Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 28 Is today the day? (please collect)

"To put it simply, my body is relatively weak. There are a few days every month when I feel extremely uncomfortable..."

Qingyu said bravely.

In order not to participate in these tasks that may be dangerous to him.

you could say so……


"You still have this kind of physique?!"

The corners of Yamanaka Yuta's mouth kept twitching. If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he would never have believed that such words came from the mouth of a young man.

what is this?



Even ANBU female ninjas can overcome these difficulties when they encounter them!


Yamanaka Yuta was speechless for a moment.

I don’t know how to describe my mood at this time.


Qingyu immediately nodded repeatedly, realizing that Yamanaka Yuta might have accepted this setting, and quickly added, "I've reached my day these days!"


Yamanaka Yuta's face was covered with black lines, and he could no longer look directly at Aoyu.

"Cough cough cough..."

After a while.

Yamanaka Yuta cleared his throat.

Simply ease the awkward atmosphere.



"I understand you!"

"If it's not convenient for you, I'll replace you with someone else!"

"Pay attention to your health!"

"I go first!"

Say it.

Yamanaka Yuta hurriedly left.

I don’t want to continue talking to Qingyu.

This person will talk for a while.

Maybe something will come out...

If Qingyu is forced to do tasks again, she might become pregnant in a few days!

Yamanaka Yuta's original uncomfortable feeling of being rejected suddenly disappeared after hearing Aoyu's last words, and he even wanted to laugh a little.

Forget it!

Since Qingyu doesn't want to do this task.

It would be better not to embarrass him...

Yamanaka Yuta was ready to change his target. He had another candidate in mind, a tool he had been looking for many times.

Just as Qingyu guessed.

The most important reason why Yamanaka Yuta found Qingyu was that he worked hard and refused to tell the secret.


Never expected that!

The first time was quite nice!

Why did it go so poorly the second time?

Could it be that……

Qingyu's experience wasn't that good?

"Maybe Qingyu is weak and it was too violent at that time. I will have to pay more attention next time."

Yamanaka Yuta silently analyzed the reasons and summarized the lessons from the failure of inviting Aoyu this time. Through Aoyu's emphasis on his physical weakness, he thought that it might be due to physical reasons.

after all.

In his opinion.

Qingyu doesn't have any other reasons.

"My old body and bones can withstand the torture, but Qingyu can't bear it anymore. When I see him again in the future, I will try my best to care about him!"

Yamanaka Yuta thought about the memory of those two days in the morgue, searching for the corpse of the prisoner next to the cold iron bed every day.

Time almost keeps spinning!

It's a full day's work.

Maybe that experience gave Qingyu a bad experience...

The more Yamanaka Yuta thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. He gradually felt more comfortable and prepared to come back to Qingyu the next time he had another mission. In any case, his impression of Qingyu was still very good.


Qingyu exhaled heavily as he watched Yuta Yamanaka's back disappear into the dark corridor.

"Finally the prevarication is over!"

Qingyu rejected this so-called secret mission with every fiber of his being.

Who knows what the mission is!

I'm not curious or caring!

The more you know, the worse your death will be!

Especially since I am still in the developmental stage, I am at an A level at best, and I have no capital to waste.

not to mention……

Qingyu had a vague feeling.

In this huge Konoha Village.

The end of all conspiracies will point to the old man standing at the top of the root!

Qingyu returned to the cubicle and began to repeat the memory reading and interrogation every day.

have to say.

The Konoha Security Department is very efficient.

There was nothing wrong with the people caught.

But most of them are just small fights...

Someone stole something.

Who fought with whom.

Who broke whose glass?

These are unavoidable minor frictions in people's livelihood. If placed in modern society, they may be more settled through mediation and reconciliation, and the matter will be over once the compensation is in place.

But in the ninja world.

It takes it very seriously.

It can even be said that the above outline is online.

The penalty is imposed.

Should be locked up.

Over time.

Qingyu could clearly feel his dissatisfaction with the Konoha Security Department from the memories and emotions of these arrested suspects awaiting trial.

"Maybe this is the seed of disaster for the Uchiha clan!"

Aoba read the thoughts of many ordinary people in Konoha Village and gained a very deep understanding of the basic situation of the village.


What he learned.

It’s all at the memory level.

There is no way to fake it.

These scenes are things that even the Third Hokage would never see if he went to the grassroots in person!


Qingyu believes it.

Danzo could see it.

"This kind of contradiction is due to the failure of the village's senior management to provide correct guidance and education, which has just led to the people's resentment directed at the Security Department."

"It's really ironic now that I think about it!"

"The Konoha Police Department has made great contributions to the security of Konoha Village, but it has received a very bad impression within the village."

Qingyu shook his head helplessly. He was in the Torture Department, which happened to be a system between the Konoha Security Department and the Konoha Inspection Department.

The people captured by the Konoha Security Department were sent over for interrogation and torture.

Sentencing will be carried out after the final result is reached.

Then sent to Konoha Village Prison.

The sentences that Qingyu came into contact with for these ordinary people were basically a few days of detention, and very few could reach a month.

It can almost be said to be a few days tour of Konoha Prison.

As for the regulars in the prison.

Or those ninjas who really got into big trouble.

In the blink of an eye.

Half a year has passed.

Qingyu has been transferred to this small cubicle for eight months.

When he first entered the ANBU Torture Department, he came as a sensory ninja. He was originally responsible for reading memories after torture and interrogation.

But during this period.

He took on the task of torture and interrogation!

It can be said to be a step forward.

This is for Qingyu.

That's a good thing.

After all, many, many people were recruited after torture and interrogation, and they could not reach the stage of reading their memories.

at this place.

It can actually read more memories.

In this half year.

Aoyu has become the fastest ninja in interrogating, and is the first choice of the guard leader to send suspects for trial.

As for Morino Iton and Yamanaka Yuta.

He has never been here once.

Another day.

early morning.

Just when Qingyu came to the cubicle.

An old man was already sitting in the cubicle.


The old man looked at Qingyu with a smile on his face.

"Is today the day?"

Thanks to [Lin Taiyin] for the reward and support!

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