Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 895 Make It Right (seeking Subscription and Monthly Pass)

Three generations of this kind of thing is completely unexpected.

To some extent, Three Generations One Network did not think about this place at all, nor did it expect such a possibility.

When I first started, what he was thinking in his heart was that after Xiaonan's problem was solved, he immediately let the matter of Danzo and Orochimaru clean himself up.

Whitewashed videos are still very important.

It is necessary to completely separate what you do from what Danzo Orochimaru exposed.

Even though in the end everyone knew this kind of thing well in their hearts, but at least he was not the one who did these things in name.

If such a situation can be accomplished.

Then he still has a chance to fight for Hokage again.

But if these things are not successfully completed in the end.

That's what it looks like now.

Then he will have no way to compete with Hokage anymore.

That is.

The third generation is very clear that this is his last chance, and if he seizes this opportunity, there is still a certain possibility for the follow-up, but if he let go of this opportunity, it is tantamount to having no possibility of becoming Hokage again.

Such a thing sounds very cruel, but it is very realistic for the three generations.

The third generation understands what kind of thing they are facing.

He is also very clear about what kind of result such a thing will bring him in the end.

So at this moment in time, he understands too well that if things like Xiao Nan arouse public opinion again, it will be very unfavorable to him.

"Come on."

The third generation immediately yelled in Hokage's office, because he knew that he must not sit still now, if this kind of thing was allowed to develop, it would have very bad results.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Almost instantly, ninjas from Konoha Village appeared in Hokage's office. These people were relatively loyal to the third generation or loyal to Hokage, because the third generation is still Hokage, so he still has more people than these people. a right.


Rights are rights.

These people are indeed very loyal to the three generations.

Otherwise, the third generation would not entrust this kind of thing to these people.

If that person has other ideas when telling these things to the three generations, or wants to do some other things in it.

Then it is too easy.

In any case, the third generation must choose the kind of person who is helpful to him.

The third generation is very clear about this.

It is precisely because of this.

At this moment in time, the third generation is very clear about what kind of people he needs to use and what kind of people are helpful to him.

These people are the only ones that he thinks can be responsible after he has carefully selected them.

After the people at the scene arrived, they didn't say a word, silently waiting for the third generation to speak his order.

"Now you all will calm down the matter of Xiaonan."

"It must be done so that the village will no longer discuss matters related to Xiaonan becoming a ninja of Konoha Village."

"As for what method you use."

"That's your own business."

"I just want the result, you guys have to do it."


The third generation said coldly, in fact, he didn't know what to do in his heart, so he directly threw this problem to these ninjas. Maybe these ninjas might think of a better way when they handle these things. There is no solution, so he directly throws out these problems.

After throwing out these questions, the ninjas on the scene were stunned for a moment, and then nodded, because they had encountered this situation in the past when performing tasks.


The ninjas at the scene immediately responded, and then left one after another, disappearing.

All of a sudden.

In Hokage's office, there was only one person left in Sandai again.

The third generation just sat quietly on the chair in Hokage's office, staring at the front with empty eyes, emptying his mind, trying not to think about more things, because there are too many things that he has been thinking about recently, It made him a little confused.

There are many positions in the heart of the next three generations, and he doesn't know exactly how to do it in order to usher in the result he really wants in his heart.

Originally, if he was in such a situation, he might not think about such things anymore.

But what happened at the scene was that he was here and there was Teacher Qianshou Feijian helping him behind him. Obviously the situation was developing in a good direction, but accidents continued to occur.

This made the three generations feel a strong sense of guilt in the teacher's heart, which he had never seen before. He felt that Teacher Qianshou Feijian helped him so much, but it just made his situation worse and worse. This is his kind of incompetence He did not attribute these problems to Teacher Senshou Tobima, because in his opinion, if Teacher Senshou Tokaima was not helping him, then his current situation would only be worse.

Under such a premise, Sandai's heart is in a relatively upset situation.

The third generation has almost never had such a thing before. Although he hesitated and entangled in dealing with many problems, he was not as passive as he is now.


The third generation has a way to get himself out of this predicament.

That is very simple and rude no longer to compete for the position of Hokage.

When he does not fight, he is also free.

After all, the more you care about it, the more likely problems will arise, and the more you relax, the more you will be relieved. However, the previous three generations had already thought of quitting the position of Hokage, and he also got a very relaxed feeling in his heart at that time, but later because of Senshou Tobima's words rekindled his hope for Hokage.

After going through these things, Sandai's inner pursuit of the position of Hokage has also become more determined. He knows what he wants, and that is to let himself return to the position of Hokage.

This kind of mentality makes Sandai's heart more firm and firm, and it is this kind of firmness, and the firmness makes him feel uncomfortable when he is pursuing hard but has a relationship.

Under these very uncomfortable feelings, the third generation felt like sitting on pins and needles even when sitting on a chair.

"I hope these troublesome things can end soon."

The third generation shook his head helplessly in his heart, he felt particularly dissatisfied and bored with what happened at the moment.

It seemed that these feelings were eroding his heart little by little, making him even more confused and confused.

at the same time.

Just when the three generations of these ninjas were sent out.

Konoha Village is also undergoing changes accordingly.

Among Yile Ramen.

There were still as many people gathered at the scene as there were a few days ago, and these people were here to carefully feel the situation at the scene.

They sat here and didn't finish the ramen they ordered. Each of them is a member of Yile Ramen. They followed the example of the people who entered here to eat noodles a few days ago. As long as they come here, they will not give up their seats. , the only way to get rid of the depression they felt when they were queuing earlier.

It is precisely because of this that when they are here, they don't give other people the opportunity to line up, and they gradually understand that people who do these things don't line up here anymore.

With the fermentation of the past few days, a ramen member accounted for almost 20% of the total population of Muye Village.

This allowed Handa to accumulate a lot of wealth in a short period of time, which was something that Handa and Xiaonan had never thought of before, and even Namikaze Minato was very surprised by what happened now.

This kind of surprise makes people feel very puzzled.

Now backtrack on these things.

According to the results to reverse derivation words.

They probably understood what exactly Qingyu had arranged for it, and every plan was being carried out step by step. Through Xiaonan and his public opinion, people were led to come to a ramen to eat melons, and through these reversals, Xiaonan's The ninja forehead of Konoha Village is worn on the forehead.

This kind of situation, which sounds a little unbelievable, constantly impacted their hearts, and made them understand even more in their hearts that Qingyu's existence was almost like a ghost.


Now they can still do it from the beginning to reverse the results.

It is even possible to analyze how Qing Yu may be calculating every step.

After going through these things, they felt that Qingyu was very powerful, and they didn't know how he came up with such a result.

It can be understood in reverse.

But if you let them think about it.

Even they couldn't figure out such a delicate matter.

This is very difficult.

Almost everyone at the scene achieved their goals. Xiaonan successfully stayed in Muye Village and wore the ninja forehead of Muye Village.

Namikaze Minato has reached a very favorable position in public opinion, making it impossible for the third generation to turn the matter of Danzo and Orochimaru into what he guided, making him one step closer to the position of Hokage.

Hand playing is a huge harvest for Yile Ramen members, allowing him to accumulate a lot of wealth in an instant, which can support the birth of the second store.

The whole process can be said to be a complete win-win situation.

It is precisely because of this.

They decided to have a second meeting.


Just behind Ichiraku Ramen.

A place without people.

Namikaze Minato silently waited for Qingyu's arrival.

Konan still acts as a mascot character in Ichiraku Ramen, and is not qualified to participate in the conversation with Namikaze Minato. As for the hand-made ramen, he is still watching everyone eating noodles with a smile.

There were only two people in this meeting, Minato Namikaze and Aoba.

After all, Namikaze Minato is the protagonist of the whole incident, he is the one who will succeed to become the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, and Aoba is the invisible big hand behind everything.

Qingyu has a lot of credit for being able to accomplish such a thing, but he hides all the credit behind him, so that people can't see it at all.

After a while.

The door was pushed open.

A figure dressed in black and wearing a cat face mask walked in.

Not long after the figure walked in, he took off the cat face mask on his face, revealing his true face, which was Qing Yu.

"It's been a long time."

Qingyu looked at Namikaze Minato and smiled slightly. He had to show a very calm feeling about this matter, so that Namikaze Minato would have the mentality of asking him for help.


Qingyu didn't go to help Minato Namikaze just because of such a mentality.

It's not that he wants to mobilize the mentality of Undulating Wind Minato.

But through such a method, he can make himself feel needed. Under this feeling, he can put forward his own conditions, that is, he can help Namikaze Minato and at the same time let Namikaze Minato The door protects him and gives him maximum freedom.

Qingyu is still very concerned about this kind of freedom.

He is very clear in his heart that only in this way can he choose to do what he wants to do in many cases without being troubled by secular power.


Qingyu also understood in her heart.

Only when he showed stronger strength would he achieve such an effect, but at that time people's eyes towards him were full of admiration and awe, and he lived in peace with the kind of people he imagined, It's a completely different feeling to have him as a human being.

Qingyu didn't want to stand under people's eyes.

If that's the case, it will make him feel very uncomfortable, and he doesn't like this feeling.

It is precisely because of this.

Qingyu pushed Namikaze Minato out with all his might.

if not.

If Qingyu thinks for herself.

In fact, he can do this Hokage by himself and be worshiped by many people, but this is not his character, and he doesn't want to be like this at all.


Namikaze Minato smiled humbly, he didn't put too much pressure on Aoba, but he didn't completely express his indifference, which was very precise in finding a very suitable node in the middle.

"Let's talk about the next plan."

Aoba nodded towards Minato Namikaze, he understands that Minato Namikaze has gradually accepted his position now, so when Minato Namikaze becomes Hokage later, he will not be so emotional, this is also based on him A kind of exercise for Namikaze Minato during the recent period.

"The early stage is going well now."

"Because of Xiaonan's public opinion, the third generation has no time to depend on us."

"According to the information we have observed, the third generation is indeed very concerned about public opinion. It should be that he hopes to pour this basin of dirty water on you through Danzo and Orochimaru."

"So in the subsequent time nodes, we can't give the third generation such a chance to fight back."

"And at this stage, the third generation just happened to show a flaw."

"This just happens to fulfill us."

When Qingyu uttered the last sentence, the corners of her mouth slightly turned up, showing a feeling similar to a smile, as if everything was under his control.

Thank you [Blue Blood Wei Young] for your support! Thank you [Jiangnan Little Rich Woman] for your support!

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