Reborn In Marvel With 5 Wishes

Chapter 24 - A Shorter Plus Some Surveys

I Had the Sat yesterday so I had prepped for the whole week sorry lads


Leonard sweaty and exhausted from all his training was brought back to the days of the military when he trained with all his brother in arms. Their faces and the smiles they shared before they shipped to Afgan(Afganastain) all of them were etched into his mind. Taking a sip of water it brought him further into his memories the day most of his brothers died.


Leonard lurched out of the jeep the second he heard the yell seconds later a Jeep in front of him went up in flames. He raised his rifle and started firing at the attackers,


He jumped out of the way of the jeep he was taking shelter behind and watched as one of his squad members too late to jump died blown to b_a_r_e bits. All that he could see was a bloody metal tag, Leonard breathed once more and grabbed it and shoved it into his pocket and started firing picking off 4 more. Only he was left in his squad he could see what looked to be 2 other squads firing back at the terrorists.

He ducked near another squad where another squad was taking cover, their squad leader was calling in reinforcements. He only heard 1 klick away head over before another boom, an RPG had flown over their heads the whole squad looked at each other and started firing to stall for time until they go here. 1 by 1 the squad was taken down those who were injured continued to fire over the jeep. Then he blacked out, waking up in a white room he found both arms in a cast.

The doctors rushed in the second he was found awake doing all their checkups they found that he would be fine and both arms would be out of the cast in a month. Both arms had metal fragments stuck in them before they were removed by the surgeons leaving scars all over his arms. Trying to sit up straight a doctor pushed him down.

"Rest up you'll be fine"

Gritting up his teeth Leonard asked

"How many of us are good?"

".... Five only five of you survived"

Waking up from his stupor Leonard stands up his arms slick with sweat, taking a sip of water he proceeds to drink all of it and pours out a little bit over his head. Standing up he opens up his system console.

"System Status"

Leonard Johnson

Strength: A

Speed: A

(A/N Check Power Ranking Chapter)

Opening the door he found that the doorknob kinda squished under his hand and when he checked he found that he left his handprint on there. Outside, however, he found what looked to be 4 riot or ballistic shields with bullets through them. Surprised by this he called Ashely as she was the only one here with a rifle that could penetrate any of them with the bullet he had for her. The bullets were loaded with a special type of gunpowder that only he could make which made it fly faster and due to the gunpowder, all shots would either be incendiary or explosive shells.

Running around the warehouse zooming at neck-breaking speeds Leonard found Ashely sitting on the top of the warehouse with her gun in hand and a box of ammo.

"Who did you kill this time Ashely?"

"Just some people trespassing"

"Ah that's fine"

Checking the bodies of them he found a shield ID, grinning he knew who had probably ordered it.

Now according to what he knew about SHIELD's higher-ups, there should be a 90% chance that it was Alan Pierce who approved because no one else other then maybe fury might do it.

Compiling up the necessary files and programs for an A.I then Leonard spent another week to increase all of its capabilities while hardwiring a system that made it so the A.I had 3 rules. The first you are not allowed to betray me in any way or form. The second would be all upgrades to the system must be approved. The third would be that all info can not be hidden from him no matter the circ_u_mstance.

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