Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 448 It's easy to turn black into powder, but hard to turn black into powder! (seeking s

Danzo's feeling just now was very complicated. He never thought that he was really cured just like that.

Now his whole body feels a little sore.

This feeling made him feel that his body had not been used for a long time.


This still makes Danzo's heart very excited.

after all.

Being able to feel the soreness also shows that he is gradually able to feel his body, which can almost be said to be not far away from being able to move again.

"There is nothing wrong with your body now, you just need to adapt to it for a few days, and you can be the same as before."

Qingyu looked down at Danzo lying on the ground, his eyes gradually became indifferent, after this treatment, the next time he takes action against Danzo, it should be to kill Danzo.

He never intended to let Danzo go.

It's just a matter of time.

At the beginning, he was still struggling with the question of whether to save Danzo, and finally chose to treat Danzo, because after curing Danzo, he could still have a certain use value.

Say it.

Qingyu tapped lightly on her toes.

It directly caused the black spells on the ground to quickly gather towards his body as if they were alive.

These appearances made using chakra on the ground.

All of them were recycled into his body.


With a light wave of Qingyu's palm, the surrounding barrier immediately dispersed, and his eyes followed the dispersed barrier, and fixed on Sandai's body.

"Three generations of Hokage-sama."

"Danzo's injury is completely fine."

"My goal has been achieved."

"Now I'm leaving."

Qingyu said one sentence after another slowly, while he was saying these words, he had already started to walk towards the direction of the third generation.

"Is this really your purpose?"

The third generation stared at Qingyu firmly, he did not attack Qingyu at this time, and of course he did not take any other actions, he really wanted to tell himself that the result of the matter was what the third generation said, but he Can't believe it at all.

Just when the three generations were speaking.

Zhuanzhu Xiaochun immediately ran towards the direction of Danzo. She wanted to see the situation of the third generation with her own eyes. During this time, she has been taking care of Danzo, and she is very concerned about Danzo's recovery.

that's all.

It can be said that Qingyu passed by Zhuanzhu Xiaochun.


Now at this time, Xiaochun, who is going to sleep, doesn't care about Qingyu at all.

Qingyu walked in front of San Dai step by step, before he could wait for San Dai to stop him, he took the initiative to stop and stood in front of San Dai.

"A word of advice..."

Qingyu opened her mouth slowly, her voice was very low, and there was a sense of threat in her tone, and she said immediately: "Don't try to find me, that will only make your situation worse!"


After Qing Yu said this sentence.

There was an explosion of air immediately.

The whole person disappeared.

"Shadow clone?!!!"

After Sandai saw such a picture, his eyes widened in an instant, and he was completely shocked. Everything he saw today far exceeded his cognition.

These things are no longer just words.

It's just terrible!

This is a ninja from the Uzumaki family with strong physical skills, mastering powerful sealing techniques and medical ninjutsu.

And can imitate others vocally.

the most important is……

That person cured Danzo here, and in the end it was just a shadow clone.

If even shadow clones are like this...

So how powerful is the ontology!

The third generation has already been shocked by this reality, he stared blankly at the clearing where Qing Yu disappeared, and his mind was already in a mess.

"Hizan, come and see Danzo!"

At this moment, Xiaochun's voice sounded, calling Sandai back from the shock, and directly drew his attention back.


The third generation recovered from the stupefied state in an instant, and only then did he think of the purpose of the Uzumaki clan's ninja coming here, mainly to heal Danzo.

According to the ninja of the Uzumaki clan.

Danzo has now been cured.


You can ask Danzo for questions about these things!

The third generation suddenly felt the pressure drop sharply, and he deeply understood a truth, that is, if there is something he doesn't understand, he can now find Danzo's staff, and he doesn't need to silently resist everything by himself.


The third generation responded immediately, and then walked towards Danzo's direction. When he got there, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun had already lifted Danzo up from the ground, and was about to help Danzo into bed.

"Danzo, how are you feeling?"

The third generation immediately asked with concern, since he sat on Hokage, he has been with Danzo all the time, and he doesn't feel much on weekdays, and it has become a habit over time, but Danzo has a problem during this time, he Only then did he realize how important Danzo was to him.

For many things he encountered now, he couldn't even judge the consequences after making a decision.

This is a very scary thing!

But this time is still the most chaotic time in the entire ninja world.

He has no room for adjustment at all.

"Not...not bad..."

Danzo gritted his teeth and said, after Qingyu's treatment just now, his body continued to feel itchy. This feeling made him feel as if there were countless ants crawling on the ground, and he couldn't scratch it, which led to Still a little uncomfortable.


Such a feeling.

In addition to bringing him uncomfortable discomfort.

More is the joy in the heart.

He felt like his body was reborn!

This feeling is very strong, just like being injured when I was a child, the wound will heal and scab quickly, and the skin will appear more tender.

Danzo feels a little bit like that right now.

With his age and experience, he has gradually become old, especially the skin at the wound has already turned black.

He thought that this situation would not be able to change again.

Accept this reality.


After Qing Yu's treatment.

He noticed that his skin had turned from black to pink again.

As the saying goes, it is easy to turn black into black, but difficult to turn black into powder!

Even Danzo himself felt extremely shocked at such a scene.

Flowers have a day of re-blooming, and people are no longer young!

At this moment, Danzo felt that he had returned to his youthful days, and his body was full of new vitality. Except for some itching and chakra loss, he can be said to feel better than ever before .


He doesn't know.

This feeling is achieved by overdrawing his bodily functions.

When Aoba performed ninjutsu on Danzo's body to create regeneration, he didn't use too much chakra, but just for a show. To complete this process, he mobilized Danzo's own cells to overdraw the body's functions and vitality Completed.

"Are you really okay?!"

Sandai stared at Danzo with wide-eyed eyes. After seeing Danzo's appearance, he couldn't help but take a deep breath, feeling extremely nervous.

Rao was already mentally prepared.

Understand Danzo may have been cured.

After all, the other party is a very powerful medical ninja. Since he is sure to come here, it is enough to show that he does have the ability to heal Danzo again.


This still shocked him.

What Danzo's injury looks like, he is still very clear in his heart!

From the beginning when all the medical ninjas were helpless, almost all the medical ninjas thought that resting is enough, and now they can talk.

In a short time.

An incredible change has been made.

The ability of this kind of medical ninjutsu greatly surpassed his understanding of medical ninjutsu, and he even felt that his disciple Tsunade might not be as good as the ninja of the Uzumaki clan in terms of medical ninjutsu.


At this time, a big question mark popped up in the third generation's head.

According to his cognition.

There are very few ninjas in the Uzumaki family who master medical ninjutsu. Their vitality is very strong, and they hardly need any medical ninjas.

Coupled with such a medical ninjutsu that has reached the state of perfection, there is no second person in the entire ninja world.

So here comes the problem...

Who taught the medical ninjutsu of this Uzumaki clan ninja?

"I... I'm fine... I'm fine..."

Danzo sat on the bed, but he didn't lie down anymore. He had been lying down for a long time, and he had been numb for a long time. Now he was finally able to regain his movement. He didn't choose to stand up, but slowly adapted to it. He leaned against his body, but he could already sit up.

Can live like this.

for him.

It is already a very big breakthrough.

"Very good!"

A look of surprise immediately appeared in Sandai's eyes. What he was waiting for was Danzo's words, and immediately pulled a chair and sat in front of Danzo.

"Danzo, you don't know how difficult I have been during this period, and you don't know how much I need you. Now not only I need you, but Konoha Village also needs you!" The third generation expressed his heart to Danzo Thoughts, he has never been in charge of Konoha Village alone when Danzo is away. This period of time has made him aware of his lack of ability.

"Hehehe..." After hearing the words of the third generation, Tuanzang sneered a few times directly, thinking that now you know the role of Lao Tzu.

"Danzo, there is something I can't figure out at the moment. Now that your injury has turned around, what is the plan for the ninja who treats your injury? He can be a ninja of the Uzumaki clan!" Said the third generation coldly, he Now I am very conflicted and don't know how to deal with that person.

"Ah... this... um..." The corners of Danzo's mouth twitched slightly, and just as he was about to say a word, he felt a numb feeling from the base of his tongue, which instantly made him withdraw his thoughts.

"Huh?" Seeing Danzo's strange reaction, Sandai was stunned for a while, with doubtful eyes flashing in his eyes, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"We..." Danzang couldn't say a word, he wanted to talk about other things, but as long as it was related to Qingyu, he couldn't say it.

"Don't you have any ideas?" Sandai asked.

"En." Danzo immediately seized this opportunity and nodded. In his opinion, this is the best solution.

"In this case, for the sake of his healing you, let's let this matter go!" San Dai also had a soft side in his heart, not only on the surface, but he thought of another place and said: " This ninja from the Uzumaki clan suddenly appeared, and I found that he can change the voice of his speech, I suspect that he has disguised himself in our Muye Village, do you have any way to find him out?"

"..." Danzo was dumbfounded, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, the topic of how he talked was all about that person, his heart was roaring, but there was no change on the surface, he couldn't talk.

"Danzo, what's the matter, are you uncomfortable?" Sandai stared at Danzo suspiciously. He felt that Danzo's reaction was a bit abnormal, so he couldn't help asking immediately.

"What do you think?"

At this time, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun spoke. She gave Sandai a hard look, and said angrily: "Danzo's body has just recovered, and he hasn't fully adapted yet. You just ask such a bunch of questions. Can you feel comfortable?"

"I was careless." The third generation nodded, and he immediately realized that now is not the time to talk about these things. We should give Danzang a little more time to let Danzang take a good rest. These things are not in a hurry, and we will talk about them later also can.


Three generations stood up from the chair.


"I'm going back."

"During this time, you still have to rest mainly."

"When you feel better..."

"Let's talk about these topics again!"

After Sandai finished speaking, he turned around and walked outside. The Hokage office is opposite this house, so it won't waste much time at all.


Danzo's eyes flickered with deep helplessness. He really couldn't discuss these things, but he could see that these things were what Sandai cared most about right now.


Danzo heaved a sigh of relief, no one knew better than him that at this moment, his body had indeed recovered, but the so-called medical ninja did not completely heal him, but healed in his body Something was left inside.

So much so that he is in a healthy state on the surface, but in fact his life is still in the hands of others.

It was a feeling he didn't like very much.

But he has nothing to do.

"Danzo, don't think about what Hirizhan said, what you have to do now is to rest well and take care of your body." Zhuanzu Xiaochun said from the side.

"Xiaochun, thank you for this time." Danzo nodded and said.

"Tell me thank you for what you are doing!" Turning to bed Xiaochun, while talking, did not know what to think of, and her cheeks turned slightly red.

Thank you [Painting Mirror 1] for your support!

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