Reborn In Marvel With 5 Wishes

Chapter 25 - A Plus a Vote

Time Skip or no time skip give me a yay or nay

Also I am considering a Rewrite on chaps 1-10 Give a me a vote on that too


Finally finishing up all the files for the A.I Leonard began testing its system to see if there were any errors as he didn't want it going Skynet on him. Finally, it finally started up after waiting several hours for it.

"Hello, Master what is your name?"



Leonard checking onto its data files found that it just began its journey into the internet and was the reason why it had gone silent. Making sure that it didn't get caught Leonard stopped the program before inputting millions of Gigabytes of knowledge from the internet on hacking and coding as the A.I was just exploring it.

"Thank you, master Leonard"

"Use a human tone and call me Leonard only"


Watching the A.I grow was like watching a child grow up and Leonard actually slightly teared up before turning away and walking out. Pulling out a gun from his inventory without looking he shot in the air 5 times. Each one for each of his fallen brothers from his old life he fired another 100 rounds into the air for each person he killed and finally shot one last time. The last bullet fell and so did a teardrop wiping his face he went and found Ashely so they could plan out a raid. Now, of course, the raid was going to be on a HYDRA facility but before that, he wanted to set up defenses so even if they attacked he would be safe. Using Might Guy's Elemental Releases which he learned in his training he activated Fire Release and completely torched all the tall grasses.

Now he did this without a care as the area around him was basically abandoned and then used his telekineses to fire highly conductive rods into the ground before planting plants with a high water concentration within the ground as well. Using the ash from the fires he used them as fertilizer for the plants. Adding in small conducts to each of the rods he left them the plants to grow and to set up the electric generation system.

Leonard now inside began configuring up a system he had planned against missile or air attacks as he only had defenses against ground assaults. The rods would power up but they would connect to each other but some would instead conflict with each other making a wall of lighting and one that disables most things like an EMP when passing through the second wall. (Idk I bullshited that someone come up with a better explanation I beg)

Now the plants were some that he made on his own and would be able to handle the electricity and be dangerous to the touch so it would generate a field of plants that had the voltage of 50 tasers per plant. (Also bullshit) Then creating a generator he began to make it so it would make the energy go around and around in a circle Leonard then began using Lighting release into the generator before closing it now the lighting was not a normal type of electricity as it was made with chakra which is only made within his body so it would constantly spin in the circle and the machine was designed to create energy from kinetic energy which was the lighting flowing in a circle at the speed of lighting(Like that pun plus this is all BullShit again)

The generator would activate whenever something that was not allowed within the premises would activate and all the plants would activate while the radar/A.I would scan for Aerial attacks and would activate it whenever enemies/missiles/bombs come nears as the barrier system covered the whole warehouse area.

Now the very elaborate plant that they had planned after testing out the T-850s was to make them all look like Red Skull* and then bomb all four corners of the HYDRA base. They would raid the building and Alex would take all the Data and they would be in and out in 5 minutes after Alex did one final check to make sure there were no SHIELD agents within the building to not attract the ire of SHIELD for killing their agents. (This is after making sure they are only loyal to shield)

*You know how Red Skull kinda just looks like a red version of a terminator?

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