Reborn In Tales Of Demons And Gods

Chapter 10 - More Time Skip

(A/N: From now on the original body will be called Long Jun, True Body 1 will be called Long Jian, and True Body 2 will be called True Body.)

(Jun's POV)

It has been two years since I been in Glory City and a year since I move in with my 'Master.' I can say that this last year been a productive year. Ye Zong wasn't able to find out who poisoned his wife. In the end, they just blamed it on the Dark Guild. I didn't tell them who did it because I wasn't supposed to know.

A day after I become Jian's 'student,' Ye Zong found us a house near their own. Though I say near, it's still a 15-20 minute walk for normal people. It's at the place where rich people live so it has a big open backyard, useful for when I want to train.

The house is big too so Ye Zong hires some maids and butlers to keep the house clean and attend to our needs. They are led by Chu, the maid that I met in the City Lord palace. Of course, Ye Zong paid for everything. I didn't turn it down as I don't have any money with me at the time.

I easily solve the money problem by releasing some pills that are 10%-15% better than the one the Alchemy Association has. I didn't introduce anything new yet as my plan for the future center around throwing all the problems to Nie Li while I have fun.

After I release the pills, I went to the Alchemy Association. Become a Master Alchemist there and make a deal with them so I don't have to go through the problem of selling the pills on my own.

On another note, I met a few of the 'characters.' I met Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er on the day I stay at Ye Zong's place. Xiao Ning'er came over to play and after learning that I'm Long Jian's 'student' Ye Zong has me 'play' with them while he talks to Long Jian.

After playing with them for a bit, I can say that they are nothing like their grown-up self. Ye Ziyun is shy, hiding behind Xiao Ning'er when we were introduced and Xiao Ning'er can be considered a tomboy.

When we are playing around, I somehow became the leader of our little group and they end up calling me big brother. It feels weird being called big brother when for 17 years of my life I been a little brother… it's not a bad feeling so I just let them do so.

After moving into the new house, Ye Zong uses the excuse of letting the younger generation get to know each other to get me to play with Ye Ziyun but without Xiao Ning'er there, Ye Ziyun is too shy to be around someone she doesn't know.

In the end, every time Ye Zong wants me to play with Ye Ziyun, he has to bring Xiao Ning'er along. I got to know both of them quite well. Though sometimes I feel that Ye Ziyun doesn't like me much.

The other families also caught wind of my 'master' and try to get close to him using me. Shen Hong brought his son Shen Yue using the same excuse as Ye Zong. Seeing that Shen Yue is only three years old. I try to use this chance to see if I can change him but after Shen Hong stops coming after he found out that I(Jian) cure Li Xiulan and is having too much influence on Shen Yue instead of it being the other way around.

As for other families, I got along well with Chen Linjian. He seems more mȧturė for people his age and he is one year older than me. He tries to get me to call him big brother and have me follow him but quickly give up after I trick him a couple of times. Other than that we can be considered friends.

After knowing Chen Linjian for a while, he introduced me to Huyan Lanruo. She is still young so she doesn't have the seductress act she did when she's older. Seeing that they are quite close to each other, I decided to see if I can get them together. It's totally not because I thought it'll be fun to mess with them.

I start out with having them playing house as a married couple. Then after they got bored of that, I have Chen Linjian play hero with Huyan Lanruo being the princess and me being the big bad demon beast. In the future, I'm going to make fun of them being childhood sweetheart to make them more aware of each other. Hehehe, it's going to be fun… I mean I'm going to be their cupid in love.

I also make sure to create some connection with the Hong Yue family. They do not have any kid my age so I have my 'master' do business with them. I want to find out when they get the Nightmare Demon Pot and buy it from them before they auction it.

As for the rest of the more important 'characters' are either Aristocrat families or commoners so I didn't have the chance to meet them living in a noble area… besides the guy that'll become Ye Han after Ye Zong adopted him. I met him when I was in the orphanage.

After I got good enough with inscriptions, I made an inscription that'll show a yellow soul realm when it's measure. I don't like what Ye Han'll become after being treated as a genius so I put the inscription on him. I wonder how he'll grow now that everyone won't be calling him a genius anymore.

Aside from that, I donate some money to the orphanage. Even if I don't have anyone I'm close to there, they did help me so I hope the money will help make their living conditions a little better. Hopefully, it'll reduce the Matron's workload a little too.

On the training side of thing, since I have three bodies and I can control them to do different things, I manage to master weapons, unarmed combat, and inscriptions all in one year. Since I always have Long Jian in disguise, I also reach advance in the disguise technique without studying it much.

After mastering unarmed combat, I have my True Body try to comprehend more Laws until hopefully, I can bring plants and animals into my world. So far I manage to comprehend the Laws of Yang and Yin using the Law of Primordial Chaos. With Yang and Yin, I easily start to understand light and darkness. I also have a feeling that soon I'll be able to comprehend life and death.

I have also chosen to name my world Nexus. After mastering Inscription, I took an inscription from the Library and compile so it's flawless, then put it in my world. It'll allow people with a key to the inscription to teleport to my world. I also connect that inscription with one I hid somewhere in St. Ancestral Mountain Range.

Building an inscription without understanding the laws behind it feels like building a computer without know how to program. You'll know how the computer works and how to build it but you don't know the software that makes it work.

Theoretically, if I went to the Draconic Ruins Realm, I can use my world to come back here. That's why I decide to call my world Nexus. I'm going to use it as my base to jump between here and the Draconic Ruins Realm and maybe even other worlds that I find interesting. I just have to put an inscription somewhere in the Draconic Ruins Realm.

While I could try to change the seal on the Little World to fit my needs, I don't have enough resources or energy to do it safely.

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