"I'm bored! Isn't there anything new." A young man said out loud in front of a computer screen. The young man name is Jun, a teen who just graduated from high school.

He has short dark brown hair and brown eyes with a plain face that makes him look like a background character. Even his height is 5'9, the average height in the United States. He has a toned body due to working out when he was still in school because people were making fun of how 'average' he looked. But due to staying inside all day after high school, the muscle starts to disappear and fats start to replace it.

Without a goal, Jun stay home all day wasting away the money that he inherited from his deceased parents. They die in a car crash on the way to his high school graduation. He didn't even get time to celebrate his graduation before his older sister calls him and told him what happened. It shocks him greatly that the two people who he relies on the most have passed away.

The days following that, due to the loss of his parents, he stays locked up in his house. Without his parents around, there was no one to try and cheer him up or get him out of the house. Most of his friends didn't know what happened and his sister have to take care of her newborn baby so he was left alone.

He looks for entertainment or at least something to distract him from what happened on the internet. After getting bored of playing games, he went on to watch anime. When anime got boring due to all the fillers and drawn out fights/drama, he took to reading manga instead.

After he got tired of manga, he discovered light novels, more specifically the fantasy and reincarnation genre. He likes the idea of getting a second chance after death and living in a world where anything is possible.

Now that he finished reading everything that interested him, he got nothing else to do. Animes are mostly just remade of manga that he read already. The interesting novels are either still updating or he finished reading them already. Even most of the new games feels like nothing more than pathetic attempts of a cash grab than actual games.

'I guess I should go out to get something to eat. I'm running out of food in the house.' Jun thought as he gets up but before he can leave, he hears a ding and saw a new notification on the website of the latest novel he finished. The novel being Tales of Demons and Gods.

The quality is not as good as when Wuxiaworld did it but it was still readable. After finishing the last chapter, a notification pops up. A link to a survey for those who are interested.

'Might as well do the survey, I have nothing better to do anyway." Jun thought as he sits back down.

Opening the link send Jun to a website called A New Start. After reading the first few questions, the survey feels like the start of a crappy self-insert to Jun. Nevertheless, he went and answer the questions.

[First Question: If you can go to the world of TDG how do you want to get there?]

'Be reborn and awaken memory at the age of 3. That way I don't have to live through being a baby and will know the basic/common sense of the world.' Jun thought as he writes down the answer.

[Second Question: When do you want to arrive?]

'14 years before cannon. That way I'll be at least one year older than the main cast or four if I awaken my memory 14 years before the start.'

[Third Question: Where do you want to arrive?]

'Glory City obviously. That place has so many treasures just waiting to be taken.'

'The second obviously. Let Nie Li do all the work while I go around having fun hehe… Well, it doesn't matter, it's not like I'm just gonna be teleport to a fictional world or something.'

[Fifth Question: You get 3 wishes, what will they be?]

'Three wish huh? Now it seems even more like the start of a crappy self-insert… oh well.

My first wish is to have The Library of Heaven's Path that doesn't just record flaws but also information similar 'Observe' from the Gamer. It's one of the best cheats you can have in a cultivation world.

The second wish is, have every book, manual, techniques, inscription, alchemy, etc that is related to cultivation be recorded and put in the Library. With all those, I think I can create just about anything using the Library… what will I do for the third wish?

Oh I know, my third wish is my own world similar to the Myriad Miles Rivers and Mountains Painting that can grow more powerful with me.' Jun thought as he writes it down. 'Now then, on to the next question.'

[Last Question: If you get the chance to leave Earth behind for TDG, would you?] The last question appears with a yes and no buŧŧon.

'Leave Earth? It seems even more like a self… I made that joke already… God! I'm bored.

The answer is YES! I have nothing to tie me to Earth anyway… besides my sister but she's already happily married.'


Elsewhere, Rai can be seen sitting in front of a screen with Zero.

"I thought you don't want people to become OP without putting work into it?" Zero

"I don't." Rai

"Then why did you grant his second wish? That along with the first one can easily lead him on the path to becoming another ROB in a few hundred years." Zero

"I don't really like the world of TDG, especially that Sage Emperor so I was hoping he can kick that guy's ȧss for me." Rai

Zero blink… "That's it?"

"Yeah. What else can it be." Rai

"So you're saying that you made a random guy OP because you want him to beat up the Sage Emperor?" Zero.

"Yes." Rai

"Can't you just go there and do it yourself? It's not like the Sage Emperor can do anything to you." Zero

"Why do it myself when I can get someone else to do it and get some entertainment along the way." Rai said with a smile.

"Sigh, nevermind." Zero

"Oh look, Jun is about to wake up." Rai said looking at the screen.

(A/N: In case you don't know who Rai and Zero are, they are a couple of ROBs that have recently taken an interest in sending people to other worlds. Rai is the MC of my first fanfic that I drop and Zero is the ROB that sent him to another world. You don't really have to remember them, they are not super important, they are just plot devices.)

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