Reborn In Tales Of Demons And Gods

Chapter 11 - A Trip Outside the City

(Jian POV)

Currently, I'm heading out toward Ancient Orchid City Ruin. I got a map of the surrounding from Ye Zong.

My original body is currently being drag around by Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er. I swear, if I didn't have this body along with the one in the Nexus, I'll never be able to get anything done. Still, I'm happy to accompany them. It's not healthy to just train all the time.

My goal for going to Ancient Orchis City Ruin is the Shadow Devil lamp. That guy's ability is just too useful to pass up. As for the other treasure there… I'll take anything that catches my attention. I don't need anything else as I can easily earn money with a basic pill/elixir or inscription.

If I remember correctly, there should be some Giant Blue Armed Ape here. Hmm… as powerful as I am, I don't have any fighting experience. I should lower my power to the same… to a realm below them than use them to get some experience. Once It becomes a big group battle, I can raise my power to the same level as them.

As soon as I enter the City Ruin, I start to get surrounded by apes. Unlike with Nie Li's group, there is only me here so they'll start attacking as soon as two or three apes come together. They are about bronze rank 5 to silver rank 1 so I limit myself to bronze rank 1.

Summoning a pair of swords, one of my favorite weapons besides the bo staff, I turn to face the apes.

"Come and get me you damn dirty apes!" I taunt the pair of apes that already arrived. Even if they don't understand what I said, they probably got what I mean. As if to prove me correct, one of the ape charge at me angrily.

"Ow, that hurts. I shouldn't have done that." Who would've thought, an ape is physically stronger than me…

"F*** that's what I forgot. I haven't looked to see if there are any physical cultivation techniques yet. Note to self, look to see if there is a physical cultivation technique after this… or I can just get my other True Body to. SH*T!!"

I quickly roll to the side. I look back at where I was standing and see a big hole there. Next to it is the Giant Ape that attacks me.

"Couldn't you have let me finish talking to myself before you attack!" I yell at the ape. It can definitely tell what I'm saying if the smirk on its face is anything to go by.

"I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face!" I yelled. This time I didn't wait for the ape and attack first. I send a horizontal slash at the ape with half my speed. I'm trying to find out what the limit of the ape is with my current power.

The ape easily dodges my sword making a bigger smirk right before seeing another sword come down on its head. The ape was able to move fast enough to avoid a fatal hit but my sword still left a big scar down its face leaving it to stun.

"Ha! Smirk at that!" I laugh at the ape as I jump back.

"ROARR!!!" realization finally catches up with the ape as it gives a loud angry roar. Soon after its roar, dozen of apes appear surrounding me.

"Crap, this just got a lot harder." I cautiously look around to see if any of them will sneak attack me. As my gaze settle back on the ape that I cut, it gives another loud roar before charging to attack me.

Not wanting to get caught in an encirclement, I also charge at the ape and meet it halfway. Dodging one of its punch, I use my full power to cut its side leaving a big cut behind. It didn't seem to hinder the ape much so I keep my momentum and slide behind the ape, I try to stab it in the back of the head but another ape already reaches me.

Giving up trying to kill the first one, I move my other sword to deflect the ape's blow. After successfully doing so, I borrow the power of its punch to make my way toward another ape. Flying at a speed greater than what I'm currently capable of in this state, I fly past the ape slicing off its head in the process.

Seeing one of their member die, the apes' eyes turn red as they angrily charge at me again. Looking around, I find even more ape around me than before.

"LET'S DO THIS." Raising my power to Bronze rank 2, I charge at the ape again.

With that little boost, I manage to gain an edge against the apes, killing one every couple of slashes. Soon bodies start piling up around me making a small hill of bodies that the apes have to climb to reach me.

By now I got somewhat used to fighting all the apes. I already lower my power back to bronze rank 1 and yet I was still able to kill an ape with one or two blows. As I cut down my 100th ape, I counted, a roar more powerful than any I heard so far makes its appearance. All the apes that were attacking me back off.

"A-haa-bout time you show up. I was -haa- getting tired of killing all your -haa- buddies." I taunt the ape while trying to catch my breath. While I still have more than enough energy to spare, I haven't done anything this physically intensive in a long time. It doesn't help considering the fact that my body is still five years old.

"ROAR!" the ape roar at me again.

"Yeah, yeah. I know you are stronger than an average ape." I said as I raise my power to bronze rank 5. I brought my two swords together and they shift into a bo staff. "Let's dance."

"HO HO HO!" The ape calls out beating on its ċhėst. The surrounding apes also copy their leader.

"Great. Another group fight. Well, even I wouldn't want to fight a guy alone after seeing him easily kill off 100 people." I didn't wait for them to finish whatever it is they are doing before attacking the boss. As soon as I did, all the other apes charge in to attack me.

As I attack with the bo staff, the boss ape tries to grab it with its hand. It probably thinks that since there is no blade, it will be able to easily grab it. Too bad for the ape, when the bo staff almost reaches its hand, the bo staff curve right over the hand hitting the ape in the head.

The attack didn't have much power in it as I was focusing on controlling it rather than using a power strike. Still, it manages to daze the ape. Following the attack, I use the force of the hit to bounce my staff back sending the other end even quicker and more powerful toward its head.

Unfortunately for me, the ape is still conscious enough to use its arm to block the staff. Unfortunately for it, I'm using my full power this time. When the hit connects, I can hear the bone on the ape's arm crack. Though it's not enough to break it.

I didn't have enough time for another follow-up attack as the other apes are already here. Jumping with a backflip, I slam my bo staff on the head of a random ape killing it before doing another flip and landing in the middle of the group.

I quickly disable the group, either with a smack to the head or breaking some arms and leg bones. With my strength at bronze rank 5, the regular apes are not even able to touch me.

"I been playing around long enough, I guess it's time to end this." I release my bo staff, it turns into hundreds of small needles. Raising my strength to silver rank, I send the needles into the head of every apes that are still standing including the boss.

A second later all the apes near me fall down dead. As for the rest, they run away after seeing their boss die too.

"Phew, if I have been at bronze rank 5 for real or even silver rank 1, I'll definitely be close to death right now. I guess knowing how to do something can't beat actual experience after all."

Looking around, I see hundreds of dead apes. "What am I supposed to do with these, wait… Crap! Didn't Nie Li use this ape to distract the Dark Guild members, how is he going to distract them now that the ape is killed?"

"Sigh, now I'm just making more work for myself. I guess I'll join up with their squad to make sure nothing bad happened. Can't have one of my few friends and leader of the group get into trouble because of me." I said collecting the dead apes into the Nexus. "Onward to the Shadow Devil's lamp."

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