, then waved his right hand, and two pieces of paper flew out of his hand and landed on the foreheads of two people respectively.

There is a circle on the top of the paper.

Write the word "sleepy" in the middle of the circle.

It was the result of applying the sleep charm he learned from the book Minato gave him to the Shiki paper.

In an instant.

The two root ninjas all closed their eyes, sleepiness invaded their brains, and they fell directly into a deep sleep.

As long as Qingyu doesn't uncover these two talismans.

They will continue to sleep.

"What happened to make the root ninja chase a person so far?"

Qingyu was originally not curious about their affairs. If they left directly, then they would leave.

It's all delivered to your door now.

It even read the memories of these two people.


Qingyu also wanted to use the memories of these two root ninjas to see what kind of state Uehara Ruri was in now.

Think of this.

Qingyu sat cross-legged directly.

Sitting on the ground on the third floor of the tower.

Close your eyes slowly.

Press your hands on your temples.

Start looking through the memories of these two people.

All of a sudden.

Scene after scene appeared in Qingyu's mind.

The first thing Qingyu flipped through was the root ninja who was sealed by him first.

This root ninja is not very old.

Only sixteen years old now.


Strictly speaking, one year older than him.

"The so-called root person has no name, no feelings, no past, no future, only tasks in his heart..."

Qingyu saw such brainwashing words in this person's memory more than once. It felt like this person had mistakenly entered a pyramid scheme.

At the beginning, I still maintained some of my own sanity, and felt that it was a group of people with abnormal brains.

Over time.

His mind also became abnormal.


He still arrived relatively late.

Still retains a trace of his nature.

After completing the task, he became very curious about the surrounding environment and strange things.

It turns out.

It is because of this curiosity.

This person's fundamental career was ruined.

He will never appear as a normal person again.

When Qingyu read this person's memory, he saw the mission they just performed.

This is an assassination mission.

The mission target is a girl named Fujieda Juno.

Judging from the current results.

They have successfully killed Fujieda Shuno and dissolved Fujieda's body with corpse water.

Fujieda Shuno is a member of a civil society organization in Konoha Village.

This is a small ninja organization.

There were six people in total.

All are chuunin.

They just like to investigate some special things outside of missions.

Almost half a year ago.

A missing person case occurred in Konoha Village.

Later, cases of corpses floating in rivers occurred one after another.

These cases attracted the attention of their organization, and they wanted to use their own methods to investigate what happened here.

After a period of unremitting efforts.

They found some clues.

These clues point to Danzo Shimura of Konoha Village!

This made them realize that there seemed to be some secret hidden in this missing persons case.


It didn't take long.

Tetsu Nara, the leader of the organization from the previous era, was arrested.

In the end, the missing persons case and the corpse floating in the river case were all thrown on Nara Tetsu's head.

For the people of Konoha Village.

This is considered case closure.

As long as law and order is restored in Konoha Village, there will be nothing left to say.

But for their small group organization...

This matter is not over at all.

They discovered a big secret that no one else knew.

That is……

Orochimaru set up a human laboratory in Konoha Village!

This discovery allowed them to find conclusive evidence against Danzo!

They silently guarded the edge of Orochimaru's laboratory, hiding carefully. After several months of secret observation, they discovered Danzo's figure going to and from Orochimaru's laboratory.

And also saw many dead bodies of failed experiments.

The dead bodies were piled together by masked root ninjas and then disposed of with corpse water.

This way it won't leave any traces.

As the leader of their organization, Fujieda Juno decided to report this discovery to the Third Hokage.

Half a month ago.

After she summarized everything she saw, she came to the Hokage's office while the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was free, and informed the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen of the matter.


What she didn't expect was.

From that moment on.

Shimura Danzo's nightmare did not come, but they fell into the nightmare and never woke up again.

From her companions to herself.

In just half a month.

There is not one left.

All were assassinated.

Until the moment Fujieda Juno died, she didn't know how Danzo Shimura knew about them. She just told the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen about the investigation results of this matter.


Qingyu sighed silently, these specific contents were all discovered from the memory of this young root ninja.


The mission issued to him by Danzo was to assassinate Fujieda Shuno.

No reason was given for the assassination!

If it is any other root, then it does not ask about the reason or the process, only the result.

Just complete the task.

No need to ask anything else.


Out of curiosity, this root ninja conducted an investigation into Fujieda Shuno.

He discovered some information about Fujieda Shuno from the scroll records at the root.

Gradually it became clear that Fujieda Shuno was assassinated for reporting on Danzo-sama.


He was wondering if there might be Fujieda Shuno's accomplices in the tower.

"Curiosity will kill the cat!"

Aoba said with a pun, his words were not only for Fujieda Shuno, but also for this young root ninja.

If Fujieda Juno hadn't been so curious and just done her job well, such an accident would not have happened.

Not only did she kill herself, but she also killed her friends.


Qingyu doesn't think that the heart of justice is wrong.

But he also felt that everything should be done within one's ability.

If you force yourself and your friends into an unbearable storm before you have enough strength...

That's not justice.

That's stupid!


If this young root ninja hadn't been so curious to investigate Fujieda Juno, and hadn't been curious about what was in the tower after completing the mission, he and his companions would not have fallen into the situation of being caught by Aoba.

all of these.

It’s all about being unable to control your curiosity.

Thus putting himself into a desperate situation.

After briefly looking through the memories of the young root ninja, Aoyu began to look through the memories of the root ninja with a broken arm.

He planned to take a brief look first.

Then slowly go to feel more.


Aoyu opened the memory of the root ninja with a broken arm.

This man's memories were far richer than those of the young root ninja.

Not just that he's older, but that he's done more at his roots.

All of a sudden.

Scenes of memory fragments flashed through his mind...

Half an hour later.

Qingyu slowly opened his eyes and exhaled silently.

"It's so interesting."

Qingyu had no idea that these two root ninjas belonged to the same root and often went on missions together.

Rao is so.

Neither side knows much about what the other has done.

Is this just indifference to each other?

The young Genbe ninja investigated Fujieda Juno's past in detail during this period, and even saw a copy of the scroll written by Fujieda Juno to report to Danzo-sama in the Root.

through this.

Driven by curiosity.

He vaguely guessed that Danzo-sama was cooperating with the Third Hokage.

The root ninja with a broken arm didn't know about the things he was investigating.

If you know.

It will definitely be stopped.

This behavior is playing with fire!

As for the root ninja with a broken arm, it was exactly the root ninja that Fujieda Shuno's organization saw when they observed Orochimaru's laboratory.

This person's memory opened up a lot of previously unknown information to Qingyu.

The collaboration between Danzo and Orochimaru.

Just after Orochimaru failed again and again in human experiments.

He was the one responsible for helping Orochimaru dispose of the body.

At the very beginning.

Those corpses were all from the Leaf Village.

Later, after the missing persons case completely broke out and the blame was passed to Tetsu Nara.

They began to kidnap villagers from some other villages outside of Konoha Village.

This root ninja with a broken arm is not responsible for arresting people, but is still responsible for disposing of the corpses that died due to failed research.

Tools for disposing of those bodies.

It's the corpse-turning water.

That thing that Qing Yu had in mind.

"It turns out that the corpse-turning water was prepared by Orochimaru himself. No wonder it is only found at the roots and not elsewhere."

Qingyu found important information about the zombie water in this root ninja with a broken arm.

The original purpose of the corpse water was not to assist the roots in the work of destroying corpses, but to deal with the abandoned corpses that died after the experiment failed.

In order that the corpses would not accumulate in one place for too long and emit an unpleasant smell, Orochimaru personally invented and prepared a corpse-turning water that could completely dissolve the corpses.

After the zombie water was researched.

Danzo found that this thing was very helpful in the assassination of the roots.

Since then……

Ninjas at the root level will always carry corpse-transforming water when they carry out assassinations.

This has also contributed to many unsolved cases in Konoha Village.

During the reign of the Third Hokage.

Occasionally some ninjas suddenly disappeared.

No one can be seen alive, and no body can be seen dead.

It's like the world has evaporated.

Based on this situation.

In the end, he was judged by the village as missing or betraying the village.


There was no suspicion on Danzo's head.

It can be said that he dealt with many difficult things for the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

For example, in the early days of the Three Generations' rule, those who disagreed with the Three Generations and were stubborn and refused to change caused obstacles to the Three Generations' rule.

Maybe he disappeared on a dark and windy night and never appeared again.

"It's a pity... they only have corpse-transforming water, but they don't have the formula for corpse-transforming water, which makes it impossible for me to prepare it myself."

Qingyu shook his head slowly. He squatted down and rummaged through the ninja tool bags of the two root ninjas.

One bottle.

Two bottles.

Three bottles.

Qingyu found three bottles of corpse-transforming water on their bodies and put them all in his pocket.

"That's enough for a while."

Qingyu made a rough estimate and found that the people he had dealt with previously had used up almost a bottle of corpse-transforming water.

Now these three bottles of corpse-transforming water can dissolve a few more people.

have to say.

This thing is really a good product for killing and stealing!

"The problem now is..."

The brows behind Qingyu's mask frowned slightly. He took off the mask of this root ninja and took a closer look.

"The level of these two people is not high enough. Neither of them knows the news about Uehara Ruri. However, they did not go back to recover, and Orochimaru lacks a zombie. Danzo will definitely start investigating in this regard..."

Qingyu pinched his chin, his eyes flashing with thinking.

"How can we prevent them from suspecting the tower?"

Qingyu didn't want to move out of this secret base that he had just settled in so easily.

Thanks to [Brother Ming Enlightenment] for the reward and support!

Thanks to [Winter Wind and Snow] boss for the reward and support!

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