Reborn In Tales Of Demons And Gods

Chapter 2 - A Meeting with Rai

[A/N: I forgot to say that this character is going to be stupidly overpowered even compare to my other character so if you don't like OP MC, don't read. He won't be able to do everything, but he will be a lot more powerful than the people around him.]

Jun wake up with a minor headache.

"Arg, what happened? Did I drink too last night or something." Jun. After gathering himself Jun look around…

"This is not my room. What's going on?" Jun said panicking a little. He was going to check around to find out where he is but the headache suddenly got worse making him fall back onto the bed.

"ARG!!" Jun scream as he was holding his head. The door to the room slam open and a lady with dark green hair rush into the room. Jun can bȧrėly make out the figure of the lady due to the pain.

She arrives next to Jun's bedside, after checking and failing to find anything wrong with Jun. The lady hand glow pale blue which surprise Jun. After the blue hand touches his head, he can feel the pain lessen.

With some clarity, Jun can make out some of the features of the green hair lady. She is a 60 years old woman that looks like she can be a celebrity when she was younger. He also notices that she have green eyes like her hair.

As Jun was looking at her, the green hair lady asks "What happened Jun?"

"I-I don't know. What's happening to me, Matron?" Jun can hear himself say sounding scare. 'Matron?' Jun thought 'How do I know that.' Before he can think further, the pain got more intense. "ARGH!!!" Jun let out another groan before passing out on the bed.

Jun opened his eyes again, he can see that he is really not in a room anymore. Instead, he is in a white space that seems to extend on forever. Looking around, Jun spot a silver-haired man standing in front of him.

"W-Who are you? Am I d-dead?" Jun asks as he can't come up with any other explanation to what is currently going on.

"You can call me ROB." The silver hair man answer. "And no, you're not dead."

"ROB? As in Random Omnipotent Being?" Jun asks stun.

"Haha, yup," Rai said with a friendly laugh

Jun relax a little as it doesn't seem like Rai will hurt him. He looks around and still can't find anything. "If I'm not dead, then why am I here?" Jun

"You are here because you agree. I'm just here to check, make sure everything goes smoothly and explain a few things to you." Rai

"Agree? To what?" Jun asks as he doesn't remember ever meeting Rai much less make a dead with him.

"Think back to what you did yesterday." Rai

"Yesterday? The Matron took us around the City to learn about the Fighters and Demon Spiritualist that protect us from the demon beast…" Jun pause for a second. "Wait not that's not right. Yesterday I should be at my house finishing a light novel that was just completed. Then I answer a survey… That was Glory City and you were the one that posts the survey weren't you?" Jun

"Hahaha. Yes and yes." Rai

"REALLY!?" Jun asks excitedly about the opportunity of being able to live in one of his favorite worlds. "Wait, things like this usually comes with a catch. No one just sends someone to another world for fun."

"I'm a ROB," Rai said as if it answers everything

"Oh right... You're probably bored right?" Jun

"You guess it, but there is a catch though." Rai

"I knew it!" Jun

"Haha don't worry, it's nothing major. I want you to go and beat up the sage emperor for me." Rai

"NOTHING MAJOR!! That's asking me to throw my life away!" Jun

"Don't worry about that. Don't you remember the wishes you made?" Rai

"Oh right. I can probably do it with the help of the Library. Hahaha just thinking about using a golden page to smash him around seems like fun." Jun said smiling like an idiot thinking of the scene.

"Ah, you won't be able to do that." Rai

"What? Why not?" Jun

"I made some changes to the Library and took out the golden page." Rai

"..." Jun

"..." Rai

"What?" Rai ask seeing as Jun is just staring at him.

"You mean to tell me that you took out one of the most powerful things about the Library?" Jun

"Yes" Rai

"Then how will I deal with a super strong guy like the Sage-Emperor or absorb the knowledge in the Library?" Jun

"You can always train, you have all the information you need in the Library after all. Besides, your head will probably explode if you try to take in all the information in the Library right now." Rai

Jun pale thinking about that. "R-Right, I forgot about how many books I will have with the second wish… Anything else I should know?"

"Yes but they are just minor things like your name is now Long Jun, you live in Glory City, you are an orphan but you should know all that after you go over your memory." Rai

"Awesome" Jun

"Oh, almost forgot." Rai reaches into his pocket and pull out a ball of light. He hands it to Jun.

"What is… WA " Jun was going to ask but got surprised as the ball of light suddenly flash and flew straight into his ċhėst. "WHAT WAS THAT!?"

"That was your third wish." Rai

"Third wish? You mean my own world? How does that work?" Jun

"You can think of it as a world seed. In it contained everything needed to create a world. It just needs a catalyst. The catalyst being you." Rai

"Me?" Jun

"Yes. I tailor it so that when you reach Legend realm, it'll split open creating a new world that only you can access it. There won't be anything in the world though, there will only be a plain, sky and spiritual energy that is use to train or saturate an artifact to make it stronger." Rai

"Can I move plants, animals or people into it?" Jun

"You can but for them to survive, you need to learn and understand how the laws work. For example, if you comprehend the law of water, water will appear in your world. To allow a life besides yourself to stay in it, you'll need to comprehend the laws of Fire, Water, Wood, and Earth for plant life and the laws of Life and Death for people and animals." Rai

"That seems like it'll be hard." Jun

"Don't worry, you have the help of the Library. Whatever cultivation technique you use or make, I believe you'll at least be able to comprehend a law. You can use it as a reference to comprehend other laws." Rai

"Alright." Jun

"Is there anything else you'd like to know?" Rai

"No… oh right., how do I get out of here?" Jun

"Simple, I snap my fingers and you wake up." Rai brought his hand up ready to snap his fingers. "Oh yes, be careful. If you die, that's it. No redo." Rai snaps his fingers.

"Wha.." was all Jun can say before he disappears from the white space.

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