Reborn In Marvel With 5 Wishes

Chapter 23 - A Chapter

As Leonard's mindset was already leaning toward the direction of climate change, he began increasing the speed of the construction of the Wall-Es to make sure that he could have a large enough amount of Wall-Es to cause an impact on several polluted states. As the Wall-Es was designed for plastic waste removal he had them produced out of his little factory using the already automated machines while the BayMaxes continued expanding the factory. Once they finished the factory he could have them make more automated constructors for the Wall-Es.

The Wall-Es had a built-in GPS tracking system in the case that they were lost they would self destruct and all nearby Wall-Es would head over to pack it up into a nice box. Leonard also was working on an app that was connected to the Wall-Es that had a level of defense that Shield could not hack. The Wall-Es would use this to ping plastics in places they could not reach and leave a flag on that spot on the app. The Wall-E app would then require you to take an image of the plastic after that would happen you would increase in rankings. These Wall-Es would be planned for international usage as then you would be able to fight with other countries on who has the most plastic picked up and who has done the most.

Now as safeguards against people picking up someone garbage multiple times once an image has been sent and no flag is nearby within an area of 10 feet they would receive the point. People were guaranteed at least 10 points were a piece, as they could not access any dumpster and could only access outside sources for plastics. They could not go into any recycling facility nor anywhere that is known for being a trash dump. The app would also be GPS connected to the Wall-Es if you were caught following a Wall-E you would receive 3 warnings before receiving a deduction of 200 points and would increase every time such things happened or dropping trash on purpose though the Wall-E's eyes they would remove all your points with no warning. This was based on the game Pokémon Go. (Flexing my level 40 account) Leonard knowing that they ever had such anime's in the Marvel universe did what he did best he made them.

He used computer-generated voices that sounded 99.99% human-like for all of the first 10 episodes of Naruto, Bleach! Detective Konan and Food Wars.

All of these episodes had to be made all from his mind and he has to improvise several times changing the plot slightly, but not too much.

Knowing that books and technology would also be a good source of the money he also set up a plan to publish the whole Harry Potter series, a portable reading tablet designed for all ages and the iPhone series but with an extreme price difference. Finally setting up all of these to their coordinated plans he went to sleep so they could work on themselves.

Waking up he found Ashely firing rounds in the newly constructed warehouse at moving targets. They were just BayMaxs with a smaller frame that was reinforced with bulletproof material. Usually, Leonard would find her sleeping until 10 every day and would have to flip her whole bed over just to wake her up. Leonard watching her firing silently stood there for what was around half an hour before she realized.

"Hey boss"


"How was my shooting hmmm?"

"It was fine"

Leonard picks up a pistol and does a 360 shot with his eyes closed, surprising enough the shot landed on to the target right on its head.

"What the f_u_c_k was that boss"

"Pure luck and skill?"

"F_u_c_k you"

Leonard walking away he knew that Ashely was as pissed off as usual. Now checking onto the work all the animes were currently done with 20 episodes. Buying out a website called Crunchyroll he began publishing all of the animes on to there, now knowing that the website would surely be missed Leonard began setting up Ads to post on to multiple streaming platforms. Once all the Ads were up most of the kids/a_d_u_l_ts would be drawn to this style of art and cartoon depending on their likings.

Now seeing that it was set up he continued the computer processing system for the creation of the animes. Leonard began doing what he did at the start, physical training he didn't want to ruin all the work that he did before plus all the Taijutsu.

Locking himself into a section of the warehouse he began training a day to night only stopping to eat, drink and sleep for 8 hours. A week passed and Leonard is still not seen and the SHIELD agents begin getting suspicious they get authorization from the base and begin a raid.

The second they stepped foot onto the property their heads were blown off by Ashely. Their bodies falling down 10 feet onto the warehouses land, as the SHIELD agents ignored the shoot on-site sign they could only blame themselves for dying. SHIELD seeing their agents die sent several squads in but this time with riot shields and all. And once again they had their heads blown off one by one.

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