Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 447: A Medical Miracle! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

"What are you doing?!"

Turning to bed Xiaochun saw Qingyu's movements, immediately roared, and then quickly rushed towards Qingyu's direction, glaring at Qingyu with both eyes.

Obviously, in her opinion, Qingyu is doing bad things to Danzo.


Qingyu didn't seem to hear Zhuanzhu Xiaochun's words, she didn't even look at this person at all, she was still doing what he was doing now on her own.

Qingyu lifted Danzo off the bed, and then put the latter on the ground. The action looked very violent, but in fact it was very gentle, and it didn't make Danzo feel the slightest pain.

Just after Danzo was put down on the ground.

Qingyu took a step forward with her right foot, and immediately a majestic chakra surged out, pouring towards the ground.

Almost instantly.

These chakras formed special lines one after another on the inside.

These lines seem to have life.

As the jumping of the ground finally gathered on the ground, an extremely special symbol was gradually formed, and an enchantment was formed.

This enchantment blazes with purple flames.

Judging from the effect produced, it is no different from the Four Purple Flame Formation, but the form it presents is completely different.

The Four Purple Flame Formation is an enchantment formed based on four points.

The base of the enchantment is a square.

Now the formation used by Qingyu is not the four purple flame formation with a square base, but a circle is drawn directly. It is not the four points that provide energy for this formation, but the green circle at the center of the circle. feather.


After turning to sleep, Xiaochun rushed towards Qingyu, and immediately saw the enchantment that suddenly appeared in front of her, which made her feel an indescribably vigilant feeling.

It seems that if you rush forward again.

It will do her great harm.


Turning to bed Xiaochun stopped, she didn't act rashly, but stood outside the barrier, silently looking at Qingyu inside.

"What do you mean?" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun asked.

"Means nothing."

Qingyu spoke indifferently. When he was talking, he didn't even look at Zhuanzhu Xiaochun, his eyes were fixed on Danzo.

"I already said that."

"I'm here to treat Danzo."

"Actually, I don't really understand what you mean..."

"You seem to be doing Danzo's good, but in fact, what you are doing is preventing me from healing Danzo."

"Are you trying to kill Danzo?"

Qingyu's last sentence can be said to be a soul torture, and after he said it, Zhuanbei Xiaochun fell silent all of a sudden.


After turning to bed, Xiaochun still doesn't trust Qingyu in his heart.


Now the facts are in front of us.

The boy in front of him was the one who treated Danzo last time. Afterwards, they invited many medical ninjas to see him. Everyone agreed that Danzo was indeed cured. This can be said to be a medical miracle.

based on previous events.

Turning to bed Xiaochun is quite appreciative of the medical ninjutsu of the stranger in front of him, but he has great doubts about the latter's motive.

"How can you treat Danzo?"

Turning to bed, Xiaochun couldn't help asking again. After Danzo's injury was treated, she found many medical ninjas.

By these medical ninjas.

The advice he got was not only that Danzo had no problems after treatment.

more importantly……

The medical advice given by these medical ninjas is to keep the current state.

No further treatment is required at all.

Because Danzo's injury has been healed.

It is meaningless to use any other treatment methods in the future.

The only thing to do is to slowly recover through time.


Now the medical ninja of the Uzumaki clan in front of him is actually treating Danzo again. In the eyes of Zhuanju Xiaochun, such a thing is against common sense.

Not to be believed.

Zhuanzhu Xiaochun always firmly believes that this person has other reasons, but they are just hiding them.


After turning to bed Xiaochun asked this sentence.

Qingyu didn't pay any attention to her.

Instead, focus entirely on Danzo.

After he set up a simple four-purple flame formation just now, he no longer has to worry about the sudden sneak attack of the third generation and Zhuanju Xiaochun.

It's not that these two people can bring him much harm.

The main reason is that I don't want to be disturbed when he is treating Danzo, which will greatly affect his efficiency.

Just after he prepared all these.

Qingyu piled on the ground slowly, staring at Danzo who had opened his eyes in front of him, lowered his voice, and spoke slowly.

"Your life I saved."

"If I can save you, I can kill you."

"You'd better understand this relationship."

Qingyu mercilessly threatens Danzo with life and death. He has read Danzo's memory and knows very well that no matter how Danzo pretends to be, he can't hide the most instinctive fear of death deep in his heart.


At that time, Danzo would not dare to be the bait of sacrifice.

at this point.

Danzo is still cowardly.


These green feathers are still understandable.

Whether it is Danzo or the third generation, including Tsuchikage Onoki, the older the person, the more years he has experienced in the world, the more he cherishes the beauty of life, and he is unwilling to sacrifice himself, so the more pity.

People often think that older people have no regrets, but it is precisely the kind of people who are used to the scenery that miss the scenery the most.

This is why it is rare to see older people committing suicide, but are more likely to be fooled by various life-saving folk remedies.

Those who can easily make sacrifices and give up their lives at will are all young people...

After Qingyu read Danzo's memory, he understood this point more clearly.

Everything that Danzo has done at the root, whether it is cultivating cronies, stamping the seal of tongue trouble, or constantly eradicating dissidents, is constantly consolidating his position and allowing him to live more safely.

After hearing Qing Yu's words.

Danzo's pupils shrank severely.

He knew very well that the person in front of him was not lying, just the confinement spell on his heart could easily crush his heart and take his life at any time.

This kind of thing is like a time bomb placed in the heart.

Very dangerous!

Once it is implanted, it will be completely controlled by others!

Danzo is very clear that if he wants to get rid of this spell, he can only rely on the power of outsiders, not to mention that he can't tell others about Qingyu, even if he can, he will not easily put it Vital organs like the heart are left to be handled by other people.

He doesn't trust anyone.

Even if that person is Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Now all he wants is this idea, that is, as long as he doesn't disobey the intention of the person in front of him, then he won't have any problems.

That way he's still safe.

The fact that the opponent can implant such a complicated thing in his body proves that he has such value.

If there is value, there will be no danger to life.


If the heart is handed over to other medical ninjas, it’s okay if the imprint can really be removed. There is a little thing, whether it is discovered by the person who implanted the memory in front of him, or destroys his heart, waiting for him There is only one way to die.

Such a bet.

The price is too high.

He can't bet.

Qingyu keenly sensed Danzo's inner thoughts through the change in Danzo's eyes, and then he didn't say anything, and directly patted the ground with his right hand heavily in a half-squat position.


Accompanied by a crisp sound.

Waves of violent chakra poured into the ground along Qingyu's right hand, and then quickly spread out to the surroundings, forming black lines one after another.

These lines spread out radially to the surroundings, looking like a divergent halo.


When these diverging lines reached the far end, they began to rotate clockwise, and slowly joined together along a fixed trajectory.


Immediately after the formation of these black lines, there was a tremor, thinking of it as a seal, locking Danzo in the seal.


Outside the enchantment.

Sandai and Zhuanzhu Xiaochun stared at what happened inside with wide-eyed eyes, and every little change in it affected their hearts to a great extent.

"Ri Zhan, what kind of sealing technique is this?" Turning to bed Xiaochun couldn't help asking, she was well-informed, she had been following the second generation of Hokage, but she had never seen such a thing. seal.

"I don't know very well either." Sandai shook his head, even though he was called a Doctor of Ninjutsu, he still had something difficult to master, and that was the sealing technique.

"Even you don't know?" Turning to bed Xiaochun took a deep breath, her face became more serious, and she became more worried about Danzo's situation.

"The Uzumaki family is really too mysterious. They have a lot of sealing techniques, and the clansmen who can master these sealing techniques are different. I am afraid that even the members of the Uzumaki family cannot recognize all these sealing techniques." Three generations Said in a deep voice.

"It seems that we can only wait and see what happens." Turning to sleep Xiaochun nodded, she already understood the meaning of the third generation, and now they are separated from the barrier, forcibly breaking into the barrier will only cause more damage. The best way is to wait here.

"That's right." The third generation followed suit and nodded, his eyes became more serious. Facing the ninja of the Uzumaki clan who wore a mask and didn't know what he looked like, he felt a lot of bad things in his heart.


Qing Yu put Danzo in the seal, not because he needed the seal, but because he needed a cover.

Now he has created a character design that combines medical ninjutsu and seal art.

Then he has to stabilize this character.

Otherwise, it is very likely that some flaws will be exposed, and some difficult problems will appear in the end.

"I'm going to start."

Qingyu stretched out her right hand and slapped Danzo's chest directly. A hazy green light appeared on her hand, and she used the Palm Immortal Technique.

This Palm Immortal Technique.

The same is blindfolded.

Same as the seal on the outside.

All that needs to be concealed is the art of ninja creation and regeneration that Qingyu is going to use.

Qingyu is very clear that once he directly uses this technique to cure Danzo, then the information about his mastery of this medical ninjutsu will definitely be leaked.

At that time, Tsunade-sensei's attention will be drawn.

Then his identity may be exposed.


If you don't use ninjutsu to create regeneration...

It is impossible to restore Danzo in such a state.


Whether it is the seal outside or the current Palm Immortal Art, it is a cover for the Art of Ninja Creation and Regeneration, allowing them to keep the real core technology.

buzz buzz buzz...

As Aoba's terrifying chakra with a strong breath of life poured into Danzo's body, Danzo's body trembled uncontrollably one after another, as if all the cells in his body were different from Aoba's chakra degree of rhythm.

Qingyu's Chakra is constantly guiding Danzo's Chakra in Danzo's body, making Danzo's Chakra run passively in the way of ninja creation and regeneration.


The broken cells in Danzo's body that hadn't recovered began to fall off slowly, and new cells quickly grew out like mushrooms after rain.

This is not treating an injury.

This is to control Danzo's cells to regenerate.


This method consumes a lot of Danzo's body.

Danzo will be more aging than before, and the chakra in the body will be completely exhausted, it will take a long time to recover, and various functions of the body will decline to varying degrees.

the reason is simple……

The chakra of Danzo itself is not enough to support him to use such a regeneration technique, but it is formed by the leading of Qingyu's chakra, and it will consume a lot of vitality in the end.

It is a practice of making up for the shortfall for a long time.

Aoba didn't care about Danzo's longevity at all, because Danzo didn't last long at all, he didn't intend to let Danzo live for too long, as long as Namikaze Minato became the Fourth Hokage, Danzo must be cleared by him .



Still need to gather.


over time.

Half an hour passed.


Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief slowly, withdrew his hand, and put on a very exhausted and tired look, but basically it didn't affect him at all.


Qingyu stared at Danzo lying on the ground, and said lightly: "Master Danzo, the ground is cold, don't lie down all the time, get up."

Qingyu's words immediately made Sandai and Zhuanji Xiaochun's hearts tense.

Immediately afterwards.

The third generation and Zhuanzhu Xiaochun both witnessed the medical miracles under their knowledge at the same time.

I saw...

Danzo, who was lying on the ground, raised his hands to support the ground, and shook his head from side to side, as if he was adapting to this body that he had used for a long time.

"Thank you so much..."

Danzo's throat is very hoarse, it can be heard that he has not spoken for a long time, his mood is extremely complicated, and he doesn't know how to face Qingyu.

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